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Anti-LIGHT 1 on 1: Frex vs. wero-vasto [Vote now]


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-All YCM rules applies.

-Winner gets 2 Reps from loser.



-1 Monster Card that affects LIGHT monster(s): Negates, destroys, removes, discards, etc.; you can combine effects.

-Non Pop-culture.

-Can be part of official archetypes ("Ally of Justice", "Genex", "Koa'ki Meiru" etc.), as long as it affects LIGHTs.

-No Semi-Nomi or Nomi effects.

-The card text must be readable by the average eye, so avoid long effects.

-First to get 3 votes with good reasons wins.

-Give credit to the creator of the image you use.

-I will post my card after my opponent post theirs. I already posted mine.


End Date: 11 February.



Frex's card:


Cards cannot be destroyed by the effect of LIGHT monsters. When a LIGHT monster is destroyed, this card gains 300 ATK. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card to negate the Summon of 1 LIGHT monster and send it to the Graveyard. You can Tribute this card to send all LIGHT monsters on the field to the Graveyard.


Image created/found by: Jazin Kay



wero-vasto's card:


If your opponent controls at least 1 LIGHT monster, you can Normal Summon this card with 1 Tribute. Once per turn, you can discard 2 DARK monsters from your hand to look in your opponent's hand and send all LIGHT monsters in it to the Graveyard. Afterwards, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the combined ATK of all opponent's monsters sent to the Graveyard that way.


credit of the Img: to Jazin Kay

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Yes. It goes against LIGHTs, after all.


This is your opponent:


Effect: Cards cannot be destroyed by the effect of LIGHT monsters. When a LIGHT monster is destroyed, this card gains 300 ATK. Once per turn, you can discard 1 card to negate the Summon of 1 LIGHT monster and send it to the Graveyard. You can Tribute this card to send all LIGHT monsters on the field to the Graveyard.

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That thing is from "Code Lyoko"?

I didn't know, so that card is not accepted. Sorry, but I will have to disregard your vote, wero.


I guess the challenge is still open, then. Who wants to be my opponent?

JD, you can still be my opponent if you post another card before someone else does it.

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Well, hope you don't take what I do as bad =/


But if you're free I'll challenge you...


[spoiler=Meh Card]






If your opponent controls at least 1 LIGHT monster, you can Normal Summon this card with 1 Tribute. Once per turn, you can discard 2 DARK monsters from your hand to look in your opponent's hand and send all LIGHT monsters in it to the Graveyard. Afterwards, inflict damage to your opponent equal to half the combined ATK of all opponent's monsters sent to the Graveyard that way.


credit of the Img: to Jazin Kay!^^



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  • 2 weeks later...

Well, Frex voted in the STILL ongoing one on one between me and aqua...I shall now return the favor.


Wero. I could be wrong...but would an Ally of justice be destroying LIGHT attributes while being a DARK one? Mildly offsetting. As to your effect, the possible 1 tribute summon is handy, and the hand destruction works in good synergy with DARK decks.


As for Frex, very unusual card. In a good way however. A LIGHT destroyer that is a LIGHT card itself. Must point out that I love the name. Very nice. It's effects are not bad either, except the ATK increase, which is iffy as seeing it can get really big really fast. However, that would all depend on the type of decks being used.


Overall, I'm going to have to say my vote goes to Wero. While Frex's card is great, Wero's runs with greater synergy as seeing it is a DARK attribute as well as being a machine type.


Great cards guys, great cards.

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