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Username: Deustodo


Favorite Books/Books Currently Reading : The Physician


[spoiler=Writing Example]


- I don't know why. - Deus said - But I felt a sudden desire to swim in lava.


- Well, if I were you, I would do the same, since I would be biologically immortal. - Said a engineer fixing a machine.


- Agreed, but I'm here to talk with a guy called 'Creator', do you where he is, I wanna talk about the time machine thing?


- He is in the next room, he will be here about any minute to check if I'm really working or just listening to music... that bastard.


Deus decided to sit on the floor, waiting for the guy known as 'Creator' to show up, he was a tall man, with black hair but in the center was red.


- Either you don't know how to dye you hair, or you hair is really weird. - Deus said


- Very funny smartass - Creator replied - What do you want that is so important to you screw with the elevator?


- I need your time machine, Creator, simple as that. - Deus said while standing up


- It is not ready yet, I think you came here for nothing.


- The opposite, I don't really NEED your time machine, I just need a little piece of it. You know, the one that allows you to contact the person in the past or future.


- How did you know about that piece?


- I followed you on twitter.


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Username: Deustodo


Favorite Books/Books Currently Reading : The Physician


[spoiler=Writing Example]


- I don't know why. - Deus said - But I felt a sudden desire to swim in lava.


- Well' date=' if I were you, I would do the same, since I would be biologically immortal. - Said a engineer fixing a machine.


- Agreed, but I'm here to talk with a guy called 'Creator', do you where he is, I wanna talk about the time machine thing?


- He is in the next room, he will be here about any minute to check if I'm really working or just listening to music... that bastard.


Deus decided to sit on the floor, waiting for the guy known as 'Creator' to show up, he was a tall man, with black hair but in the center was red.


- Either you don't know how to dye you hair, or you hair is really weird. - Deus said


- Very funny smartass - Creator replied - What do you want that is so important to you screw with the elevator?


- I need your time machine, Creator, simple as that. - Deus said while standing up


- It is not ready yet, I think you came here for nothing.


- The opposite, I don't really NEED your time machine, I just need a little piece of it. You know, the one that allows you to contact the person in the past or future.


- How did you know about that piece?


- I followed you on twitter.





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I got pretty much nothing done on the club fic since I went to my friend's b-day party.


So I guess everyone knows the plot or basic idea pretty well. I'll make the RP sometime tomorrow.


Deustodo is accepted. Welcome. ^^

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Well... It would go into their head, "Biting" it, leaving slicin teeth. Depending on the age/size of the kid and his head, and the size/power of the bear trap, results vary, but a kid would PROBABLY have his head ripped off/in half.

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Ok? Anyway' date=' i need members for my rp. Its not done yet. So yeah.., may be up tonight or tomorrow.



D: ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^


What are we suppose to do? There's no app or anything... Is it up right now?

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KK im finally done. What do you guys think should be edited before i post.




+Vendetta Divison.



So i bet your wondering. What the Hell is a "Vendeta Division" and Why would I join this shiz. Well first of all It has a sexy ring to it. And second Cuz were gunnah kick ass. But anyway, We are The Vendetta Division. What that pretty much means is anything the king asks us to do. We do it. No buts/ifs/ass's/. So if we have to Murder innocent citizens. We do it. If we Have to kill someone of our own blood. We do it. If we must act as an assassin. We do it. If we must act as a mercenarie. We do it. If we have to Kill our best friends. We do it, then drink there blood, and find a new one. Pretty much anything illegal that the kingdom cannot do without upsetting the citizens, thats where we come in. Yeah its a pretty messed up, evil job i guess. But hey a jobs a job, am i right?


You are born as a vendetta, not made. You are to obey each and every one of the kings commands. But why you? Like i said you are a vendetta, a powerfull being. Born not made. You can murder any man, with one hand. You can murder and town, Alone. This is what being a vendetta means. Put the kingdom first and then your own feelings. But whos to say only your kingdom has a vendetta division? There are other vendettas out there. Some weaker, and others more powerfull than an entire army. Sounds fun being a vendetta doesnt it? All this power? But there are Flaws. You can never be an Ordinary Human. You can never Make friends with other humans. You are feared by everyone. Youre pretty much a Monster. By Joining you are signing yourself up, for a dangerous journey where many secrets lie untold. So sound fun yet?




+All YCM rules aply

+Use an App

+No god modding

+No Spam

+1 Character Per Person.

+The usual "Have Fun!"



[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]+[/color]Application Info/ Must read before posting]

+Name: What you characters name is. First and Last. Could add in a nickname if you want.


+Nature Allies Name:If you dont know what these are. READ "+Division" (Pets)


+Gender: Male or Female. No Tranny's please.


+Age:7-17 this is because your powers kick in On your 7th birthday, it is very painfull. However this miraculous power seems to get cured all on its own by the Vendettas 17th birthday.


+Appearence: No pictures. Physical appearence.Also remember that everyone is wearing the same thing so dont discuss clothing.


+Division: This places you into 1 of 3 available Divisions. Though there are 8 kingdoms/8 Vendetta Divisions. For now we only really need people in 3. These 3 include.


Vendetta Alpha Division/Azneth Kingdom:

The Most savage of all kingdoms. As well as the "Best" kingdom, loves to start wars. Guided by their Leader King Azneth himself.

