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Hi there


I'm confused about the effects of Gemini Monsters. The text says "While this card is face-up on your side of the field, you can Normal Summon it to have it treated as an Effect Monster." How exactly do you summon something that's already on the field? Someone tell me in 1 2 3 steps please.

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Lets say you have 1 Normal Summon to use up during either your Main Phase 1 or 2.


When you Normal Summon a monster, you use up your Normal Summon for that turn.


But if you haven't used up your Normal Summon for that turn, with a Gemini, you can exhaust that Normal Summon to get their effect. You don't pick it up and put it back down or anything like that.


But it is counted as a Normal Summon so your opponent can use cards that activate at that time, or you could use a card like Ultimate Offering to pay 500 LP to get its effect.



Got it?

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