Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 ((Ugh! I already explained that three of the Signers are on a planet in the Aplha Centauri System! To put it simply, in the future, there are off-world colonies that has a siable portion of humanity. These can be accessed by transportal, a device that kinda acts as an oversized Stargate, allowing ground traffic to travel between two transportals. There are different types of transportals for different distances, but most shipping is sent via starship.))((Dresden, you approve?)) Promethea slinked away as the other Dark Signers went off to find the Signers. She went to the garage, where she found her Duel Runner: a black Dark Signer Duel Runner with pink markings. She slapped on a helmet, zoomed off, and eventually found Zeth."So, does she still work after all of this time?" She asked Zeth as she slid into the lane next to him. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 ((Characters wondering about things is not always the same as RPers not knowing things)) Zeth blinked at the sound of Promethea's voice and glanced over to the side, where he saw an elegant black runner with pink markings driving next to him, Promethea astride it. He grinned and accelerated to give another burst of speed to the engines, turning a corner at the same time. The handling of his Runner was superb, just as he remembered it. He pulled back a bit and called over, "Yeah, she works perfectly!" He had always kept it in good shape when he owned it and took care to store it properly. The two years in storage had not degraded anything that he could take note of yet, although it could probably use a polishing. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 ((Sorry.)) Promethea smiled."Well, I haven't used one of these in decades, so I was wondering if you would like to practice with me? No Earthbound Immortals or Shadow Dueling, though. I would not only just like to ease back into the game, but I would also like to not attract attention to two recent escapees of one of the best prisons on the planet." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted February 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 ((This RP takes place a little over two centuries after the anime, which takes place ± two centuries after GX, which takes place somewhere in the 2000's, Y-tak's point stands, though you're gonna have to fire up the Warp Drive because we can't have a realistic interplanetary travel time because... well... everyone and their great-grand-descendants would die.)) "Can I join?" Sayla asked, rummaging through her left deck "Alright, I think I'll use you guys." She said, loading it into her Duel Disk, which resembled what had been the standard Duel Disk for over two centuries, only all five card slots were on one blade. "Now then..." She mused, pulling out her right Extra Deck and removing one card. "Alrighty then, come on out, Fiend Roar Deity Beast Unicor!" She said, holding up the card and watching a unicorn fly out "I'll be piloting him today." Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 ((Well, that's why we have the transportals as a convenient plot device, allowing Duel Runners to travel to different worlds.))((And Dresden, what are you doing with Sayla?))((Furthermore, looks like I'm switching over to Damian since evilfusion went offline...)) Damian walked into the public library, and went into the holoterminal."Computer, scan. User, right arm."The terminal emitted a beam that analyzed the marking."All categories, top 10."Several newspaper clippings from 2021, along with images and video of two of the most beloved members of the Atlas family appeared in front of Damian, causing his eyes to dialate.Jack Atlas and Itsu Atlas, the father and the wife of Damian Atlas, respectively, had the same mark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 ((Back)) Zeth chuckled slightly. He had been one of the few captured from the gang that had managed to sneak his deck into the Facility, so he was still at the top of his game, albeit without a decent opponent for some time, considering whatever cards most of the other prisoners had were trash that barely got sneaked in, or were random assortments of cards created from trash that had barely gotten sneaked in. "I'm game for that," he agreed, removing the deck from his Duel Disk and quickly searching through it, removing his spell cards and Uru, and quickly swapping in the cards in his Runner's deck compartment, double checking the list and then the deck itself. Once satisfied, he placed his deck into the deck slot on his Runner and the self-shuffling mechanism shuffled the deck. "Ready when you are," he said, touching the button that would activate the Duel Mode of his Runner. ((Would we use Speed World or Speed World 2, and do we play with 4000 LP or 8000?)