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The Destiny Organization - More Active Members ?

Alexis Rhodes

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  On 4/5/2011 at 6:40 PM, Lexadin said:

Well I don't really dislike it, but it's just so much too learn.I have no idea what mocks are. But they are official tests that all in total (the total for every subject that is) are halve of my Final Exam.

Well I would have liked it, just the amount of work back then was just a lot.


Mocks are like practice tests in UK. (Originally thought other countries used the same word)

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I hate those situations, puts stress levels on. I have already passed my course but trying to go for the higher grades.


GCSE is exams we do in final 2 years of school, between 14/15 and 16 years old. Means you have something different then.

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Yeah, same here. But I think I'll succeed in passing it. Though it might swallow up a huge amount of my time.


Well we have something simulair, those test I was talking about start around the last 2 years aswell. And form half of your final mark. The other halve is decided by huge exams in the end of the last year.

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Well good luck, if it means you pass, then time spent is worthwhile.


Must be it then. When I was there, 1 subject was like 25% coursework and 75% exam, I think this was Maths. Other subjects were different. But History was kinda annoying because we did at least 10 essays and it was only worth 30% of final mark.

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Up to Episode 87 of 5D's.


Yeah, Kalin is badass.


Cowboy duels at dusk, seriously WTFH?


So anyway, only 12 episodes until I catch up with dubhappy, and thats only 1 episode into the Grand Prix (Too... Much... Filler!!!! :angry: )


Where do I go for the last 50+ episodes when Aporia and Zone show up?


Other news: Work is annoying. Why is a 4 star hotel so ridiculously short on stock?

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@Lex will look later, going to eat now then get ready for work.


@Tom yeah at least we're not that bad.


@Kotaro I work mostly on setting up business rooms, so being short on notepads, pencils, water glasses, watter bottles, coffee mugs, stationery equipment makes us look bad.


Plus when you're having to serve drinks at bar and you're really short on glasses. Only had one brandy glass between two bars last time. ONE!!! In a four star hotel. My mum has six at her house, and no-one there drinks brandy!!!

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  On 4/9/2011 at 7:30 PM, Bahamut ZERO said:

@Kotaro I work mostly on setting up business rooms, so being short on notepads, pencils, water glasses, watter bottles, coffee mugs, stationery equipment makes us look bad.


Plus when you're having to serve drinks at bar and you're really short on glasses. Only had one brandy glass between two bars last time. ONE!!! In a four star hotel. My mum has six at her house, and no-one there drinks brandy!!!

A lot to be short on, although only small things, customers would get annoyed.


You could use your Mum's brandy glasses


  On 4/9/2011 at 7:33 PM, Lexadin said:

@Matt: K.Also I now have made 20000 posts (as the shown post count doesn't register posts in Games).

I have nearly 16K.

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