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The Destiny Organization - More Active Members ?

Alexis Rhodes

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Well post a link to the club or actually post some words to add.




Got this from club random , i havent read them so i'll make a spoiler and add some new words and some of these tomorrow. Bai:)


* growse - definition: When we describe something as 'gross'. Icky and horrible stuff we're speaking of.

* bai - definition: It is how we greet each other! Yush, obai.

* hai - definition: It is how we farewell to each other!

* congratufrickinlations - definition: It is how we congratulate members when they accomplish an objective! Word created by

* tee - definition: It is when an alive type of object goes to the toilet and unload their urine.

* rawrdom - definition: This word is the fusion of rawr and random. Use it as much as you can but don't spam!

* bitter - definition: When we state something is 'better' than the other. Don't worry, you can easily get mixed up with the other.

* better - definition: When something tastes bitter.

* Superdiarrhea! - definition: When someone commits the horror of diarrheas OR when something tastes growse (you know what I mean).

* Superjummy! - definition: When something tastes absolutely delicious.

* Superjimmy! - definition: When Jim-bob transforms into a super hero.

* Rawrdomish - definition: Club Random's official language. Optional to use this or English. NO FRENCH! D:

* awesomebutter - definition: This word must be used to replace 'awesome/awesomesauce'.

* derp - A person who shows extreme stupidity wether the person knows it or not.

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Well post a link to the club or actually post some words to add.




Got this from club random , i havent read them so i'll make a spoiler and add some new words and some of these tomorrow. Bai:)


* growse - definition: When we describe something as 'gross'. Icky and horrible stuff we're speaking of.

* bai - definition: It is how we greet each other! Yush, obai.

* hai - definition: It is how we farewell to each other!

* congratufrickinlations - definition: It is how we congratulate members when they accomplish an objective! Word created by

* tee - definition: It is when an alive type of object goes to the toilet and unload their urine.

* rawrdom - definition: This word is the fusion of rawr and random. Use it as much as you can but don't spam!

* bitter - definition: When we state something is 'better' than the other. Don't worry, you can easily get mixed up with the other.

* better - definition: When something tastes bitter.

* Superdiarrhea! - definition: When someone commits the horror of diarrheas OR when something tastes growse (you know what I mean).

* Superjummy! - definition: When something tastes absolutely delicious.

* Superjimmy! - definition: When Jim-bob transforms into a super hero.

* Rawrdomish - definition: Club Random's official language. Optional to use this or English. NO FRENCH! D:

* awesomebutter - definition: This word must be used to replace 'awesome/awesomesauce'.

* derp - A person who shows extreme stupidity whether the person knows it or not.

Yaez...oh yeah thanks for contributing to the dicitionary guys =D

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I'll add one if everyone can think of words.

Lol, we should add "Loltastic" (my own creation). It has Lyfe's seal of aproval.



Well post a link to the club or actually post some words to add.




Got this from club random , i havent read them so i'll make a spoiler and add some new words and some of these tomorrow. Bai:)


* growse - definition: When we describe something as 'gross'. Icky and horrible stuff we're speaking of.

* bai - definition: It is how we greet each other! Yush, obai.

* hai - definition: It is how we farewell to each other!

* congratufrickinlations - definition: It is how we congratulate members when they accomplish an objective! Word created by

* tee - definition: It is when an alive type of object goes to the toilet and unload their urine.

* rawrdom - definition: This word is the fusion of rawr and random. Use it as much as you can but don't spam!

* Superdiarrhea! - definition: When someone commits the horror of diarrheas OR when something tastes growse (you know what I mean).

* Superjummy! - definition: When something tastes absolutely delicious.

* Superjimmy! - definition: When Jim-bob transforms into a super hero.

* Rawrdomish - definition: Club Random's official language. Optional to use this or English. NO FRENCH! D:

* awesomebutter - definition: This word must be used to replace 'awesome/awesomesauce'.

* derp - A person who shows extreme stupidity wether the person knows it or not.


I removed 2 I didn;t like, the rest are good to go.

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