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 "So, what did you fi-"Izumi studied the pictures and files."It says here that they both lived in New Domino, and they both have Dragon-type Synchro Monsters as their aces.""Itsu had a Blue-Eyes analogue, and Jack had-"Izumi's eyes widened as well."Ryu! Get over here!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Daimon Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 "You called?"Ryu saw the Red Dragon Archfiend card being used by Jack Atlas."Wait a second..."Ryu pulled up a picture of Crow Hogan, who had the exact same dragon as Damian did.He also pulled up the screen that showed "Team 5D's" and their ace cards, which were all Dragon-type Synchro Monsters. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 "OK. We have a lead." Damian agreed. "Now, let's see when a transportal is opening to New Domino." ((Better than SW2...)) "We will have 4000 LP, and we will be using Speed World Z." Speed World ZField/SpellIf a player activates a Spell Card, other than a "Speed Spell" or a "Speed Zone", they take 2000 damage. During each player's Standby Phase, place 1 Speed Counter on this card for the turn player (max. 12 for each player). Once per turn, during your Main Phase 1, you may add 1 "Speed Zone" Continuous Spell Card to your hand from your Deck or Graveyard. ((Dresden, mind if this is the new standard Speed World?)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Zeth merely nodded, selecting the option on the Duel Mode 'Field Spell' selection screen. The computer on his Runner lit up, displaying the words "Duel Mode Start" and showing the image of the chosen field. Zeth read the effect quickly and nodded again. He wasn't familiar with that field spell, but he supposed it may have been created during his time in prison. He flipped the autopilot switch on his Runner and his computer announced the activation of the autopilot system. Zeth drew five cards from his deck and placed them in the slot designated for holding his hand. "Who starts?" he asked Promethea. LP: 4000 Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted February 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 ((Not at all, go right ahead)) Kenshin was in his garage fixing up his Duel Runner and just moving on to the ones his last three customers brought in The first was unlucky enough to have an owner that was stupid enough to Duel against a Blood Mephist, and as a result got his Duel Runner and extremities trashed, "You're going last, sorry." He told the motorcycle. The second was a luxury model driven, if you could call trying to pop a wheelie and instead sending yourself into the asphalt and the Duel Runner into the ocean driving, by some rich punk. "I may actually have to flip a coin between you two." The third was a near perfect replica of Phoenix Whirlwind that the owner, a mechanic acquaintance of Kenshin's, had been working on for the better part of two and a half years. However, he never could get the hybrid Duel Disk, also a nearly flawless remake of Atlas's, to link up with the Duel Runner's holographic matrices. "Whew, Koshiro, you are good." He said, appraising the recreation "If I didn't know any better I'd think this was two hundred years ago and Jack Atlas was about to ring..." The door chimes sounded "You have gotta be kidding me..." "I've got dibs on second!" Sayla said, giggling beneath her mask "This is gonna be fun!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 "I will go third." Promethea replied. "Remember. No EIs or Shadow Duels." Damian, passport in hand, met up with Izumi and Ryusei. All three of them had their Duel Runners, their decks, and plenty of cash."You ready?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Zeth blinked. "A three way Turbo Duel?" he asked, but shrugged. "Very well, first move mine, then. I draw!" He drew the top card of his deck and took a brief glance at it, followed by a peek at the rest of his hand. He placed the drawn card into his hand and picked one of the monster cards among them, slapping it sideways onto his Runner's Disk. "I set one monster and then..." he selected two cards and slid them into the rear slots of the disk. "I place two cards facedown and end my turn. Next up!" LP: 4000SPC: 1Hand: 3Monsters: 1 facedownS/Ts: 2 facedown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bringerofcake Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 After the meeting, Markos decided, nay, he was compulsed to retrieve his Deck. He could get a D-Wheel, easy, but getting the Venom ace deck back was the key. A little