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Vengeance of Tribe

Saiba Aisu

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Chieftainness of Tribe should have when rather than whenever though.


That's the only error I see, except maybe effect revision because some, such as "Survival of the Fittest" are a bit confusing.


Anyway, the set reminds me of the Amazons. Not saying that's a bad thing.



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Ok, thanks. I always put "whenever!" >.< It's a bad habit of mine...but thanks! And I know this is a drag, but maybe you could help me re-word Survival of the Fittest? And I didn't mean to copy the Amazon idea-I was going for a South American feel. Guess i failed. :S Oh well. And thanks for the rating.

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Here's my revised effect for survival of the Fittest...


"Beast-Type monsters on your side of the field cannot be destroyed in a battle if the monsters' ATK are equal. Once per turn, if this card were to be destroyed by a card effect, you can remove from play 1 card in your Graveyard to negate the effect."

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