evilfusion Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 Heh, but most cards with "Scorpion" in their names or are scorpion-like are insects. (Fiend Scorpion, Millennium Scorpion, Mystical Beast Serket, etc) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted February 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 Anyway, we can start anytime. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 February 5th, 2210 (Terran Standard Calendar)23/45, Temperance, 162 AP (First Standard Calendar)West North Side-Capitol Island Connector BridgeLanding City, District 1, First, Alpha Centauri System The colony of Alpha Centauri was established using 100 families from both the United States of America and the Autonomy of New Domino, Earth's current geopolitical, economic, and transportational center. They were transported via cryogenic suspension to the planet from 2052 to 2057, landing in what is now Small Step Square on August 26th, 2058 after a year-long survey of the first planet in the Proxima Centauri sub-solar system. But, due to a strange mutation of the cold bug, all but 38 families perished in the first few years. These remaining 38, including Damian and Itsu Atlas, became the First Clans, and set up the clan system on the planet of First.Over 150 years later, that system is still used in the 37 Districts across the planet. 37 of the Clans rule over each District, with minor Clan Wars occuring between them that result in the occasional border shift. But one clan rules over the entire planet, and that is the Atlas Clan, a clan almost entirely containing cyborg-like entities called "MAGI".MAGI have immense cybernetic and psychic abilities, as well as nanobot-based enhancements that are passed down genetically. The first MAGI were almost entirely made out of nanobots, but nowadays, they simply have nanobots in their bloodstream, serving as a sort of symbiote.Now, the Atlas Clan must enact the "Code of Ascension", one of 19 Codes used as an analogue for the American Constitution. Code 6, or the "Code of Ascension", states that, whenever a Patriarch or Matriarch of a Clan dies or retires, all Clansmen and Clanswomen born during his or her reign must play Duel Monsters against each other for one lunar cycle. Whoever has the most wins becomes the new Clan leader.Patriarch Orion, the 20th Clan leader of Clan Atlas, retired 2 Firstese weeks ago, and the fight began. Now, three duelists vie for the spot: Damian Atlas VII with 47 wins and 8 losses, Izumi Chronos with 39 wins and 15 losses, and Ryusei Kaiba, with 23 wins and 69 losses.But that's about to change... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 A shrill sound broke through the relative silence of the prison facility, alerting everyone within earshot (which was...everyone) that something was amiss. Heads poked out of the rooms that were spread out through a long corridor, each face peering out was marked with a yellow marking, some small and triangular, others long and trailing down the owner's face. The sounds of yelling and commands could be heard, as well as the sound of boots rushing to the area. "Stay in your rooms!" a voice boomed, and while the order was obeyed, not one door closed. What the devil was going on? What idiot was trying to make a run for it? There was no escaping from the facility. Several uniformed men stormed into the room, each uniformed emblazoned with the insignia of a security official. Some of them carried sidearms or rifles, others carried Duel Disks, as if those card-playing devices would be equally efficient in dealing with a prison riot. The men spread out, taking tactical positions while staring at the door in front of them, the door that led to another section of the prison. Tension mounted as everyone, security and prisoners alike, stared at that gray metal door. Through this door emerged a young man with long blonde hair, his eyes wild and excited. Upon his arm, he wielded a Duel Disk and the nearest official's eyes widened. The disk the young man carried was scratched and beaten up, yet there was a small, undeniable red stain on one of the end of the disk. No doubt the young man had gotten into a fight on his way here, a pretty fierce one judging by the state of his clothes. The official gulped and yelled in an authoritive tone, "Halt and drop the Duel Disk!", speaking in the same tone one would discourage a jumper or a bomber. The eyes of the young blonde man seemed to burn for a moment and he raised the Duel Disk defensively. "You don't have a deck!" the official noted smugly. All decks were confiscated from prisoners and it seemed that this prisoner had only managed to find a Disk and a change of clothes. Not nearly enough to fight his way out of the Facility. The blonde man merely smiled. "No deck? No, I have a deck," he said, withdrawing a deck of Duel Monsters cards from a pocket of his black jeans. "The same deck I've carried with me for the last