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Super Slick Contest!


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Since GXDuelist doesnt seem to do any work in the shop.....Endi and I are having a contest to decide who will take his place. Here is the objective:


Create A Banner for the shop.

It must be about as big as the one displayed in the shop.

It must have a really good picture of Supreme King Haou and Jaden (Possessed by Haou) on it with a great background.

It must say "Super Slick Evil Shop Of Dreams" on it in really cool letters.



You will become a new owner for our shop! Plus you will get a rep!


Happy Banner Making!


(If this is the wrong place for this, please move it.)

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Ok good luck on everyone

so far this is what I have to say

JK rewrite pretty good

Jak 53 you have to render the images if you want to use a different background but Hey! nice try

university 222 the renders are pretty good but the background doesn't fit with the colors of the renders you need smething that fits

God Gack what's the point of me and omegawave on doing this if we won't hire the one who will win?

Da-clown-of-hell Man that kicks ass it is pretty good the renders rock the background is good and the efects rock. Untill now you are my favourite.


I will be waiting for omegawave to post his thoughts

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