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Star Wars: Rising Sith [Started Accepting by PM] Need Sith and Teachers


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Warning I havent made a rp in awhile, This might not be the best


The Sith is at its greatest height in years. The Republic is very weak and needs Jedi more then ever. A new generation of Padawan is coming up, they might be the key of this war. New and old teachers are teaching as many padawan as possible. The path to the dark side is very hard to steer from, will you be corrupt or the defender?




1. All YCM rules apply.

2. No godmodding

3. OOC only posts will not be tolerated





Teacher App:







Abilities(at least 4):

Lightsaber Appearance:

Blade emitter:


Focusing Crystal:

Focusing lens(optional):



Sith or Jedi?:










Abilities(no more than 2):



Sith or Jedi?:








Name: Jason

Age(15-18 ): 16

Appearance: Avi

Family: Unknown

Personality: Reckless, Hard to beilive hes a jedi

Bio: As a fromer student form a sith academy, he excelled in his classes but he found out he was going to be killed soon. Furious, he left the academy by stowing away on a Jedi ship. He was soon discovered and taken to the academy. He only knows two ways of the force but he knows them well. He only respects one teacher named Leo, the one who found him on his ship.

Abilities(no more than 2): Force Storm (Advanced Version of Lightning) , Force Heal (Advance Versoin of Cure)


Race: Human

Sith or Jedi: Jedi, can easily been driven to the darkside




Name: Leo

Age(27-50 ): 50

Appearance: Renegade_Jedi_by_jeddibub.jpg

Family: Unknown

Personality: Serious, Skillful


Abilities(at least 4): Sheild, Heal, Saber Hurl, Speed

Lightsaber Appearance: In pic

Blade emitter: In Pic

Crystal: Yellow

Focusing Crystal: Yellow

Focusing lens: ---

Hilt: Arbiter

Race: Wookie Mix

Sith or Jedi?: Jedi






Teacher App:

Name: Lord August, AKA Darth Princeps (Pronounced "Preen-keps"); Birth Name Unknown, even by him

Age: 35

Appearance: http://heroeswiki.com/images/a/a8/Samuel...tation.jpg

Facially same as picture; Wears the same dark style of clothing. However, beneath his robes, Princeps also wears a suit of black Beskar'gam Armor he looted from the body of a Mandalorian he once killed. Beneath his cloak, he carries a double-bladed lightsaber. Unlike some Sith, Princeps' face is sparsely tattooed, his only mark being a series of four vertical, parallel lines on his right cheek.

Family: None known (see Bio)

Personality: Quiet, Cold, Distrustful; Dislikes the comedic and tends towards dispassionate analysis

Bio: At a young age, Princeps was adopted into the "Rule of Two" Sith Order by a secretive Sith who managed to elude the Sith Order and conceal their presence. Princeps trained until the age of 22, at which Princeps slew his master. He then joined the Sith Order, taking the name August. August eventually became one of the Order's military leaders combining tactical aptitude with skilled swordsmanship and prodigious Force abilities to become a force to be reckoned with. He still searches for an apprentice to train in the ways of the Rule of Two and plots to overthrow the current order alongside this apprentice.

Abilities(at least 4): Basic Force Abilities (Reflexes, Sensing presences, etc.)

Telekinesis Expertise

Lightning Expertise

Mental Manipulation (Fear, Influence, etc.)

Lightsaber Appearance: Jet-black double saber; buttons are red

Blade emitter: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwa...er_TOR.jpg

Crystal: Red

Focusing Crystal: Qixoni (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Qixoni_crystal)

Focusing lens(optional): Beam Gem Lens

Hilt: Double-sided

Race: Human

Sith or Jedi?: Sith




[spoiler=Talia Sun]

Name: Talia Sun

Age: 15



angel374657.jpgWithout wings



Family: -shrug-

Personality: quick-thinker, sometimes arrogant, quiet, serious

Bio: Talia grew up always wanting to become a jedi. Her dreams were about destroying the Sith, and becoming a hero of the Republic. To make her dream come true, become real, she always trained hard when she was a padawan, practicing at any spare moment she had. Finally, she had achieved her goal in becoming a jedi. When the Republic started to fall apart, and the Sith began to rise, she trained harder then ever to become a hero of the Republic.

