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[DISC] The Boss Monsters

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Guest setojim

I see what u did thar!! IDK They really suck. Itd be nice if you didnt have to wait til the end of the end phase to use boss rush. Then again, that would make a sweet OTK.

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They are a bit lame' date=' except for Tetran. I think he is just great, kills 1 Spell/Trap per turn for 3 turns.


A much weaker version of Breaker, but as[b'] Breaker is getting banned[/b]...why not?




Not many Decks use him. Those that do aren't a problem.


Why the hell would they ban Breaker now?

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They are a bit lame' date=' except for Tetran. I think he is just great, kills 1 Spell/Trap per turn for 3 turns.


A much weaker version of Breaker, but as[b'] Breaker is getting banned[/b]...why not?




Not many Decks use him. Those that do aren't a problem.


Why the hell would they ban Breaker now?


Was that sarcasm? Walking Typhoon, Allurable, replenishable, beatstick...meh, doesn't matter...

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Guest PikaPerson01

I thought this was another god damn topic by Dizek...


On-topic: The Gradius set just needs like... better support I think... They're ridiculously fun. I remember being super excited at that April Fools prank like... 2 years ago about a BES structure deck.

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I did' date=' am I missing somthing? get 3 counters when SS, can't die by battle, when it attacks or is attacked remove 1 counter at end of the Damage phase, if you can't it's destroyed, and you can also Normal Summon it without a tribute if you control no monsters.



So it only dies after a battle and not right away.

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