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The Destiny Organization - More Active Members ?

Alexis Rhodes

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Well, not only Destiny.


Destiny Clock would be a good archetype name imo. Like Destiny Clock Warrior and Destiny Clock Wizard.

No, it is way to hard to find good clock images.


I have no idea what to do now


All we need to think of is the archtype


So its either turn count or something that changes the duel ?


Like switch monsters or life points or something


Something that changes the duel drasticly

Keep it with by turn count.


Eternity is fien. Let's name them Eternity Warrior etc. and have them all being DARK.


Now we can finally start with them.


EDIT: The shift stuff seems like it won't work really well, to unreliable to work in a duel.


Eternity is already done by the infernities. It just sounds to much as a rup off imo.


Yes, I know.


DARK Warrior-Type monsters with Turn Count based effects, all named Eternity.


Good? Bad?


EDIT: Ninja'd by shelds.


We can start making them now I think...


Not specificly only Warriors. I think the turn count thing is enough variation. I agree with the DARK part.


i've got a name for the Ace! Eternity Fate Lord? I think 5D's should make it, seeing as how he is the creator of the club.



ETEN. No, I don't get it. :/


And we're all making the cards in the Card Maker right? I do have MSE but some of you might'nt.

All on YCM, its easyer.






Turn Count = turn count

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I personally think that we should have "Destiny" in thier name. Becouse it is a club set and this club is named "The Destiny Organisation".

And tbh, I don't really care about the Atribute and Type, but imo it would be more handy to have a range of types and Atributes.

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