two years of my life, you security scum," he added mockingly. "Give yourself up. You can't win," a second security officer said, brandishing his own Duel Disk and stepping forward. None of the officers with guns moved, more intent on watching the wide-eyed prisoners observing the scene. "Oh, but I have," the blonde youth replied with a smirk. To the officers' alarm, a strange purple mark appeared upon the youth's arm, the mysterious shape of a spider. Purple flames erupted from the ground around the officers and startled prisoners ducked into their quarters. The young man laughed. "What's wrong coppers? I thought you had things under control and that I couldn't win!" With that, he raised a card above his head, and a rumbling sound filled the prison room, much like an earthquake. Everyone was too busy cowering or holding onto things to see precisely what happened, but within a few moments, a massive explosion sounded and debris scattered along the floor, coming from the wall opposite the door the young man had come from. The securities screamed and then everything was silent. When one brave prisoner peered through his door again, the wall was in shambles and there was no sign of the blonde prisoner, nor the security officers. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 Landing, the capitol city of First, makes up a good portion of District 1, currently the smallest district on the planet at approximately the size of the state of New Jersey. But the city is also the most populous city on the planet, and therefore District 1 is the most populous District. Like New Domino and New York City back on Terra, Landing is the planet's center for anything. The spaceport and transportal hub are both located just outside of the city, and the city itself is filled with people. Built along the Major River, Landing consists of a small island, Capitol Island, where major landmarks such as the Clansmeet building, the Atlas estate, Small Step Square, and the Monument Mile are located, as well as the North and South Sides of the city, which have separate buroughs and towns in them.But enough about the stage.Time to get to the cast. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Blackstone Dresden Posted February 6, 2010 Author Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Brionac, attack his Junk Forward! Impenetrable Ice Wall!" The opponent shouted as the serpentine draconian Monster lashed out at the smaller of the two monsters on Kenshin's field, caushing his Life Points dropped down to two hundred and fifty. "I end my turn." He stated as the large shield in front of the larger Machine on the Signer's field. "My...turn" He said, Drawing a card from his Duel Disk. "Why bother when you're using a worthless hunk of scrap like that?" His opponent asked "You claim to be the descendant of the great Yusei Fudo, but honestly I don't see it. You probably just stole his Duel Disk and a few worthless cards, you two don't even use the same Deck. If you did, you'd have Synchro Summoned Stardust and wiped out my life points." "I Summon Junk Synchron!" Kenshin said, seemingly ignoring his opponent, "Now I activate his effect, bringing my Junk Armor back from the repair shop." An armored knight appeared next to the robot "Now, I Tune my Level 3 Junk Synchron with my Level 2 Junk Armor!" The little mechanic pulled a cord on his back and started up two engines before turning into a light green cylinder that the armored knight flew through "Clustering stars signal the return of an old friend! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Welcome back, Junk Warrior" He shouted. "Now, I have three Junk Synchrons in the repair shop, so I can activate my Symbol of Heritage, fixing up the most recent addition and put him back on the road. Now, you want proof of my ancestry?" He asked, drawing a card from his pocket "Now, do I need to say it?" "It.. it can't be!" The blue haired Duelist shouted "You can't freeze me out like this!" "I Tune my Level 5 Junk Warrior with my Level 3 Junk Synchron!" He shouted "Clustering wishes herald the return of the great shining star! Become the path its light shines upon! Synchro Summon! Take flight, Stardust Dragon!" He shouted as a giant white dragon appeared behind him "Shooting Sonic!" He called, as the white and blue dragon took down the Sea Serpent and dropped the enemy's Life Points to 2100 "Ha, you didn't make it!" He said, laughing "Even if you attack me directly with that worthless hunk of SCRAP, I'll still have 300 Life Points left, plenty to take down a pathetic thief like you. And, when you're done, I'll relieve Stardust Dragon from your services and add him to my army." Kenshin smiled and stated, "Now, I retire my Junk Gardna and give Junk Blader a little bit of Nos." His grin widen as his opponent's jaw hit the floor when he saw Junk Blader's 2200 ATK Points "Now, Junk Blader, Attack the ignorant fool. Refurbished Halberd!