Abilities(no more than 2): Force Heal, Saber Throw

Crush(Optional): ---

Race: Human

Sith or Jedi?: Jedi






[spoiler=Zi'Vron Dryant]

Name: Zi'Vron Dryant

Age: 16





Family: Father: Makatu Dryant, Uncle: Revan Dryant, Mother: Naomi Dryant

Personality: Nice, Experinced in comabt, Loving and caring for other Races

Bio: Zi'vron was born on tatooine. His father left him there after he had to battle a sith army. Later through his life his father came back and took him to the jedi order to get trained. He is a lone padawan waiting to get taken as a paddy with a master. He want to be a jedi Gaurdian.

Abilitys: Can read minds of Dead beings. As a Lone padawan, he has learned All powers a Padawan can learn..

Race: Kiffar


Lightsaber Crystal colour: Custom Icey Blue

Lightsaber Colour Crystal: Peram-Frost

Power Crystal: Jenruax

Lightsaber Design: Custom made Casing, power emmiter and Matrix. Design was made by Makatu Dryant, who died in the last war. Design is based on the flow of the force, allowing constant move-ment through precise Slicing. Zi'Vron's style of combat is mixed with Makashi and Ataru. Allowing firepower in peaceful resolutions. He carrys 2 Lightsabers, One is Icey-blue and one is Dark Silvery-Blue, Lightsaber of his Late Father. Zi'Vron's name means "Warrior of Strengh" through his father's name meanings. Zi'Vron's Future will be decided if he follows the Ashla and continues serving the jedi.






[spoiler= Drew Darkwater]

Name: Drew Darkwater

Age: 17

Appearance: [spoiler=Drew]89jr3pj.jpg


Family: ?

Personality: Calm, cool, and nice.

Bio: (N/A)

Abilities (no more than 2): Force grab, saber throw

Crush(Optional): Waitin'...

Race: Human

Sith or Jedi?: Sith (Because you need some)






[spoiler=Sith Stalker]Name:Unknown, calls himself The Sith stalker

Age: unknown. Believed to be in between 18 and 22

Appearance: [spoiler=]SithStalkerArmorTFUUSE.jpg


Family: None

Personality: Dark cold merciless. Hardly talks.

Bio: Born on board a star destroyer. He was taken in by three of the most powerful but secretive siths, The sith guardians(Made up). He was trained by them to kill all jedi he came upon but got bored. So he destroyed two of his three masters. He is currently looking for more siths to destroy as well as jedi while being on the run from the last guardian.

Abilities(at least 4): Force lightning, push, pull, choke, grip, impale(where the lightsabre heads straight towards the enemy like a spear), multi lightsabre fighting(can make lightsabres float around him and fight with them.)

Lightsaber Appearance: Has five, all inpic.

Blade emitter: ???

Crystal: Five: Black, red, yellow, blue, green.

Focusing Crystal: ???

Focusing lens(optional): ---

Hilt: All five in pic

Race: Believed to be human. Some sort of humanoid race.

Sith or Jedi?: Sith trained but against both. Kills both for fun.


[spoiler=Krentoc]Name:The last Sith guardian, Krentoc

Age: 200

Appearance: [spoiler=]Another_Sith_by_Blinck.jpg


Family: None

Personality: Dark cold cruel and jedi hating, your average sith. 'Cept he knows honor.

Bio: One of three legendary sith known as the sith guardians. When an extremely powerful-in-the-force boy was born upon their star destroyer they took him in and trained him in the ways of the sith, turning him into the ultimate killing machine. This particular Guardian was the lightsabre master and taught the stalker(as he had come to be known) the multi lightsabre technique.

Abilities: Force push, pull, lightning and choke. multi Lightsabre control. Impale.

Lightsaber Appearance: Three, two in pic and an identical one on his belt.

Blade emitter: ???

Crystal: All red

Focusing Crystal: ???

Focusing lens(optional): ---

Hilt: In pic, all identical

Race: A humanoid race known as galatic vampires for their bloodlust and long age.

Sith or Jedi?: Sith.







