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Most Sucessful Video Game Company?


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I would like to hear your opinon on who is a sucessful Video Game Company. In my opinon I belive that its Bilzzard, they say that over 10,000,000 are playing World of Warcraft every single day. Along with the new expansions almost forcing the players to buy them is just amazing. It was rated the best MMORPG in the world and I truly belive that. Adding in new eye candy to the game makes me applaud to Blizzard. Also there are still Warcraft III: Frozen Throne players around 100,000 or 10,000 per day in my perspective. But that is my opinon, I want to know yours..



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IW ftw?


After their latest failure connecting with the community after releasing the best shooter ever? No.


Sega gets my vote. After being shoved off the market by Microsoft and Sony, they've still kept their business going by joining up with Nintendo and showing that they still have the stuff. Also, Sonic FTW.

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Nintendo is probably the most successful, but Sony is probably still my favorite.


Sega gets my vote. After being shoved off the market by Microsoft and Sony' date=' they've still kept their business going by joining up with Nintendo and showing that they still have the stuff. Also, Sonic FTW.



Sonic is dead.

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Nintendo is probably the most successful' date=' but Sony is probably still my favorite.


Sega gets my vote. After being shoved off the market by Microsoft and Sony, they've still kept their business going by joining up with Nintendo and showing that they still have the stuff. Also, Sonic FTW.


Sonic is dead.


I got bad news.



Mircosoft, using Necromancy, has summoned Sonic from the pits of Hell to get a edge over Sony.

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Blizz. No contest.


13' date='000,000+ people paying 15$ a month.

+$20 every WoW account

+$30 every Burning Crusade

+$40 every Wrath of the Lich King

+$20 every name/race change

+$30 every server change


and soon...

+$40 every Cataclysm.



It disgusts me how you people ignore every other completely epic game Blizz has created. All of which I'd rather play than WoW.







...do I really need to continue?

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according to figures' date=' they are most sucsessfull COMPANY, PERIOD.



Nintendo doesn't have as much cash as Blizzard I pressume.

Blizzard 20+ a month + 10,000,000 Million players = Get this.. 100,000,000. In a year thats about 1,200,000,000 including people just buying the game. WoW was realeased in 2004 and it hit a gold rush in 2006... Thats alot of f*cking money right there.

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Well I'd say DI (Digital Illusions) this is probably going to revitalize theirselves back into being a major competitor against IW (Infinity Ward) when IW brought gamers' hopes down with the dedicated servers for MW2. Their Battlefield series (mainly just focusing on Bad Company 2 here) is probably going to revamp their cash flow and popularity thus bringing them back into being a major direct competitor against IW's Call of Duty series. So in my opinion, DI ftw!

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