There Nature Allies are The Black Alpha Wolves. Not just ordinary wolves, these wolves are genetically altered to grow to 10 feet in length. (Ridable.)


Vendetta Delta Division/Defyore Kingdom:

The Main enemy of The Alpha Division/Azneth kingdom. Peaceful people. They tend to stay away from other kingdoms affairs, but once pissed off. They have the ability to wipe out any Kingdom. Except Azneth, they've been in war with them for over 100 years.

There nature allies are the White Delta Tigers. Also enhanced to grow to 10 feet.(Ridable)


And The Omega Division/Osirus Kingdom:

Not much is known about this kingdom. Its Location seems to be hidden very well. All that is known is that they have never been in a war. And many say they are planning something big. Others say they are weak. Though the "crazies" think they are "aliens" Noone knows for sure. But one thing we do know is they Ride Dragons. Dragons!?!?! What the hell!??! (Dragons own)


+Division Rank: I will place you into the rank, leave this empty. The ranks include Vendetta Leader/Vendetta Commander/Vendetta Sergeant/Vendetta Elite/Vendetta Grunt. You will be Ranked by your Application. How detailed it is and so on.


+Vendetta Mark: Each vendetta is born with 1 of 8 Marks. You can choose any mark that fits you, but only 1.


The Mark of Bravery: A "v" That gives off Red Aura when the user is at full power.They wield the Power of Fire. Given to those of a Fiery Heart.They can control fire, and are very powerful. So powerful infact that when in full power they are uncontrollable. And will destroy anything and anyone in their path.


The Mark of Evil: A "v" That gives off Black Aura when the user is at full power. Given to those of a "Cruel Heart" They wield the power of death. They can gain emense power in battle but the more power they use up the more weak they become. there have been many accounts of death after battle as well.


The Mark of Life:A "v" That gives off White Aura when the user is at full power.They weild the Power of Life. Given to those of a Pure Heart They Have the ability to Heal people, bring back the dead, though must be at a certain level of strength, most live their enire lives and never achieve it They can also be very skilled in battle, they can kill someone in one fatal shot, since they know the perfect places to hit.


The Mark of Cowardice: A "v" That gives off Blue Aura when the user is at full power.They weild the Power of Speed. Given to those of a Fast-Paced Heart. They are the fastest and stealthiest of all Vendettas. Their Mark may be called Cowardice, but thats a name given out of jealousy. Some can go so fast it seems as if they are teleporting.


The Mark of Intellect: A "v" That gives off Purple Aura when the user is at full power.They weild the Power of Knowledge. Given to those of a Intellectual Heart. They are the Smartest of All Vendetta. Their intellect is at such a high Level that they can read the minds of others. Levitate objects. And very few can even see the future.


The Mark of Power:A "v" That gives off Grey Aura when the user is at full power.They weild the Power of Strength. Given to those of a Stong Heart. They are hard as a rock. Nearly 3 times harder to kill than the average vendetta, and 3 times as powerful. A dangerous opponent.


The Mark of Emotion: A "v" That gives off Pink Aura when the user is at full power.They weild the Power of Emotion. Given to those of a Vengeful Heart. They love to mess around with your emotions and make you do things you dont want. They can fully control you if they wanted. But let them do what they want or else they become enraged, you dont want that to happen. Kinda like high school girls rite? Thats cause they are it is only given to females for some reason.


The Mark of Lightning:A "v" That gives off Yellow Aura when the user is at full power.They weild the Power of Lightning. Given to those of a Swift Heart. They are the fastest in combat, as well as the most lethal. 1 jab with there adrenaline pumped hands, can send you in a comma for a week. The also have the ability of paralysis. When at full power can control lightning itself.


+Weapon of Choice:

Anything that comes to your mind except for guns and stuff like that. Dont forget this rp takes place when there were knights and crossbows. So go Fire your "LAZAR!" Somewhere else.



How they act towards people. When alone. Stuff like that.




Discuss How he feels toward his being a Vendetta. How his parents reacted. Any goals they would like to achieve. Personal troubles. That stuff. You dont have to discuss all that though, just if you were confused on it.




+Nature Allies Name:





+Divison Rank:

+Vendetta Mark:

+Weapons of choice:





[spoiler=[color=#FF0000]+[/color]My app]

+Name:Azura Azneth

+Nature Allies Name:Streak


+Age: 14

+Appearence:Dark Grey hair. Greyish/blue eyes. He has many scars throught his body. He always wears a necklace his uncle gave him. On it a Wolves Head is engraved on a piece of pure gold.

+Division:Alpha Division

+Divison Rank:Alpha Leader

+Weapon of choice:Two Dual Blades. Aswelll as about 14 hidden daggers, good for throwing. and stealth.

+Vendetta Mark:The Mark of Evil.

+Personality:Cold hearted. Always Lonely, Though very kind at times. He hates being called a monster and sometimes goes to such extremes to kill anyone who dares. But one thing he is not is Evil.

+Biography:He is the son of the king, Azneth. As well as the Prince of The kingdom though he despises his father for Forcing him to lead the Alpha Vendettas and such an evil life. He blames his father for making him evil. He was forced to Assassinatehis own uncle (the previouse king) just so his father can be the King. He has more respect for his uncle then his father, because he was the only one who saw him as a human being and not a monster.




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