This takes after Star Wars: Legacy



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NOTE: This App is made under the belief that this RP will take place chronologically after Star Wars: Legacy, or at least after the Darth Bane books. If this is untrue, please say so and I will edit my app accordingly. Also, when you say "OOC is not tolerated", does that mean OOC-only posts or any OOC in general, even labeled OOC?


Teacher App:

Name: Lord August, AKA Darth Princeps (Pronounced "Preen-keps"); Birth Name Unknown, even by him

Age: 35

Appearance: http://heroeswiki.com/images/a/a8/Samuel_outside_station.jpg

Facially same as picture; Wears the same dark style of clothing. However, beneath his robes, Princeps also wears a suit of black Beskar'gam Armor he looted from the body of a Mandalorian he once killed. Beneath his cloak, he carries a double-bladed lightsaber. Unlike some Sith, Princeps' face is sparsely tattooed, his only mark being a series of four vertical, parallel lines on his right cheek.

Family: None known (see Bio)

Personality: Quiet, Cold, Distrustful; Dislikes the comedic and tends towards dispassionate analysis

Bio: At a young age, Princeps was adopted into the "Rule of Two" Sith Order by a secretive Sith who managed to elude the Sith Order and conceal their presence. Princeps trained until the age of 22, at which Princeps slew his master. He then joined the Sith Order, taking the name August. August eventually became one of the Order's military leaders combining tactical aptitude with skilled swordsmanship and prodigious Force abilities to become a force to be reckoned with. He still searches for an apprentice to train in the ways of the Rule of Two and plots to overthrow the current order alongside this apprentice.

Abilities(at least 4): Basic Force Abilities (Reflexes, Sensing presences, etc.)

Telekinesis Expertise

Lightning Expertise

Mental Manipulation (Fear, Influence, etc.)

Lightsaber Appearance: Jet-black double saber; buttons are red

Blade emitter: http://images4.wikia.nocookie.net/starwars/images/2/29/Sith_lightsaber_TOR.jpg

Crystal: Red

Focusing Crystal: Qixoni (http://starwars.wikia.com/wiki/Qixoni_crystal)

Focusing lens(optional): Beam Gem Lens

Hilt: Double-sided

Race: Human

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Ill be jedi then to be nice.

Name: Zi'Vron Dryant

Age: 16





Family: Father: Makatu Dryant, Uncle: Revan Dryant, Mother: Naomi Dryant

Personality: Nice, Experinced in comabt, Loving and caring for other Races

Bio: Zi'vron was born on tatooine. His father left him there after he had to battle a sith army. Later through his life his father came back and took him to the jedi order to get trained. He is a lone padawan waiting to get taken as a paddy with a master. He want to be a jedi Gaurdian.

Abilitys: Can read minds of Dead beings. As a Lone padawan, he has learned All powers a Padawan can learn..

Race: Kiffar


Lightsaber Crystal colour: Custom Icey Blue

Lightsaber Colour Crystal: Peram-Frost

Power Crystal: Jenruax

Lightsaber Design: Custom made Casing, power emmiter and Matrix. Design was made by Makatu Dryant, who died in the last war. Design is based on the flow of the force, allowing constant move-ment through precise Slicing. Zi'Vron's style of combat is mixed with Makashi and Ataru. Allowing firepower in peaceful resolutions. He carrys 2 Lightsabers, One is Icey-blue and one is Dark Silvery-Blue, Lightsaber of his Late Father. Zi'Vron's name means "Warrior of Strengh" through his father's name meanings. Zi'Vron's Future will be decided if he follows the Ashla and continues serving the jedi.

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Name: Talia Sun

Age: 15

Appearance: [spoiler=Appearance]angel374657.jpg Without wings


Family: -shrug-

Personality: quick-thinker, sometimes arrogant, quiet, serious

Bio: Talia grew up always wanting to become a jedi. Her dreams were about destroying the Sith, and becoming a hero of the Republic. To make her dream come true, become real, she always trained hard when she was a padawan, practicing at any spare moment she had. Finally, she had achieved her goal in becoming a jedi. When the Republic started to fall apart, and the Sith began to rise, she trained harder then ever to become a hero of the Republic.

Abilities(no more than 2): Force Heal, Saber Throw

Crush(Optional): ---

Race: Human

Sith or Jedi?: Jedi

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