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Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Brawl II


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Level 21

Current Keyblade - When Two Are One

Gold - 110


I look at Leon and walk up to him. "His name is Pectus. He wants to leave as much as we do!" Then I saw small visions of familiar characters. Ansem, Xemnas! I thought. My head began to hurt again, but not as much. I walk up to Pectus. "Pectus, lower your weapons. Violence will solve nothing if we fight each other! We have to focus on having ShadowBox let us leave!" Pectus then raised one of his Holy Pumpkins to my neck. "Darkness is the reason why I will be the only one to leave, Double!" said Pectus. I then lower the blade with my hand. "Do not give into the darkness, Pectus!" I said. "It's the reason why your heart will slowly be consumed!"

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Level 22

Current Keyblade - One Winged Angel(Just for this post)

Gold - 120


Then my Keyblade turns into the One Winged Angel. I point it towards at Leon. "Don't get any thoughts, Leon!" I yelled. "You'll only lead yourself closer to being consumed by what we are avoiding!" Then the Keyblade vanished. I sighed. "We need to get out of here now!"

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Level 29

Fallen Angel

150 Gold


Leon suddenly has a flashback of his past. Of the kids who made fun of him. Of the fact that he ignored all of it until 4th grade. Then he remembers his first friend. Then he gains a few more, and a few more, and a few more...then he lost it all wen his world was lost into darkness. Leon returns to the real world and looks at Double. "I'm afraid it's already a bit late for me. Already half of my heart is consumed by darkness. I'm lucky I am still here, with the other half in a protective shield of light. I guess this is how this Keyblade was formed." He looks at the Fallen Angel. "Half Light, half dark. No real path, but one common goal: To keep the balance of power and peace be around the various worlds out there."

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After being out for so long I stand up in the Aero Chamber. The home of friendly heartless.

Suddenly I am struck on the head by what feels like wood.

I see a Smiling Wizard

"Hey" I pet him on the head and he gives me a berry.

I eat it heartlily and love it.

"Thank You" I say with a smile.

"Hey can you help me find my friends?"

I blast the Meido Zangetsuha and the cave amplifies it.

The huge portal to the underworld lands right next to Leon.

"W-What is this?" he says.

The the wizard casts Firaga and a huge flame lands next to Pectus.

"What happened?" He asks

I follow the trail of fire and Meido with My new pet Wizard named Wiz.


Level 22

Gold 30

Wizard joined my Party!

Nicknamed Wiz

Wiz has a Relic Staff and Magic Powers!

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  • 3 weeks later...

Hey guys Im back! I jump next to Leon! MEIDO ZANGETSUHA! A portal to the Underworld upon killing multiple heartless. Wiz blasts at them!

Backlash Wave creates a huge cyclone!

Adamant Barrage blasts crystals!

Now I raise my sword and say GAGAGA (A required portion of the attack)

Now I swing and say ZUBABA (another required portion)

Now I swing and blast wind scar!


Now I entrust Leon, Wiz, and Pectus to me.... for now... I... pass out from exhaustion

Level 23

Gold 75


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Level 31

Fallen Angel

170 Gold


Leon wondered where Inuyasha has been, but no matter, cause more heartless appear. Leon grabs Inuyasha and moves him to a safe area. He grabs his keyblade and lifts it in the air. "Getsuga Tensho!" He crashes the keyblade down and a wave of dark energy is emitted from the blade and charges towards the heartless, eliminating about 1/8 of the group.

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Level 23

Current Keyblade - When Two Are One

Gold - 130


Then, out of nowhere, a dark corridor appeared before me. I just stood where I was until something gigantic came out of it, knocking me unconscious with its giant hand. It came at me so fast I wasn't sure whether or not it was a Heartless or Unversed, which is highly impossible, since the Unversed are said to no longer exist. While I was knocked out, the corridor disappeared. As I was unconscious, I began to see something strange. It was a vision of Sora when he first entered Castle Oblivion. I was confused. What's going on? I thought. It was now realized that the thing that attacked me reappeared before the group in the real world. It was a Heartless, alright. It was unlike any other, though. This was like a cross between the Darkside and the Guard Armor. It was much stronger than the two combined. This would take a lot of Keyblade power to fight such a thing. The new Heartless knocked Leon against a wall and focused on the others.

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Level 32

Fallen Angel

180 Gold


Leon notices a big shadow above him as the rest of the heartless flee. He turns around and sees a giant heartless, who whacks him against the wall. Ow. What the hell is that?" He looks up and sees the Darkside/Guard Armor cross. "Damn. He's gonna be one tough cookie." He holds his keyblade up high and a beam of light is emitted from the blade. "Blasting Zone!" He crashes the blade to the ground and the beam hits the heartless right in the head and torso.

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Level 25

When Two Are One

Gold - 150


The hand of course was a weak spot, but it would take a long time before the Heartless is defeated. Meanwhile, a flash of light occured, and I appeared where Sora fought Roxas. Then at the end of the battle, the flash appeared again. I then appeared next to Roxas. My guess was I was in the time when Roxas fought against the Twilight Thorn Nobody. But this time, time was altered and I was seen by Roxas. "Who are you?" asked Roxas. "I can't say..." I stopped as I heard shaking. It was the Twilight Thorn Nobody. It looked at both of us. It then noticed my Keyblade. It was shocked. Then a voice unknown to me talked out. Light and Darkness are eternal, for they must be equal as well. For it is you who will open Kingdom Hearts in hopes to permanently equalize Light and Darkness forever. As the voice stopped, another flash appeared, this time waking me up. Equalize Light and Darkness, I thought. I stood up as my Keyblade began to glow. There were two glows, one white, and one black, possibly resembling Light and Darkness separating into 2 Keyblades.

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