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The Destiny Organization - More Active Members ?

Alexis Rhodes

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Considering getting a fancy banner with Chaos Dragon in my sig. What d'ya think?


Watched the abridged clip. Was quite amusing, wouldn't watch any more though.


Just watched The Apprentice, which is a show where budding business people try to get a job with Lord Alan Sugar. It was a great season opener. And to make things better, Dara O'Brien (the comic I posted a vid off a few pages back) is hosting the review show! Awesome! :)




You're Fired!!! :lol:

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I'm here.


Shame when people leave, just saw Impact's last card before he goes, says he's ran out of cardmaking steam. I've only been here 2 months and quite a few people I liked have left, such as Striker, Seta, Mecha Pedobear, etc


It's been a lot quieter round here, but then I joined in the summer hols so probably got a warped view.


So what do people think about me getting a banner with Chaos Dragon in it? Just a close up on the top half, my name in the corner, same card background and everything, shouldn't be too difficult for someone to do right.

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Will have a look around.


Will wait for a couple of things involving my points to resolve first though, i.e. contest prizes and stocks.


Working hard on my new set, finished the last couple of cards just need pics. Damn I hate getting pics for 20 card sets, so difficult. Singles cards I get the pic first and base the effect appropriately.


Ps 5D's see you've entered FTW's contest. Look forward to facing you.

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