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If used nowadays, one would put their Synchros aside, and randomize the Fusions. >___>


Either way, this thing wouldn't be too good against Synchros. You still -1 yourself, and your opponent's Synchros that you get rid of could either:


a) Assist them with PoC and other stuff.

b) Be sent back with PoA and help them draw cards.

c) Be the wrong Synchros, you'd only want to stop specific threats in most cases.

d) Load Vayu.

e) Charge Chimeratech/Eltanin.

f)*insert other stuff I'm too lazy to list here*

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Hm... maybe if a newer version removed from play said monsters?



This + Victoria = Deadly in a Stadust Deck if it is remade to target all Extra Deck monsters.


Think about it. It would make you able to get a free Majestic Star when Victoria is Summoned.


No, it doesn't let you look at the Extra Deck to count the number.

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No' date=' it doesn't let you look at the Extra Deck to count the number.



You have to understand, the user of this trap card has no idea if the opponent has Fusion Monsters in the Extra deck or not, so as long as there are at least 2 cards in your opponent's Extra Deck, then they can activate this card.


If your opponent cannot remove 2 Fusion Monsters from their Extra Deck, then they would have to show the opponent the Extra Deck to prove it, similar to any mandatory effects to search cards from the hand or deck, but are unable to procure the required materials.


Also, in Tag Force 4 (PSP), the game DOES let you look at your opponent's Extra Deck to see that there are no Fusion monsters when using this card.

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Guest PikaPerson01

as it is' date=' Ab 0 will get hurt. other than that, its passable as a card.



Passable? It's a -1 that doesn't stop the threat you're trying to stop (Just prevents it from showing up more then once. You have better chances with Prohibition.) and even then may hit the wrong threat you're trying to eliminate.

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well, most Ab 0 decks wont run other fusions, except perhaps instant fusion variants. at best, you will hit 2 of the 3 Ab 0's. making at least a couple of cards in your opp's deck useless. 2 of 3 miracle fusions.

even then, a random PoC could mess everything up, they remove Zero, and remove PoC from field to annoy you.


ok, its sub-passable. not like its not useable.

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well' date=' most Ab 0 decks wont run other fusions, except perhaps instant fusion variants. at best, you will hit 2 of the 3 Ab 0's. making at least a couple of cards in your opp's deck useless. 2 of 3 miracle fusions.

even then, a random PoC could mess everything up, they remove Zero, and remove PoC from field to annoy you.


ok, its sub-passable. not like its not useable.



You cannot use PoC that way. Absolute Zero's effect activates in the location it was removed to (the graveyard, remove from play or the extra deck). When PoC is removed from the field, it no longer has Absolute Zero's effect, so it cannot activate at the location it was removed to.

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im a gonna check that.




There's no ruling suggesting it can't work. PoC's effect doesnt cease until the End Phase of the turn. any thoughts?


You must've missed this in the wiki:


The effects of "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" or "Phantom of Chaos" are only applied as long as "Phantom of Chaos" or "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" are face-up on the field. When the monster is removed from the field' date=' then it no longer has the copied effects. If a monster like "Neo-Spacian Dark Panther" copies "Sangan" or "D.D. Scout Plane", then you cannot activate the effect of "Sangan" which activates in the Graveyard or the effect of "D.D. Scout Plane" which activates in the place to where cards are removed from play.[6']

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as it is' date=' Ab 0 will get hurt. other than that, its passable as a card.



Passable? It's a -1 that doesn't stop the threat you're trying to stop (Just prevents it from showing up more then once. You have better chances with Prohibition.) and even then may hit the wrong threat you're trying to eliminate.


But with the limited number of fusion played this days...it is not that hard to hit some of them....Mainly if ANY fusion are run nodaway they are not more that 2/3/5 in most cases.....Except of course in Fusion Heavy Based decks like some sort of E-HERO Lol fusion deck..


but other than that Extra Decks run what


1/2 Gyzarus

1 Heraklinos

2/3 AB 0


SOme of them

2/3 FGD


if this card hits it would problaby hurt...

But nodaway it doesn't let to be side material at best.

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