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Saber Hole - short print super?

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I've read pull/haul reports from 5 different friends from 4 different shops. Out of a grand total of 1,349 players each opening 5 or more packs, not ONE Saber Hole was reported to have been found.



Am I logical in thinking it may be a short print? That can't be it.

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i think fiendish chain is another short print only one person pulled on here... but thats insane no one pulled one out of 1000+ ppl


I got 15 packs for bieng one fo 2 people to show up because of bad weather, I got Fiendish Chain, pretty nices though.


I also got Battle Fader, Emmersblade, Alchmist of Black Spells, Synchro Control, and Visionary. Oyh yea, and the Shirt+Mat (woot)


My friend Didn't get Saber Hole Either, then the shop owner opened the rest and we all opened up all Supers withough Saber Hold.


oh and only 1 Zwei =/

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Sounds like the ABPF sneak peek was definitely worth going to.....


its wasnt. im glad i didnt partake in it. the pull ratios are retarded... the most expensive card aka battle fader is one of the easiest to pull out of the set.


if the pull-rates were that good then was worth it money -wise. I mean I spent 60$ and got back 120& plus a shirt and a bunch of commons.


plus, even if I didn't get that much back, it would have been fun nonethless.

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I really think that it's just individual products having wacked out ratios. I only got 15 packs and I got a Fiendish Chain and an Emmersblade.


though I think if anyone said that Battle Fader was an easy ultra to get they'd be right' date=' I got one, and the owner got 2 more when he cracked open the rest.



That's all fine and dandy, but WTF is with Saber Hole being so hard to find? It's not like it deserves it - then again, as good as Emmersblade is, he doesn't either.

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I really think that it's just individual products having wacked out ratios. I only got 15 packs and I got a Fiendish Chain and an Emmersblade.


though I think if anyone said that Battle Fader was an easy ultra to get they'd be right' date=' I got one, and the owner got 2 more when he cracked open the rest.



That's all fine and dandy, but WTF is with Saber Hole being so hard to find? It's not like it deserves it - then again, as good as Emmersblade is, he doesn't either.


I agree, I would prefer common Saber Hole.


and Ememrsblade Rare would have been 100% fine.

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@daz, first the better comparison is horn of heaven, which is what my joke, horn of miss the timing, references. second, nothings bad about it. its just difficult and situational to use.


horn and solemn miss the timing all over the place.


they can stop cydra, chaos, dad, gyzarus, judgment, and synchros i think.


but they dont stop:

reborn, zombie master, mezuki, plague, lumina, coth, or anyone who special summons someone else.

horn and solemn miss the timing on all summons that start a chain. they cant hit things like lumina, who's special summoning is the resolution of her effect.


they can essentially only stop people who summon themselves and dont start a chain

a huge list, of course, but still lacking.

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@daz' date=' first the better comparison is horn of heaven, which is what my joke, horn of miss the timing, references. second, nothings bad about it. its just difficult and situational to use.


horn and solemn miss the timing all over the place.


they can stop cydra, chaos, dad, gyzarus, judgment, and synchros i think.


but they dont stop:

reborn, zombie master, mezuki, plague, lumina, coth, or anyone who special summons someone else.

horn and solemn miss the timing on all summons that start a chain. they cant hit things like lumina, who's special summoning is the resolution of her effect.


they can essentially only stop people who summon themselves and dont start a chain

a huge list, of course, but still lacking.



does that statment hold true for the WC games?

and if counter traps miss the timing, why is bottomless semi'ed, how does that not miss the timing?

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In terms of negating Special Summons with Black Horn and Solemn Judgment they can only negate Inherit Special Summons meaning they can only negate a Special Summon that is caused through the cards own effect. A card that has his own Special Summoning conditions like DAD, JD, Cydra, etc... can be negated with those 2 cards as well Mind over Matter, Polinosis, and Saber Hole. What SS they can't negate is a SS that is caused through a card effect like Reborn, Poly, etc... In the case of Solemn Judgment, Mind over Matter, and Polinosis they have to negate the Spell or Trap card that attempts the SS. You can't negate a monster that SS's another monster like Lumina, Zombie Master, Giant Rat, Shining Angel, etc... because it doesn't meet the requirements of those cards not because it misses the timing. Furthermore, it can't negate the SS of Gorz due to the nature of his SS. To quote the rulings of the card.


The effects of "Thunder King Rai-Oh", "Black Horn of Heaven", "Solemn Judgment", and similar cards cannot negate a Special Summon which occurs during the resolution of an effect which activates.


Example: When Battle Damage is inflicted, the effect of "Gorz the Emissary of Darkness" which Special Summons it activates. Thus, you cannot negate this with the effect of "Thunder King Rai-Oh".


The difference with Normal Traps like BTH and why it won't "miss" the timing is because its searching for 1 condition and that's the summon of a 1500+ ATK monster. If Lumina summons Wulf you can BTH Wulf but you can't Solemn the Special Summon of Wulf because as I mentioned before Solemn would only negate an inherit Special Summon of a card and not the Special Summon through a card effect. BTH on the other says:

"Hey, did my opponent summon a 1500+ ATK monster?"

-> Yes, the condition of the card has been met and I can be activated

-> No, the condition hasn't been met so I can't be activated


What makes Sabe Hole such a good card for X-Saber decks is that it hits Normal Summons and inherit Special Summons with no major cost other than having a X-Saber on the field which is pretty easy to fulfill.

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