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Volcano Glalie | A Fire Retype


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I wasn't able to find anything about theft with this. Not to say there isn't any, I will admit that I was suspicious myself. For someone who only wanted to do recolors, this jump in skill is suspicious. As I said, I have nothing at this time, and it's not like re-types are the most advanced form of spriting around.


Metalflygon again beats me to the punch. The lava should be giving off light, and it would be cool to see some dripping off.


Another issue I have is the bordering on the lava. The way you did it, it mostly looks like the lava is in gooey patches sitting on top of the rock skin, versus it being inside the holes. You can fix this by changing some of the borders to the rock border colors. It would also benefit to add depth. Take a look at the eyes and the hole between them. You can tell that those areas dent in due to the various way it shows that. The parts on the inside lack a border, and are instead surrounded by the border of the rest.

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I wasn't able to find anything about theft with this. Don't worry' date=' I didn't steal it. xD[/b']

Not to say there isn't any, I will admit that I was suspicious myself. For someone who only wanted to do recolors, this jump in skill is suspicious. I could only be bothered doing recolours. I've been spriting for over a year, mainly splices. Then heaps of recolours, now I'm trying Re-Typing.

As I said, I have nothing at this time, and it's not like re-types are the most advanced form of spriting around. This is actually only my third retype. I can tell it's not the most advanced form of spriting.


Metalflygon again beats me to the punch. The lava should be giving off light, and it would be cool to see some dripping off. I'll add dripping off. xD And I see what you mean by the lava should be giving off light. I might make a new one soon.


Another issue I have is the bordering on the lava. The way you did it, it mostly looks like the lava is in gooey patches sitting on top of the rock skin, versus it being inside the holes. It's supposed to have an 'overflowing' effect.

You can fix this by changing some of the borders to the rock border colors. It would also benefit to add depth. Take a look at the eyes and the hole between them. You can tell that those areas dent in due to the various way it shows that. The parts on the inside lack a border, and are instead surrounded by the border of the rest. I don't quite get what you're saying here.


As I said, I didn't steal.

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Ok, knowing it's suppose to be overflowing, I still think it looks too much like a gelatin sitting on top. Sort of almost like it's a bubble or blob sitting on it, which doesn't make sense for the liquid that lava is.


As for my attempt at describing the hole thing, I don't know what else I can say. Also knowing it's suppose to be overflowing, my point is sort of moot too. My point though was to make it look like the lava was in holes, versus blobs sitting on top of the rock.

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