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 ((Hmm...Yusei Fudo descendant...))((Meh...Yuki was never mentioned as an only child. That'll work.)) A young man walked the cold streets of Landing.He seemed to be looking for someone, but he couldn't find his quarry.He was abnormally tall, and he had messy, blonde hair covered by a black hat. He also had on a grey trenchcoat, and a strpied sash around his waist.He then spotted her, and his eyes narrowed as he grinned.Her found her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "I was wondering when you would show up." A British-sounding voice answered the trench-coated man.A pink-haired woman stepped out of the shadows, her emerald eyes lit with inner fire. A cold rage burned inside of her, a rage that was towards her opponent."You ready?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "I was born ready!" The trench-coated man replied as he revealed a circular device on his left arm.The woman also had a similar device, but, while the man had an open-cased machine of gears and pistons, hers was sleek and looked like it could be changed into different forms."Come on! Fight me! We're burning moonlight!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Fine then!" The woman cried out, "...but how about we crank this duel up a notch, eh?"She pressed a button on the device, and a sleek-looking motorcycle made in the same style as her arm-device appeared moments later. The man did the same, and a more mechanical vehicle appeared."Shall we?" She invited as she mounted her motorcycle and placed her device on a console in front of her. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Of course!" The man retorted as he did the same.They sped off towards a busy highway, where they entered, and started to weave in and out of traffic."Alright! Let's settle this once and for all!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Ladies first!" The woman replied as she pressed a button on her vehicle, causing it to display a grid and say "DUEL MODE ACTIVATED". The man's motorcycle did the same. As they did so, a purple shimmer surrounded the area. "I draw!" (1 SPC)"I set a face-down monster and a face-down card, then I end my turn!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "My turn! Draw!" (2 SPC)"I Normal Summon Koa'ki Meiru Drago in Attack Mode!"A blue, four-winged dragon with a red symbol on its chest appeared next to the motorcyclist. (1900 ATK)"Now I'll attack your face-down!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 The monster flipped up to reveal a plump, purple-skinned magician or sorts. (2000 DEF)"My Djinn Releaser of Rituals is a bit too powerful for your Drago!"Releaser then countered by whirling her staff into the air, which landed on the man's head before returning to its rightful owner. (Man: 3900 LP)"Finished?" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 The man was still grinning, even after that blow to the head."Of course. Let me just reveal my Koa'ki Meiru Maximus in my hand to keep Drago on the field."The man showed his foe a card in his hand, and Drago's symbol glowed."I end my tu-" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Ace Daimon Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 Just then, a young man with silver hair interjected to the battle on a large three-wheeled motorcycle that looked more like a medieval war machine than a racing motorcycle."My move!" (SPC: 3)Both of the previous opponents were addled, but they let him join in anyways."I draw, and I discard Genex Doctor to Special Summon the Tricky from my hand!"A strange magician with a mask adorned with a "?" popped into existence on the boys's die of the field. (2000 ATK)"Now I Normal Summon Ally Genex Remote in Attack Mode!"A white, egg-shaped robot with a remote for one arm appeared next to The Tricky. (500 ATK)"Now I will Tune them together!"Remote pressed several buttons on his right arm, causing him to burst into 3 green rings. The Tricky entered these rings, becoming 5 stars. The rings and stars aligned, causing a beam of light to burst forth."Synchro Summon! Real Genex Vindicare!"Out of which came a large, jet-plane-like robot. The robot soared up into the sky, too far for any attack to reach it."My Vindicare can't be attacked, while I can attack you! Vindicare, destroy her Releaser!"Vindicare dived down and emitted a blast of energy from its ring, causing Releaser to disintegrate. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Princess Judai Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 The woman smiled."I activate Michizure!"She flipped up her face-down card, which depicted a man falling down a fissure, dragging another man with him."If one of my monsters is destroyed, I can destroy another monster, and I choose Vindicare!"A fissure opened up, and a giant version of Releaser's hand pulled Vindicare down with it. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 Just as the boy was about to respond, he suddenly felt a burning sensation in his right arm. He looked to see the other two similarly affected.They all pulled over, the duel canceled, as they collapsed in an alley just off the highway... Meanwhile, 4.5 light-years away, the event had occured.The Signer marks had vanished, and the Dark Signers, thought to have been destroyed over 150 years ago, were walking the earth.Six of them, their hoods down, waited at a candle-lit table as a seventh walked in and sat down at the head of the table."I trust that you all made it out safe and sound, hmm?" She asked. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Proto Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 The figure donning a purple cloak toke a large grin under his hood and began speaking. "Hmmph, I had a fairly good time, killed a few bystanders who gave me funny looks, the usual buisness." Victor licked one of his pale hands, vampiric in appearance and looking mad. "Anyways, what did you happen to call us here for all might ruler? As things may seem this is not a meeting to decide who gets to keep the teacups and biscuits!" Victor grinned again at the Mark on his forearm and began imagining why the Leader had brought them there. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Because, you nimrod, we weren't the only ones who were recreated!" The Leader snapped. "There are now 6 Signers out there, instead of 5! We're barely at full strength! And in case you didn't get the message that flahsed into our brains, we need to find these 'Zodiac' cards, or else!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Bringerofcake Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Or else what? What's so important about these Zodiacs, anyway? It's not like they're going to help us kill off the Signers or anything. And for that matter, how's the Lord of the Underworld going to get out this time? Last I remember, the Old Momentum is sealed up." While he hated to sound indignant, these were important concerns. The very point of the Dark Signers was to get the Lord of the Underworld out of the Underworld to establish a new era of Darkness. That doesn't really work if the Lord can't get out. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "The Zodiac cards are the key. From what I have researched, they have incredible amounts of Duel Energy. All 13 should be enough to unseal the King of the Underworld.""Furthermore, we are in the Lord's debt, since he was the one that recreated the Earthbound Immortals for us and set off this entire chain of events!" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
evilfusion Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "Making it out was easy," snickered a young man at the table, disdainfully wearing a cloak with red markings, his blonde hair peeking out from under the hood. He paused for a moment and then chuckled. "How do you propose we start? We know nothing of these Zodiac things. Hell, we don't even know if they're cards. They could be historical valuables just waiting to be pried from their owners' hands!" He didn't bother mentioning that his message had implied destroying the Zodiac thingies, rather than just finding them. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Proto Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "No need to be so cold Miss Condor, but how exactly is this whole thing supposed to work? I mean the Zodiacs probably have already been discovered by your dear siblings, and also if we happen to be the only ones knowing about it, then wouldn't it gain suspicion from certain people that we are revived? I mean I can't exactly go to all the dinner parties I wish being a former criminal." Victor grinned a bit more as the Killer Whale mark on his arm began to glow more and more during the meeting. "Anyways, still the King of the Underworld was foiled by Signers once before and I'm almost certain that even if we obtain these Zodiacs then the Signers would just summon the Crimson Dragon again" Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Guest TheFinalFan Posted February 6, 2010 Report Share Posted February 6, 2010 "All I know is that we must get those cards and use their energy to revive the Lord of the Underworld." The Leader simply stated."Now, let's get to work. Go and find any Signers, but do not engage them. Also, find any clues as to what we are searching for." Meanwhile, light-years away...Damian Atlas woke up to feel his head hurting like crazy."Anyone get the license of that shuttle?" He groaned to Izumi and Ryusei, who were also just reviving from their three-way Turbo Duel.He then looked down at his right arm to see a faintly-glowing mark that looked like a pair of wings. He saw that Ryusei had a similar mark that looked like a skull, while Izumi had a serpent-shaped mark. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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