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Pokemon D/P Challenge


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This is the challenge : defeat me! My friend Code : 0258-8746-1003



Awaiting Opponent



-No legendaries

-No action replays in battle

-No whining

-No bragging



One of the following carried by one of my Darkrais (yes a Darkrai) That is of course you win

-Any TM

-1 master ball

-50 points (YCM) and 1 Rep

If you lose you owe me a rep



Fill out this form

D/P name

Friend Code

Which type of battle (Free LV, LV 50, LV 100)

Which prize you will accept if you win


Have fun!!!

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This is probably done indeed. Darkrai are extremely rare and I believe there is only one Darkrai in the game. So unless he traded one of his pokemon with someone with a Darkrai, this has to be done by another way like a device you are talking about.


Come to think of it, I do have Diamond, but not really in a mood to battle. Sorry!

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