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{cmc1234 Self Drawns} Fallen Angles Set: 2


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Colouring isn't the best I have ever seen' date=' but the drawings are way great ;D




Don't use crayon' date=' or press hard with your colored pencils.


Better than your last.



Wow im terrible at coloring. I didnt use crayon. :(




tey suck :(


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First and foremost: If you're going to color them, for God sake, get some Prisma colored pencils, some pastels, any sort of actual art supply, please. Your poor coloring offends my eyes.


First drawing: Weak. We have some sort of wing...things. I can't really tell what's going on. Go look up some pictures of real wings and feathers and get back to me.


Second: Much better. Commendable job on the hair. I have no idea what her weapon is supposed to be. I'm split between a sword without a handle/hilt, a silver dildo, or a spear. If it's a spear, it really sucks. The pose is profile, and really quite boring to look at. Look up some "dynamic" poses on the internet and try drawing them. And look up a spear reference while your at it.


Third: Conceptually, much more interesting than the first two. Work on the arms and hands, as they seem to be the parts you have the most difficulty with. I would also suggest drawing eyebrows as single lines, because those look huge on her already tiny face (which speaking of, it could really be just a shade bigger to fit her body).


Fourth: Nicely done with the armor, and you have a bit more of a dynamic pose here. Probably the best one of the lot. Widen the waist out more, it looks like he's being sucked into that skirt thing.


You're beginning to grasp the basic concept of the human figure, although I'd still tell you to reference more work (you can never reference enough when drawing). Keep practicing, and buy a better set of coloring utensils.

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