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=Icy= Some Sketches


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Guest JoshIcy

[align=center]Note: The next twit to comment on how it was drawn, rather the ideas (which you're supposed to do with Sketches <_<) is gonna get a hefty warning.


[spoiler=Silent Hill Busts of my own Fears]




Yeah... lol Comments etc?

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Guest JoshIcy

Good' date=' but the edges need softened.



Hand drawn and scanned... -_-"... I dont "clean up" sketches.


I meant eraser.

(I know, I sound like a n00b, I don't visit showcase very often at all.)


Why? It's a sketch >_>" And I wouldn't expect showcase to understand what a sketch really is.


And btw, 5k points to the first person to interpret any of the Silent Hill Fears.

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Guest JoshIcy

not bad' date=' but the right forearm sleeve seems out of proportion.



._. Do I have to do a seminar on what a sketch is? Pay attention to the idea and presentation. Not specifics. Geez.

I know all the "sketch-errors" on it already. Don't need to preach what's already a given.

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Guest JoshIcy

xD no need to freak out ^+^ you posted. I was just stating what I saw. I know it's a sketch.


If I wanted to know what the eyes see, I would have kept it to myself. I want to know what the mind sees.

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Wow, looks kinda crappy. The lines are way to messy, and the actual drawings don't look very mature, if ya know what I mean. I like the second one, but the rest are kinda crappy. Don't get me wrong it's just a sketch, but I was drawing stuff like that in the third grade!

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Guest JoshIcy

Wow' date=' looks kinda crappy. The lines are way to messy, and the actual drawings don't look very mature, if ya know what I mean. I like the second one, but the rest are kinda crappy. Don't get me wrong it's just a sketch, but I was drawing stuff like that in the third grade!



Very quick drawings. Lines are supposed to be messy, I didnt care how smooth I made them it was to get a feel for the ideas. These aren't crappy, your comment is. Aside from the Silent Hill ones they were drawn in under 3min...


So hows about you grow up, and comment on the ideas as I said, or leave.

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Right. Being as YCM cannot seem to handle the simple ideal of a sketch as opposed to a drawing, I'm going to have to treat you all like dumbasses. Not that I need to treat you any different than what you are, amirite?


Good' date=' but the edges need softened.



It's not needed, though at least this one made sense.


Hand drawn and scanned... -_-"... I dont "clean up" sketches.




Why? It's a sketch >_>" And I wouldn't expect showcase to understand what a sketch really is.




._. Do I have to do a seminar on what a sketch is? Pay attention to the idea and presentation. Not specifics. Geez.

I know all the "sketch-errors" on it already. Don't need to preach what's already a given.




Wow' date=' looks kinda crappy. The lines are way to messy, and the actual drawings don't look very mature, if ya know what I mean. I like the second one, but the rest are kinda crappy. Don't get me wrong it's just a sketch, but I was drawing stuff like that in the third grade!



ITT: Flaming people's work, somehow saying lines can be mature and making baseless statements on the internet makes you cool. It's the ideals that matter in a sketch, not the fine-lining ability. I'd love to see you fail BTEC Product Design.


Very quick drawings. Lines are supposed to be messy' date=' I didnt care how smooth I made them it was to get a feel for the ideas. These aren't crappy, your comment is. Aside from the Silent Hill ones they were drawn in under 3min...


So hows about you grow up, and comment on the ideas as I said, or leave.






Right, so how many times do you people have to be told before you get it into your thick heads? Are you so ignorant and stupid as to fail to read what has clearly been said?


And nice, Icy. Not sure why you're sketching what you have made/can make on Blender, but I like them. I've only played 2 Silent Hill's, one on PS1 and the other was the Rollercoaster one, so I wouldn't get the reference.

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The first sketch is good. But to squigily . And is that fire behind him? And where are his hands? idk its a cool looking character. But the ones in the "Silent Hill Busts of my own Fears" spoiler arent that good. But they are sketches. The first one is ok, is that a toung sticking out of his mouth? His teeth wouldn't be sticking over the top like that.Reminds me of a Hil-Billy Alien XD. the second one has verey nice detail and shading but im unsure what exactly it is. I know its a head.

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