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Standing Up To The Meta

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Hey people,


I want to know what decks can stand up to the meta decks but aren't meta decks themself (so basicly the Tier 1,5 or 2 decks).


And also seeing as Gravekeepers and Gemini's got some support. I was wondering if it's possible for Gemini's who (acording to me) got a lot of cards now that make pluses and GK with there anti-meta field spell to be included to Tier 1,5 or 2.


Edit: About the Gemini's i'm not talking about the plant build but more of a warrior build.

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Crystal Beasts and Ojamas. They have very high consistantcy against all decks I've used them against. Including Twilight' date=' Zombies, BWs, LS, etc; etc;[/quote']


I'm scaptical about that :/


Fortune laides can qualify i guess if they run Future Visions? And Koaki Meiru are designed to be anti-meta.


Oke that could work i guess.


Dimensional Eatos.


Don't like that deck.


Gadgets' date=' Chaos and Glads (anti-meta build). Eatos is also good. Disaster Dragon is very fun, but imo not as competitive as the others that I listed.


I am not counting Ab0, because it will be treated as tier 1 when it gets 3+ tops at Nashville (lol).

And stop with the Crystal Beast / Ojama bullshit.



I'm currently running the anti-meta glads build and already played gadgets. I'm looking for something new :).






What about the BEWD Hopeless? I thought that was a tier 2?

Gemini's are getting some nice support' date=' same with Koa'ki Meiru (Urknight ftw), and a good build of both could probably stand a chance vs. meta



Oke so a warrior Gemini deck could stop LS / Twilight / Zombie / Diva DAD / BW ?????

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Well' date=' it stands a chance,but I doubt it would win most of the time, then again, most tier 2 decks are that way. Koa'ki Meiru will be getting Urknight and will get much needed consistency.



Yeah but i don't mind that i'm just looking for a deck for casual play and local tournaments where i WILL beat the n00bz but still have a change to beat the proz ;)


Dimensional Eatos is probably the best Anti-Meta deck out there. Maybe second to gadgets.


Well the thing is that i don't really like anti-meta decks except for GK ^^.


Edit: So i actually want to hear your oppinions about Warrior Gemini, GK and now also Fortune ladys.

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What about the BEWD Hopeless? I thought that was a tier 2?


What exactly is the deck list for this? I've heard a lot of about how BEWD is making a come back in decks lately.


Anyways, as for decks that can stand up to the meta. Your looking at any tier 1.5-2 decks for consistent performances. There was a thread about Tier 2 decks a while back but some of the deck types aren't all that accurate.


Ton of tier 2 decks lately but one of my personal favorites are Sabersworn which is a mix of X-Sabers and Lightsworns. Essentially, you use Lightsworns to mill X-Sabers then use X-Saber support cards to revive them for quick swarms into game. They have good speed and hand control if they can get the momentum early on. With a good hand you can cause your opponent to lose their entire hand in a turn due to the Faultroll loop. After clearing your opponent's hand you can lock him out with Brionac and Airbellum alone. Biggest issue to this deck is its reliance on being faster then your opponent.


Anti-meta decks can obviously stand up to meta and be superior to it in many ways but lack consistent performances in a large tourney setting due to the sheer number of possibilities in deck types. They are meant to combat the meta not necessarily to deal with a random deck. Most of these decks run lots of generic monster removal and lock out special summons through Royal Oppression and Thunder King Rai-oh. Kycoo is often teched in those decks to stop graveyard manipulation or graveyard effects.


Gravekeeper's have always been a good anti-meta choice and they've gotten new support lately including a new monster that gets treated as Necrovalley.

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Well' date=' it stands a chance,but I doubt it would win most of the time, then again, most tier 2 decks are that way. Koa'ki Meiru will be getting Urknight and will get much needed consistency.



Yeah but i don't mind that i'm just looking for a deck for casual play and local tournaments where i WILL beat the n00bz but still have a change to beat the proz ;)


I've seen some fantastic Gemini builds and I think they stand a chance vs. meta and I know they will "munch all noobs"

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