vengeance couldn't hurt either. He found the secret stronghold with ease, as he knew its location by precise memory. He knew how to avoid all of the traps, again because he'd done it all a thousand times before. He entered, promptly slaughtered the men who had put him in such a state, took the deck and left. There was little more to do than that. As he left, he saw three D-Wheels in the midst of a Triangle Duel. Markos activated the Duel Feed and saw that not one, but THREE Dark Signers were engaged. Interested, he moved with the Runners, passing on to the Duel Lane where he could. He was now directly behind them. He would've joined, but then things would've gotten messy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted February 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Sayla laughed and plucked Ccapac Apu from the standard female hiding place "Didn't even add him to my Deck." She said, slipping it back and going over her strategy again Summon him, set them, bum bum, victory. She said, humming to herself, "Huh, oh, my turn? Yay!" She said as a tiny white fallen angel drew a card from her deck and showed it to her "I Summon Naturia White Oak in Attack Mode. Now, I'll set two cards face-down and toss it over to Miss Promethea." Her fallen angel helper set two cards in her Spell/Trap Zones for her and plopped back down on Unicor's head. "A little faster, please?" She asked, petting the unicorn's mane as it ran to catch up to Zeth. She snapped her fingers "Aww, two girls, one guy, threeway duel, how did I miss that set up?!" She asked loudly. LP: 4000SPC: 2Hand: 3Monsters: Naturia White Oak (1800/1400)S/Ts: 2 f/d ((Bringerofcake: 1. Who the HELL is Regilus 2. Not one Dark Signer, THREE Dark Signers)) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 "I draw, and I activate Speed Spell - Speed Swap!" Speed Spell - Speed SwapActivate if you have at least 3 Speed Counters. Place 1 card in your hand on the bottom of your Deck. Select 1 card in your Deck, other than the card on the bottom of your Deck, reveal it, then add it to your hand. "I can send my Dark Tyranno to the bottom of my Deck to add Jurak Hererra to my hand!"Promethea showed the other two a firey dinosaur with two cannons on its back."I now place Jurak Garim in Defense Mode!"A firey dinosaur with a duck-like beak and a flaming belly appeared, running alongside Promethea's Duel Runner, until it saw the opposition and tried to cover its head with its tiny arms. (0 DEF)"I set a face-down, then I end my turn!" Promethea: 4000 LPSPC: 3Hand: 3Monsters: Garim (0 DEF)Spells/Traps: 1 FDGraveyard: Speed Swap Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
The Warden Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 A lonely park, one of many still left standing in the city. A sickly looking man was idly swinging on one of the swings, backwards, forwards, backwards, forwards. He is holding a dueldisk on his lap and still swinging by moving his feet. On the duel disk is a sinlgle card, one depicting two brothers, each supporting the other. On the man's hand was an odd 'II' symbol, conjoined, like the spirits of the two brothers. This man, was the gaurdian of the Gemini. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 "Of course." Izumi replied, mounting her Duel Runner. The other two followed suit.They waited in the designated departure area, ready to go in first, until a spiral of energy started to form in the center of the circular structure of the transportal, which coalesced into a shimmering portal that showed New Domino as dawn was breaking over it.The three of them went into the gate, and appeared on the opposite side at the busiest transportal hub in the known galaxy. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Proto Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Victor had been momentarily spaced out for several moments, he had just had experienced a intense pain in his forearm and intended to figure out what was the cost. "Oh perfect, now I have to group up with the others again" The silver haired man muttered as he began searching, he was lacking several essential materials he required for the mission of the Signers. One was a D-Wheel the other was a deck, thankfully he knew where one of which was. With another burst of black energy Victor transported to a small graveyard, it was not much but this was not where the fun started. The mischievous man walked up to a particularly large tomb, in the center it engraved "The Grave of the Late Mako Tsunami, allow him to rest in peace." Victor muttered as he pulled out a large blade from his coat and stabbed it into a particularly weak piece of the ivory tomb. While grinning sinisterly he viewed the