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So this was Kevin's surprise?

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Now watch' date=' the Secret Rares for that set are Vanillas with 500ATK / 3000DEF



and are level 3 tuners =D

and are all named Destiny Hero - Lightsworn Blackwing.

and are zombie types. and are DARK.

Get rid of their Vanillaness and give them effect that says:

"This card's Attribute is also treated as LIGHT. This card's Type is also treated as Machine. This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard."

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Now watch' date=' the Secret Rares for that set are Vanillas with 500ATK / 3000DEF



and are level 3 tuners =D

and are all named Destiny Hero - Lightsworn Blackwing.

and are zombie types. and are DARK.

Get rid of their Vanillaness and give them effect that says:

"This card's Attribute is also treated as LIGHT. This card's Type is also treated as Machine. This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard."

But then it wont be special :<


.....And if anything, "Destiny Hero - Gladiator Beast Blackwing Lightsworn" would be a WIND-Attribute.

Konwmi Konami, they would do that.


1:23 odds are SO much better then 1:24.

I <3 this topic

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i thought the surprise was that kevin got aids from kiaba.


meh' date=' all it means i where going to be pulling tcg exclusizes more, so now if they make a bad exclusive we are more likely pull it







Hopefully, they aren't stupid, and give us Sin Stardust Dragon Secret Rare, because that would look hawt.

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Now watch' date=' the Secret Rares for that set are Vanillas with 500ATK / 3000DEF



and are level 3 tuners =D

and are all named Destiny Hero - Lightsworn Blackwing.

and are zombie types. and are DARK.

Get rid of their Vanillaness and give them effect that says:

"This card's Attribute is also treated as LIGHT. This card's Type is also treated as Machine. This card is treated as a Normal Monster while in your Hand, Deck, or Graveyard."

But then it wont be special :<


.....And if anything, "Toon Earthbound Immortal Gravekeeper's BatterymanDestiny Hero - Gladiator Beast Ally of Justice-Genex Flamvell Blackwing Frog Naturia Lightsworn from the Mist Valley of the Ice Boundary" would be a Divine-Attribute.

Konwmi Konami, they would do that.


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You killed the joke big time =/


They only named the decks that were topping genius. Get it now?


Sarcasm is funny' date=' don't you aggree?


Only if you do it right. If your "list a bunch of archtypes" things was sarcasm then you weren't.


This is how it should be done

1:23 odds are SO much better then 1:24.

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