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Well' date=' if there are people in the building, then yes. If not, then no.


BTW, WTF is PFF? (lolcwutididthar?)


Pff. AKA: Sound of "pff"

Hey DL' date=' I have a question...


Are you a boy or girl?


I'm wonderin cause I hear you in a female voice...


He is a boy, though I thought he was an aligator.

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I'll answer to a lot of things, even 4Chan or alligator, but NOT alli-tranny.




@Topic - Right.... simplicity in writing can be good, I suppose.


In fact, it can make writing stronger.

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Hehe, couldn't think of a cool sounding mix of an alligator and a transexual...


Hmm... I suppose simplicity is good. Especially when describing actions, like: "He jumped into the air" instead of "He jumped about ten feet into the air, arms up and legs close together."


See? Almost everything I said in the latter is completely unnecessary

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At the same time, Atman, simplicity can kill it. "He jumped into the air to grab an apple. He jumped again when he missed." Or "He jumped to grab an apple, and followed up with a hop after he failed."

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I suck at accepting failure' date=' and inability to do things.



Yeah, but when you fail, you learn.


And when you learn, you win.


So the lesson of the day is, if you fail, you win.


Wait, that didn't sound right.


So he just won.


Okay' date=' to explain better, when you fail, you learn from that fail,a nd do not fail sucha way, unles you're a failure.



Let me tell it in the simplest manner possible, to clarify the damn thing.


Good judgement comes from experience, and experience comes from bad judgement.


The more you fail, the less you will.



Well' date=' either Sweden has a different grading system for it (which would be stupid as the test is the same all over the world) or my Teacher has given out the wrong information. However, I do kind of recall her reading from some paper sent to us from the CAE Council (whatever it was, don't remember exactly) about the rules and restrictions for taking the test and also how it was graded. And then it was said that you were graded as Passed or Failed and that you needed at least 60% correct on each part of the test to pass and get the CAE exam.


oh well.. I have a feeling that I will not be completely satisfied with my grade if it's A-F gradings :/


A-E, to be precise...

But you still get a score. Every one of the 5 papers holds 40 marks, totaling 200. I got 180...90%...


Meh, but wouldn't it be a lot simple for you to http://www.cambridgeesol.org/exams/general-english/cae.html the damn thing?

Then I will still be forced to think you are an aligator dressed like a tranny.


True true.


Actually simplicity fails there because of the nature of the question. Who the funk uses "find" in a math problem? (ow yeah, too many people. unfortunately)

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No' date=' saying hop is better than reitterating that he jumped. Bounced would be better, except bounce is a constant motion.



But saying he tried again works even better. Because your sentence sounds... IDK, weird, somehow.


@man - post it.

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