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Twig's Yugioh Riddles- IZ BACK!


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Guess as much riddles as you want.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle I(Solved by Aximil/Answer: Spell Striker)[/b]]

If I played Magical Bowling,

I would get a strike every time.

I may be weak,

but I'm not for fighting monsters.


HINT: I was part of a group on strike.



[spoiler=[b]Riddle II(Solved by Alucard/Answer: Blue-Eyes White Dragon)[/b]]

Waters and Sapphires,

The Sense of Vision,

Clouds and Milk,

Komodos with Wings


HINT: There's a word for each line.



[spoiler=[b]Riddle III(Solved by Anbu Naruto/Answer:Marshmallon)[/b]]

Tasty and soft,

Cute and round.

Please don't burn me!



[spoiler=[b]Riddle IV(Solved by Anbu Naruto/Answer: Millennium Shield)[/b]]

1000's, 2000's, 3000's.

Time is no problem.

I can see everything with my eye.


HINT: Do everything you can to me. My defense is unlike any other.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle V(Solved by Aximil/Answer: Earthbound Immortal Assila Picu)[/b]]

I am a never dieing being.

In the real world, I am a small creature.

In the Yugioh world, I am a deadly and humongous monster.


HINT: What is it with my name. What is it with all my family's name. This has to be a different language.

HINT: My effect is like a bomb. If I go off, your monsters go bye bye.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle VI(Solved by iHop/Answer: Dark Bribe)[/b]]

The easy button for many decks.

The fastest trap there is.

Sorry, but a deal is a deal.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle VII(Solved by Alucard/Answer: Tuned Magician)[/b]]

Doubles, that's my type.

When I can use my effect,

I'm ready to sync.





[spoiler=[b]Riddle VIII[/b]]

Whenever I am summoned,

little zombies always appear.

I am used to make warriors

and archers for battle.


HINT: I am NOT a zombie.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle IX(Solved by Alucard/Answer: Black Rose Dragon)[/b]]

My attribute doesn't fit me,

for I see no fire in me.


[spoiler=[b]Riddle X(Solved by KaNine Kaisu/Answer: UFO Turtle)[/b]]

I am slow.

I am unidentified.

But I can't fly.




Reps I owe:

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