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Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Brawl II


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1. Don't Post Off Topic and interrupt a [#] on [#] battle going on, simply join the battle scuttle-like...

2. Posts are all vivid, not necessarily long but vivid


NO! I punch you and run.

Could be better:I swiftly punch you in the face and run

Okay... I Clench my fist, jump in the air and punch Noogai in the eye, Noogai is dropped to the floor

Cool Angrily i clench my fist, i run and jump into the air with a swift hop, my energy raises as i fall. Finally, as i reach the ground, i release my energy, punching Noogai in the face, causing him to fall the the ground


3. Don't joke-post, posts can include jokes, but don't make the WHOLE post a complete joke

4. For Every post you level up (everyone starts at level 10) and you also earn 10 Gold...

5. Must follow the post rubric so i can keep track of your gold and level...

[spoiler=[b]Post Template: Must Follow!![/b]]

The Posts Must Go!

*The Post itself*

Level- Current KeyBlade

Gold =






You are a Keyblade wielder that has been cast of into the Castle of Oblivion, where millions of Nobodies and Heartless lay in wait... you must fight, endlessly, to make the leader of the Castle (me) let you escape...


I will join the fighting, My name while Fighting is Pectus, my name while being a leader is ShadowBox,


Sometimes Special Events May Happen!

For Example:

A Member of Organization XII comes to fight against you guys or with you...

A Person comes to train with some of you, you will get extra Gold or Lvls for completing the train (will go Via PM)


[spoiler=[b]Moogle Shop *new*[/b]]

Summon - Cloud [1000 Gold]

Summon - Nobody *Twilight Thorn* [1110 Gold]

Potion [5 Gold]

Hi-Potion [10 Gold]

Ether [10 Gold]

Hi-Ether [20 Gold]

Tent (only works if you have a team) [40 Gold]




Keyblade Info:

10-15 Kingdom Key only

15+ Any Keyblade You want

Inspired and First one created by Ashwee13


Have Fun! and the game starts NOW! [/align]

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  • Replies 71
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First Special Event:

Pectus joins the game, he is a level 30.

I am Pectus now!


I run at Xion, he grabs my jacket and smacks me upside the head with his Shining Dawn, a his eyes gleam with joy and anger has he drops me on the floor and strikes me again with even more power... i roll out the way and kick him in the face with a swift upward motion, he is knocked back and dragged on the ground


Lvl. 30

KB: Omega Weapon x2

Gold: Inf.

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Level= 12

Current KeyBlade= Shining Dawn

Gold =11

I've reverted back to Xion instead or Roxas. When I'm Roxas, call me Roxas.


"Things could've been different, Pectus." I say heaving myself up with a sigh. Smoke rolls off of my cloak as I draw my Shining Dawn again. I almost fall to the ground, but my foot slides back to stop it. A large scar is on my face; the kick was not with his foot; but a hidden keyblade.

"So.... What do you say?" I stumble up to you, double_c4 right beside me with Kingdom Key drawn incase anything happened.

"Work with me, and I'm willing to sacrifice myself for an ultimate attack that will destroy me, but the heartless that attack us. too." A heartless at my leg looks up at my.

"I wasn't talking about you, King." I said. "King here is my pet heartless. He somehow leaned against the heartless ways. There are more like him." I said. King climbed up the keyblade and took his seat on my shoulder. "What do you say?"

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Lv. 31

CKB: Ultima Weapon x2

Gold 1200


"What the hell...?" Shadows look up as he says these words, He sees a white light, Inu says, "Stop looking up at that comet, focus on that bastard Xion!" Shadow grabs his Doubultimas and spins them! Xion looks at Shadow with a rising anger, as if his eyes were screaming, the anger rose, and rose, until, at last Xion pulls Inuyasha's Marionette Blade, and yanks it out of Inu's arms. Xion grabs his Shining Dawn and runs at Shadow. Shadow thinks to himself, "Hmm... his young mind is strong, and look at his Keyblade Skills, Shining Dawn dances around his wrist, arm, he maneuvers that blade if it were part of his body, part of his soul...Part of his heart!" Noticing, Xion had been getting closer Shadow grabs his Doubultimas and slash at his Shining Dawn, it makes a distinct hissing, screeching noise as the two blades clash... the blades kiss, and time seems to slow down as a struggle appears to happen, one blade trying to win over the other, but in the end, Shadows Doubultimas win, as time speeds back to real-time, Xion's Shining Dawn Falls to the floor.

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  'Xion 27 said:

Level= 12

Current KeyBlade= Shining Dawn

Gold =11

I've reverted back to Xion instead or Roxas. When I'm Roxas' date=' call me Roxas.


"Things could've been different, Pectus." I say heaving myself up with a sigh. Smoke rolls off of my cloak as I draw my Shining Dawn again. I almost fall to the ground, but my foot slides back to stop it. A large scar is on my face; the kick was not with his foot; but a hidden keyblade.

"So.... What do you say?" I stumble up to you, double_c4 right beside me with Kingdom Key drawn incase anything happened.

"Work with me, and I'm willing to sacrifice myself for an ultimate attack that will destroy me, but the heartless that attack us. too." A heartless at my leg looks up at my.

"I wasn't talking about you, King." I said. "King here is my pet heartless. He somehow leaned against the heartless ways. There are more like him." I said. King climbed up the keyblade and took his seat on my shoulder. "What do you say?"



Youre bound with blue strings! Read the above post!

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Pectus dissipates into thin air, Shadow is no longer fighting

Next Special Event Happens:

February 11, 2010 5:30... Please Stand By Until


New Special Event:

The next person to recruit another member to join the Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Brawl II, earns 5000 Free Gold.... Thank you for complying with the leader this event ends 2/13/10


-Leader of KHKBB2, ShadowBox

Regnum Pectus!

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  • 1 month later...

Several Heartless gang up on Inuyasha, but are quickly defeated by a strange young boy, who quickly eliminated them with but 1 strike per heartless. "May I suggest you keep your guard up when talking. these things tend to strive on opportunities like that." He turns around and walks away.


Name: Leo

Level 15 - Lionheart

Gold = 10

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I aim my sword towards him... I HAVE THE HEARING AND SENSE OF SMELL OF A DOG! I knew they were coming... I wanted test my new technique on them... but since you ruined my chance *gets into fighting stance* You'll be my test subject!


Gold 10

Level 17


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Guest Random Dude

Current lvl:11

Keyblade:Guardian Soul

Gold: 10


*Steps in front of InuYasha holding Keyblade* You shouldn't point your sword at someone who just helped you, But you can point it at me and see how that turns out.

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