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Princess of Tsurugi

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I actually made a trap deck, but it's all normal and counter traps (mostly normal) with a support monsters. so it's just a deck that counters stuff your opponent tries to throw at it. it's only win condition is with a stardust dragon (summoned by starlight road) burn damage, or your opponent decks out...


so all in all, probably pretty bad. I'll post it in the deck section if you want..

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doesnt have to be like that at all.

you might run mask of darknesses as supports, but you can roll with trap monsters, skilldrain and oppression, sim and lim maybe, and magic planter is your big play.

you could do some burn with deserts and secret barrel and such. cease fire perhaps.

needle ceiling will also do wonders here. funking sexy card.

maybe if you do counter traps you can run artemis too.


your big win will probably be uria though. fuckit, i'm inspired, i'll build it!

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