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My contest will now be locked. Well done winners.


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Okay people, this is how you do it:


-No Spamming

-YMC rules aply

-Card must be an effect monster with the picture shown

-Contestants do not need to pay to enter, but it would be apreciated if you pay 5 points. But you don't have to.

-no joke cards

-Have fun

-thats it, apart from one thing...


1st: 3 reps and 30 points

2nd: 2 reps and 10 points

3rd: 1 rep and 5 points

4th and under: Nothing, but praise for taking part.





[spoiler=picture to be used]





-JDFighterwing (card posted)

-ComingSoonNOT123 (card poasted)

-SuperSusanoo (card poasted)

-SphinxPharoah (card poasted)

-Scyire (card poasted)

-Frex (card poasted)

-Kazerima (card poasted)

-Leturn Master (card poasted)

-n.gangster (card poasted)

-Stereo (card poasted)

-DarkForce™ (card poasted)

-iceduke (card poasted)

-morfowt (out (card not poasted in time))




-Me (:D)

-ray_yugi2 (judge)

-Jeroukoo (judge)



[spoiler=cards and effects (so that judging is easier)]

JDFighterwing 422842.jpg


Sphinx Pharaoh 469916d.jpg

Each time this monster Attacks, Place 1 A-Counter on the defending monster.( If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" monster, It loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculations only.) If this card battles a monster with 3 A-Counter, Destoy the monster, (without applying damage calculation.)


Frex 49703m.jpg

If a monster you control would be destroyed, you can Special Summon this card from your hand and reduce that monster's ATK and DEF to 0 instead. That monster effect(s) is negated. During your End Phase, reduce the ATK and DEF of a monster you control other than "Essenfleish" by 500. If you cannot, destroy this card.


SuperSusanoo 372514w.jpg

This card gains 300 Attack Points for every "Kira" card on the field.(including this card). Once per turn, by paying 300 Life Points, you can activate one of the following effects:

*Destroy 1 Insect-Type on the field.

*Inflict 500 Damage Points to your opponent's Life Points.

* Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Kira" monster from your Deck. Decrease your Life Points by 500.

When this card is dstroyed by the effect of a Trap Card, your opponent must discard 3 cards from his/her Hand.


Kazerima ViralDorogoro.jpg

Once per turn, you can equip this card to a Beast-Type monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, this card is destroyed instead.) When a monster equipped with this card attacks a face-down defense monster you can pay 800 Life Points to destroy the face-down monster immediately with this card's effect without flipping it face-up or damage calculation.


Leturn Master SyntheticSynchro.jpg

1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once, you can select 1 monster on the field. The selected monster's Level is reduced to 0 and it is treated as a Tuner monster. Monsters targeted by this effect cannot be used as Synchro Material for the Synchro Summon of any monster except "Synthetic Synchro". The ATK of this monster is twice the original ATK of the Tuner monster used to Synchro Summon this card.


Dark Force 10553.jpg

"Alien Ammonite" + 1 or more non-Tuner "Alien" monsters

This card cannot be destroyed by card effects. If this card attacks, destroy all Defense Position monsters on the field after damage calculation. Once per turn, send 1 monster each of Levels 1 through 5 from your Deck to the Graveyard to destroy all Spell/Trap cards your opponent controls, and distribute new A-Counters among monsters on the field equal to the number of cards destroyed


Stereo 262385r.jpg

This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Level 8 or higher Fiend-Type monsters on your side of the Field and paying 1700 Life Points. This card's ATK and DEF are equal to the ATK and DEF of the most powerful monster used to Special Summon this card. This card's ATK decreases by 700 points every turn this card is the only card you control during your Standby Phase. If it reaches 0, this card is destroyed. You may pay half of your Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 9 Fiend-Type monster from your Deck. This card cannot attack if 5 or more level 8 or higher Fiend-Type monsters are in your Graveyard. This card cannot attack directly. This card cannot be destroyed by a Monster Effect other than its own. If this card is the only card you control for 6 turns, it is destroyed after your End Phase.


ice duke 367745.jpg


n.gangster 389304u.jpg


CommingsoonNOT123 432199.jpg

You can Special Summon this card by discarding 2 Insect-Type monster from your hand. If this card is Special Summoned it's ATK is halved. Once per turn you can Special Summon 1 Insect-Type monster from your Deck with a Level equal to the amount of card(s) in your hand. When this card inflicts Battle Damage to your opponent draw 1 card. During your End Phase by halving your Life Points you can remove from play 1 Spell Card to activate it's effect. This card is destroyed if you activated this effect.


Scire 308715.jpg

This card cannot be Special Summoned from the Graveyard. When this card is destroyed by battle and sent to the Graveyard, place 2 A-Counters on the monster that destroyed it. Once per turn, you can place an Ice Counter on 1 face-up monster. You can Tribute this card to destroy all monsters with an A-Counter(s). If there are no A-Counter(s) on the Field when this card is destroyed, you lose 1000 Life Points.



