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New archfiends


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I like archfiends, so i made a few. Tried to keep em balanced.

[spoiler=Effect Monsters]


Darkknight Archfiend (made to replace Archfiend Soldier)

4star/Fiend/Earth/Atk 1900/Def 1500

The controller of this card pays 500 life points during each of his standby phases (This is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as the target of an effect of a card your opponent controls, roll a 6 sided die. If the result is 2 or 5, negate the activation and destroy the opponent's card.


Archfiend Summoner

2star/Fiend/Fire/Atk 500/Def 300

The controller of this card pays 300 life points during each of his standby phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of an effect controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll the 6 sided die. If the result is 3, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. You may tribute this card from your hand to your graveyard to take one monster card with "archfiend" in its name from your deck to your hand. Then shuffle your deck.


Ultimate Arhcfiend

10star/Fiend/Dark/Atk 3300/Def 2800

The controller of this card pays 2000 Life Points during each of their standby phases (this is not optional). When this card is specifically designated as a target of the effect of a card controlled by your opponent, when resolving the effect, roll a 6 sided die. If the result is 1, 2, 5, or 6, negate the effect and destroy the opponent's card. When this card is destroyed and sent to the graveyard as a result of battle or an opponent's card effect, remove it from play. If pandamonium is on your side of the field, when this happens. destroy and remove from play all cards on the field.




[spoiler=Fusion Monsters]


Archfiend Master

12star/Fiend/Fusion/Effect/Atk 4000/Def 4000

Terrorking Archfiend + Imprisoned Queen Archfiend + Skull Archfiend of Lightning

To summon this card, tribute the above fusion material monsters from your side of the field. You do not need "Polymerization". When this card is face up on your side of the field and "Pandamonium" is not, destroy this card. When this card is face up on your side of the field, your "Pandamonium" cannot be destroyed, and new field spells cannot be played. When this card is designated as the target of an opponent's effect, roll a 6 sided die. if the result is 1, 2, 4, or 6, negate the activation of the card and destroy it. When this card is destroyed, remove it from play. When this card changes battle position, you may change the battle position of all monsters on your opponent's side of the field.


Lesser Archfiend

6star/Fiend/Fire/Atk 2000/Def 2000

Darkbishop Archfiend + Desrook Archfiend + Vilepawn Archfiend

To summon this card, tribute the above fusion material monsters from your side of the field. You do not need "Polymerization". This card's controller pays 1500 life points during each of his standby phases (this is not optional). When an archfiend monster is specifically designated as the target of an effect your opponent controls, roll a 6 sided die. If the result is 1, 3, or 6, negate the activation and destroy the opponent's card. While this card is face up on the field, your opponent cannot select another archfiend monster as an attack target. While this card is face up on the field, any "Terrorking Archfiend" you control cannot be destroyed.



[spoiler=Ritual Archfiend and Ritual Spell]


Summoning of Pandemonium


This card is used to Ritual Summon "Pandamonium Archfiend". You must also offer monster(s) whose total Level Stars equal 8 or more as tribute from your field or your hand.


Pandemonium Archfiend

8star/Fiend/Ritual/Effect/Atk 3000/Def 2500

This card can only be Ritual Summoned with the ritual spell card, "Summoning Of Pandamonium". If this card is on the field and "Pandamonium" Is not, destroy this card. As long as this card if face up on your side of the field, your "Pandamonium" cannot be the target of spells, traps or effects your opponents controls. Whenever this card deals damage to your opponent's life points, put a chaos counter on it. Tribute this card to inflict damage to your opponent's life point's equal to the number of chaos counters X 1000 points.




[spoiler=Magic and Trap Cards]


Archfiend Destruction


Activate only if you have "Pandamonium" on your side of the field. Pay 700 Life Points. All battle damage involving any monster cards with "archfiend" in their name is doubled this turn.


Archfiend Power Channeling


Activate this card only on your standby phase, when you have an Archfiend monster card on your side of the field. Any damage that would be dealt to your life points by an archfiend card's effect this standby phase is also dealt to your opponent.




please give reviews about what you think of the cards themselves. If youve got a problem with the wording or anything, as im sure some of you will, i really dont want to hear about it.



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