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Haven't made a tag in a while


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[align=center][spoiler=Yea well I was wanting to make something for a while and I experimented with some things and got this. Yes it's of Daft Punk, I recently got into their music. And don't give me none of that "Ewww two focals" crap. I know there are two focals and I wanted it that way so back off.


[spoiler=No Text]DaftPunk.png








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EWWW 2 FOCALS!!!!! D:< ;)


Well to get this out the text ruined it.


Overall it seems kinda simple the color choice is good' date=' imo.


Is it a stock? If so please show original? If not the BG is interesting.



Yea didn't like the text that much afterwords.


It's a stock. The Bg is just the mist in the background. http://unrealitymag.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/03/05-daft-punk-100307.jpg


Its over-sharpened [spoiler=DONT EAT MEH]and HAS 2 FOCALS!



Text is begging harhar to come back and smack your arse


You overdid the star effect


I actually thought it was sharpened perfectly' date=' but w/e =P


lol. The stars are from this space stock. A lot of them are actually gone xD


@ Focals = Meh.


The text is also annoying, without text is 10x better.


I E> Daft Punk though.


lol Thx.

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