[spoiler=End Date]

28th Febuary 2010 (cards in)

1st March 2010 (cards judged)

7th March 2010 (winners stated)



[spoiler=how judging ocours:]

-origionality {0-20}

-effect {0-20}

-conection {0-20}

-Balance {0-30}

-Name conection to picture {0-10}

I will hire a judge to also decide and help me




Now this contest is full, no new enteries may be alowed. All reserved members must post cards before end date. If they don't, they will be disqalified. Judging begins on 1st of March. Winneres anounced on 3rd March.



[spoiler=update 2]

Because of school and H/W (:() I get very tired quickly. So, I have extended the end-date to March the 7th. This update is important to participents, judges and mods who want to close the thread on the third. It is not my fault. I am very sorry.



[spoiler=update on the scores]

All people who have not been jugded properly gain 40 to their score, BUT they may not win. If one of them does win, they get 2 reps and 15 points. First and secon and third prizes a givern out as normal to the fully judged people.



[spoiler=judgeing so far]


JDFighterwing Scores

-origionality {6-20}

-effect {10-20}

-conection {9-20}

-Balance {20-30}

-Name conection to picture {9-10}

Frex score

-origionality {13-20}

-effect {9-20}

-conection {6-20}

-Balance {15-30}

-Name conection to picture {10-10}

SuperSusanoo score

-origionality {8-20}

-effect {5-20}

-conection {5-20}

-Balance {10-30}

-Name conection to picture {3-10}

Kazerima score

-origionality {5-20}

-effect {10-20}

-conection {5-20}

-Balance {19-30}

-Name conection to picture {0-10}

Leturn Master score

-origionality {18-20}

-effect {4-20}

-conection {5-20}

-Balance {10-30}

-Name conection to picture {4-10}


-origionality {11-20}

-effect {6-20}

-conection {3-20}

-Balance {10-30}

-Name conection to picture {5-10}


-origionality {17-20}

-effect {13-20}

-conection {15-20}

-Balance {12-30}

-Name conection to picture {0-10}


-origionality {6-20}

-effect {12-20}

-conection {16-20}

-Balance {5-30}

-Name conection to picture {0-10}


-origionality {1-20}

-effect {1-20}

-conection {0-20}

-Balance {1-30}

-Name conection to picture {2-10}





-origionality {5-20}

-effect {10-20}

-conection {7-20}

-Balance {15-30}

-Name conection to picture {4-10}

Sphinx Pharaoh

-origionality {9-20}

-effect {13-20}

-conection {10-20}

-Balance {13-30}

-Name conection to picture {7-10}


-origionality {17-20}

-effect {15-20}

-conection {10-20}

-Balance {16-30}

-Name conection to picture {6-10}


-origionality {13-20}

-effect {16-20}

-conection {14-20}

-Balance {16-30}

-Name conection to picture {7-10}


-origionality {15-20}

-effect {10-20}

-conection {10-20}

-Balance {19-30}

-Name conection to picture {3-10}

Leturn Master

-origionality {10-20}

-effect {14-20}

-conection {9-20}

-Balance {15-30}

-Name conection to picture {5-10}

Dark Force

-origionality {6-20}

-effect {19-20}

-conection {16-20}

-Balance {21-30}

-Name conection to picture {7-10}


-origionality {14-20}

-effect {14-20}

-conection {17-20}

-Balance {17-30}

-Name conection to picture {6-10}

ice duke

-origionality {10-20}

-effect {10-20}

-conection {10-20}

-Balance {16-30}

-Name conection to picture {4-10}


-origionality {6-20}

-effect {1-20}

-conection {0-20}

-Balance {4-30}

-Name conection to picture {2-10}


-origionality {13-20}

-effect {13-20}

-conection {18-20}

-Balance {20-30}

-Name conection to picture {6-10}


-origionality {18-20}

-effect {13-20}

-conection {10-20}

-Balance {13-30}

-Name conection to picture {5-10}





origionality 16

-effect 12

-conection 10

-Balance 23

-Name conection to picture 6



origionality 17

-effect 19

-conection 13

-Balance 28

-Name conection to picture 3



origionality 15

-effect 13

-conection 18

-Balance 26

-Name conection to picture 3


Leturn Master:

origionality 19

-effect 19

-conection 13

-Balance 29

-Name conection to picture 7


Dark Force:

origionality 8

-effect 15

-conection 12

-Balance 10

-Name conection to picture 6



origionality 1

-effect 9

-conection 16

-Balance 15

-Name conection to picture 6



origionality 19

-effect 19

-conection 19

-Balance 30

-Name conection to picture 10



origionality 17

-effect 13

-conection 16

-Balance 9

-Name conection to picture 2



origionality 18

-effect 18

-conection 17

-Balance 29

-Name conection to picture 10



origionality 14

-effect 17

-conection 10

-Balance 16

-Name conection to picture 5




-JDFighterwing 135 (points granted for judging)

