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BattleField Games|Official Thread|Newest Game: Battlefield Bad Company 2|

Rusty Shovel

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Yes, I did it. And yes I know, it's not out yet.


Welcome to the one and only Battlefield game discussion thread.


Mostly I designed this to discuss the newest in the series: BFBC2


For all you who have no clue what I'm talking about.... Click here for BFBC2


So just give me your opinion (well... on the Beta at least), favorite class? Favorite gun? etc.


If you flame the game prepare to be negative repped.



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I am amazed with the sniper rifles now. For once no one can just snipe you with their crosshairs perfectly on your head and get a so called "headshot" in which bullet trajectory drop would greatly affect this at long ranges in which it finally does in Bad Company 2!!!! Snipers, preferably the bolt action sniper they give you to begin with, the M24, are my favorite so far in the beta. At least the magazine sizes are more realistic now also instead of carrying around a 60 round mag SMG which really doesn't exist for SMGs. So anyone whose going to get BC2, watch out when sniping at long ranges, the bullet drop is not extremely significant but you will notice it as for sometimes you will have to aim between 0-1 mil dot higher to hit your target than usual for long range sniping (mainly referring to if you use bolt action sniper rifles I'm unsure of the semi-auto sniper rifles I never really liked using them). I can't for the game to come out I'm definitely getting it!!

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I am amazed with the sniper rifles now. For once no one can just snipe you with their crosshairs perfectly on your head and get a so called "headshot" in which bullet trajectory drop would greatly affect this at long ranges in which it finally does in Bad Company 2!!!! Snipers' date=' preferably the bolt action sniper they give you to begin with, the M24, are my favorite so far in the beta. At least the magazine sizes are more realistic now also instead of carrying around a 60 round mag SMG which really doesn't exist for SMGs. So anyone whose going to get BC2, watch out when sniping at long ranges, the bullet drop is not extremely significant but you will notice it as for sometimes you will have to aim between 0-1 mil dot higher to hit your target than usual for long range sniping (mainly referring to if you use bolt action sniper rifles I'm unsure of the semi-auto sniper rifles I never really liked using them). I can't for the game to come out I'm definitely getting it!!



I noticed and loved that fact. It finally makes sniping realistic, and even then it still isn't that hard to snipe.

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I am amazed with the sniper rifles now. For once no one can just snipe you with their crosshairs perfectly on your head and get a so called "headshot" in which bullet trajectory drop would greatly affect this at long ranges in which it finally does in Bad Company 2!!!! Snipers' date=' preferably the bolt action sniper they give you to begin with, the M24, are my favorite so far in the beta. At least the magazine sizes are more realistic now also instead of carrying around a 60 round mag SMG which really doesn't exist for SMGs. So anyone whose going to get BC2, watch out when sniping at long ranges, the bullet drop is not extremely significant but you will notice it as for sometimes you will have to aim between 0-1 mil dot higher to hit your target than usual for long range sniping (mainly referring to if you use bolt action sniper rifles I'm unsure of the semi-auto sniper rifles I never really liked using them). I can't for the game to come out I'm definitely getting it!!



I noticed and loved that fact. It finally makes sniping realistic, and even then it still isn't that hard to snipe.


Well mainly the reason why is still isn't that hard to snipe is because people tend to still stay perfectly still when sniping thus making it still rather easy to adjust your range for the one shot kill if the first one doesn't hit or if it hits but doesn't kill.

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Here's something I love to do while defending;


1. Spawn as Medic.

2. Wait for some guy to drive on a quad to the sniping building.

3. Kill guy.

4. Get on quad.

5. Drive to tree area in front of bigass mountain.

6. Go up mountain.

7. Take out Defib.

8. Look for Snipers.

9. ???


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