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The Destiny Organization - More Active Members ?

Alexis Rhodes

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Here it is the storyline including intell on the cards


So it starts like these 2 young brothers entered a conntest to have there own cards made. So the 2 brothers decide on making cards based on there fantasy or games they played and things they liked hence Phantasy in the card name. (so I want the images to look similaiar to games like mario, metroid, zelda and so on.) So once they enetered they waited about 6 monsths and they finnalyy annouced that they one. Since both brotheres worked so hard on the cards they both shared the deck, they used it when each other needed it. They always supported each othe always. So one day they both decide to be pro duelists but since his older brother would probbaly become pro before his younger brother they decided on letting the old brother have it. So one day when the older brother wash rushing to get to a duel thaat could determine he was a pro or not he was hit by a bus. whe people ivestgated he body was no where to be found, there was abousulety trial. The only thing left was his deck. So his youinger brother thought that he may still be alive and promished to find him. Now the younger brother uses the Phantasy heros. So when he finds his brother he has to duel this dude who took him captive who was corrupted by some evil spirit. So during the duel when one of his mosters attacks he implants a corruped seed inside the younger brother heart so after he wins the duel the seed goes stronger. He then looked for his brother but his brother was gone agian, the anger made the seed grow stronger. So each time he grew upset, angry or won a duel the seed grew to the point were it reached the cards which creates Corrupted heroes. Then he finds his brother and he duels someone and aftter he wins his borther is gone once again. Then when the seed grew to its peak the younger brother duled almost everbody he saw and crushed the spirtit along with there duel disk/duel runners/ and cards. The his brother shows up and duels him uing Skybourns monsters. His brother wins and the younger brother disappeaers. He disearpperead to a desolent island where he master the evil and fused his corrupted heroes with his phatasy heroes the create Fantasia Heros. But when he returns to the his home he is overwhelmed with guilt and never duels again. Until he gains his confidence back later on.


Later on I'm going to fix this, this is just a rough draft thats not even close to complete, for some many reason you can figure out but if you can't feel free to ask.

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Fusion monsters and their support cards.


You seen my Sins Deck right. Gonna fuse each sinner with Dante. Baiscially think Neos Deck, there are enough parallels in the cards (ok their a blatant rip off it's my first set :lol: )


Ideally speaking, support spells would have Dante in, traps have fusion monsters in. I'm quite ambitious, in a Top Gear sorta way.

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Here it is the storyline including intell on the cards


So it starts like these 2 young brothers entered a conntest to have there own cards made. So the 2 brothers decide on making cards based on there fantasy or games they played and things they liked hence Phantasy in the card name. (so I want the images to look similaiar to games like mario, metroid, zelda and so on.) So once they enetered they waited about 6 monsths and they finnalyy annouced that they one. Since both brotheres worked so hard on the cards they both shared the deck, they used it when each other needed it. They always supported each othe always. So one day they both decide to be pro duelists but since his older brother would probbaly become pro before his younger brother they decided on letting the old brother have it. So one day when the older brother wash rushing to get to a duel thaat could determine he was a pro or not he was hit by a bus. whe people ivestgated he body was no where to be found, there was abousulety trial. The only thing left was his deck. So his youinger brother thought that he may still be alive and promished to find him. Now the younger brother uses the Phantasy heros. So when he finds his brother he has to duel this dude who took him captive who was corrupted by some evil spirit. So during the duel when one of his mosters attacks he implants a corruped seed inside the younger brother heart so after he wins the duel the seed goes stronger. He then looked for his brother but his brother was gone agian, the anger made the seed grow stronger. So each time he grew upset, angry or won a duel the seed grew to the point were it reached the cards which creates Corrupted heroes. Then he finds his brother and he duels someone and aftter he wins his borther is gone once again. Then when the seed grew to its peak the younger brother duled almost everbody he saw and crushed the spirtit along with there duel disk/duel runners/ and cards. The his brother shows up and duels him uing Skybourns monsters. His brother wins and the younger brother disappeaers. He disearpperead to a desolent island where he master the evil and fused his corrupted heroes with his phatasy heroes the create Fantasia Heros. But when he returns to the his home he is overwhelmed with guilt and never duels again. Until he gains his confidence back later on.


Later on I'm going to fix this, this is just a rough draft thats not even close to complete, for some many reason you can figure out but if you can't feel free to ask.

Even though I said not more than 6 lines, that still does sound good...

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The pics are'nt looking good tbh


Well since the other pics look like fairys lol maybe a warrior


The prospective pics or the current ones? ;)


Yeah I know but they are consistent and they symbolise the allure of sin. The pics have had a hit/miss reception


Oh well I'll see what I can do but like I said probably over-ambitious.

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