-ComingSoonNOT123 202 (points granted for judging)

-SuperSusanoo 177 (Fully Judged)

-Scyire 161 (points granted for judging)

-SphinxPharoah 92 (points granted for judging)

-Frex 184 (Fully Judged)

-Kazerima 171 (Fully Judged)

-Leturn Master 190 (Fully Judged)

-n.gangster 175 (Fully Judged)

-Stereo 200 (Fully Judged)

-DarkForce™ 177 (Fully Judged)

-iceduke 136 (Fully Judged)





[spoiler=winners and special prizes]

1st:Stereo, with 200 points

2nd:Leturn Master, with 190 points

3rd:Frex, with 184 points

Special:DarkForce, who was in the lead for so long, before losing it at the final hurdle. For this, he gets a Rep.

Judging special:CommingsoonNOT123, with 202 points.

Well Done all of you



Have A Fun Day


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Rules are rules. Srry. Just go to the general forum and make 11 posts and you can continue the contest. If you dont ill have no choice but to report you. When you do make those posts though then here is my card.


[spoiler=Monster]469916d.jpg[spoiler=Lore]Each time this monster Attacks, Place 1 A-Counter on the defending monster.( If a monster with an A-Counter battles an "Alien" monster, It loses 300 ATK and DEF for each A-Counter during damage calculations only.) If this card battles a monster with 3 A-Counter, Destoy the monster, (without applying damage calculation.)



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I'm in:


Effect: If a monster you control would be destroyed, you can Special Summon this card from your hand and reduce that monster's ATK and DEF to 0 instead. That monster effect(s) is negated. During your End Phase, reduce the ATK and DEF of a monster you control other than "Essenfleish" by 500. If you cannot, destroy this card.


In German:

Essen --> Eat

Fleish --> Flesh

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Ok here it is:

[spoiler= Kira Sasori - Ikimi]372514w.jpg

[spoiler=Effect]This card gains 300 Attack Points for every "Kira" card on the field.(including this card). Once per turn, by paying 300 Life Points, you can activate one of the following effects:

*Destroy 1 Insect-Type on the field.

*Inflict 500 Damage Points to your opponent's Life Points.

* Special Summon 1 Level 3 or lower "Kira" monster from your Deck. Decrease your Life Points by 500.

When this card is dstroyed by the effect of a Trap Card, your opponent must discard 3 cards from his/her Hand.



Kira is Japanese for Killer

Sasori is Japanese for Scorpion

Ikimi is Japanese for Flesh and Bones

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[spoiler=here you are]ViralDorogoro.jpg

Once per turn, you can equip this card to a Beast-Type monster you control, OR unequip it to Special Summon this card in face-up Attack Position. (A monster can only be equipped with 1 Union monster at a time. If the equipped monster would be destroyed, this card is destroyed instead.) When a monster equipped with this card attacks a face-down defense monster you can pay 800 Life Points to destroy the face-down monster immediately with this card's effect without flipping it face-up or damage calculation.


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It's 100 posts or more. The update to the top bit happened on 11 January 2010, while his update post was 17 August 2009. So 100+ is actually the most recent. This contest is open.


Here's my card... this counts, right? I mean, it's an Effect monster... I hope it counts:


Synthetic Synchro


[spoiler=""Synthetic Synchro" Card Lore]1 Tuner + 1 or more non-Tuner monsters

Once, you can select 1 monster on the field. The selected monster's Level is reduced to 0 and it is treated as a Tuner monster. Monsters targeted by this effect cannot be used as Synchro Material for the Synchro Summon of any monster except "Synthetic Synchro". The ATK of this monster is twice the original ATK of the Tuner monster used to Synchro Summon this card.



I hope you like it!

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My entry:




[spoiler=Effect]This card cannot be Normal Summoned or Set. This card can only be Special Summoned by Tributing 3 Level 8 or higher Fiend-Type monsters on your side of the Field and paying 1700 Life Points. This card's ATK and DEF are equal to the ATK and DEF of the most powerful monster used to Special Summon this card. This card's ATK decreases by 700 points every turn this card is the only card you control during your Standby Phase. If it reaches 0, this card is destroyed. You may pay half of your Life Points to Special Summon 1 Level 9 Fiend-Type monster from your Deck. This card cannot attack if 5 or more level 8 or higher Fiend-Type monsters are in your Graveyard. This card cannot attack directly. This card cannot be destroyed by a Monster Effect other than its own. If this card is the only card you control for 6 turns, it is destroyed after your End Phase.


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