cards that the late Mako had obtained, as well as the Water-based cards his children had offered in his grave. Victor quickly stashed up the cards in his Dark Signer Duel Disk and began laughing, such ignorance in this world should be rewarded. His mark glowed with pain once again and Victor was pulled out of the cemetary with another burst of black light and was pushed into a common Sector Security station. Victor smiled again, his therorys had been correct, the previous Sectory Security did keep the prisoner's cards withen this forgotten cell. Victor quickly assembled a collection of some of the better cards along with several cards for Turbo Duels and placed them in a Duel Runner also found in the vault. This Duel Runner looked like it had been quite old, covered in dust, however when the dust was wiped, it seemed that the Duel Runner of a previous Criminal had been confiscated and placed in here as well. While driving out of the warehouse, pratically unoticed, he rode out on his new Duel Runner, which was a deep purple in color and began searching for the Signers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Zeth nodded. "Very well, my turn!" he said, drawing a card. He gazed over at his cards and smirked. "I summon Submarine Frog in attack mode!" he announced, slapping a monster vertically onto his disk. A green amphibian creature, dressed in a diving suit and wielding a spear materialized on the field. (ATK: 1200) His gaze flicked over to Promethea's field and a smirk crossed his face. "0 Defense points is unfortunate when Submarine Frog deals piercing damage. Submarine Frog, impale that shrimpy monster!" The frog lunged towards Promethea's monster and hurled its spear at it. LP: 4000SPC: 4Hand: 3Monsters: 1 facedown, Submarine Frog (1200 ATK, attacking Jurak Garim)S/Ts: 2 facedown. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Promethea groaned as the attack hit her, but she smiled as she activated her Trap Card. (2800 LP) (SPC: 3)"I activate Damage Condensor, allowing me to discard a card from my hand to Special Summon a monster with 1200 ATK or less, and I Special Summon Black Stego in Attack Mode!"A large dinosaur with green scales and red plates on its back popped into existence, and started running as fast as it could alongside Promethea's Duel Runner. (1200 ATK)"Furthermore, I can now destroy your Submarine Frog due to Garim's effect!"A burst of lingering flame engulfed Submarine Frog, melting the poor creature."And remember that Jurak Herrera that I recently received? HIS effect activates, allowing me to Special Summon him in Attack Mode!"Herrera stomped onto Promethea's field, roaring at the duelist who destroyed his comrade. (2300 ATK)"Anything else?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted February 7, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Kenshin's Head Mark immediately started reacting "What the Hell?" He muttered, looking down at it, his arm pulling him due north "Northern Autos... Doubtful... Northwest Runners.... Highly doubt it... Syd's Shack... Never again... Interplanetary Transit Depot?" The Mark flickered "We have a winner." The Head Signer mused, kickstarting his Duel Runner and speeding into the street, weaving in and out of traffic and down alleyways to skip over Sector Security, responding to every little twinge of his Mark with a highly illegal turn in the appropriate directon Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Damian, Izumi, and Ryusei, after FINALLY getting through customs, were just about to hit the town when their marks lit up."Dammit! Now what?!?" Damian complained as he saw some stranger with a similar glow emanating from his right arm walk up to the trio. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Izumi took notice of the man, and noticed that his mark was the same one that Yusei Fudo and Damian Atlas had."Who are you? What's going on? And why did we get these marks and dragons?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 7, 2010 Report Share Posted February 7, 2010 Zeth let a tiny smirk appear on his face. "You seem to have forgotten a small detail. Garim's effect can be negated if I choose to discard a card. I think I will do that and send this little card to my grave," he said, showing a card in his hang depicting small frog monster with a halo and wings. "Treeborn Frog to the grave to spare my Submarine Frog." The melted frog solidified and reformed, gaving Promethea a glare. Zeth smiled. "I think that'll do for me this round. Turn End." LP: 4000SPC: 4Monsters: 1 f/d, Submarine Frog 1200/600S/Ts: 2 f/d.Grave: Treeborn Frog Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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