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Who would you bann if you were a Mod?


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I would ban Łεσ™ for write this

in New York. These streets will make you feel brand new, these lights will inspire you, here it for New York, New York, New York!


i dont like America, all americans are b****** (except all who made simpsons, scrubs, south park, 2and a half men, my name is earl, cheers, spin city, married with childrens, knight rider, AVATAR (movie), avatar (the cartoon), YCM, how i met your mother and of course JONAS BROTHERS(F****** BEST BAND IN THE, after soad and iron maiden))

Sweden ruules

Den som säger emot e små rövhål

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I would ban Yugioh42, for he thinks he has more authority than others. Whilst I am a Super Mod in two pretty popular forums, and an Admin of a reviving one. I would also ban any opposer, and when Rag gets back on from her ban I will ban her also. Any returning member from a ban shall be banned, and I shall ban the autobahn for having "ban" in it's text. I would ban the people for the % signs in their sigs, and I would also ban those who listen to music, eat, sleep, drink, or come from any religion. I will ban those with pets, and ban those with lives. I will ban GFXers, I will ban Mods, I will ban the homeless and the people with homes, the ones who have opinions, and the ones who don't. I will ban all who oppose me, and I will ban those who won't. In other words, I will ban everyone.

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