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Yu-Gi-Oh! Revelation of the Zodiac [PG-16/Started/Accepting by PM]

Blackstone Dresden

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"Some kids........... I think one was a Atlas brat and the other seemed to have a lot of Yusei blood, using Junk Synchron, Warrior and Destroyer. Also I didn't think you would need it, but I don't see why all I get is a hand-me-down, anyways just either keep the card or give it to another, its just not my style." He then grinned and viewed Mako's old deck in his outstretched hands, all he got was hand-me-downs, figures that he, the bearer of the mark that most people considered a "Extra" Dark Signer had to find his own ground. "However, you can take the Atlas brat, the Junky is mine, he's being repayed in cold."

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Guest TheFinalFan

"Alright. The Fudo shouldn't be much of a problem, but the Atlas on the other hand-"

Promethea suddenly felt Victor's words sink in. Her eyes widened as she grabbed Victor's robes.

"Did you just say there was an ATLAS Signer?!?" She anunciated slowly.

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Zeth was listening to the conversation with only partial interest, removing his Dark Signer robe from his Runner's storage compartment and putting it on. His eyes briefly flicked towards the card Victor gave Promethea. One-Hundred Eye Dragon...one of the most fearsome of the Dark Synchro monsters, if the stories were true. Capable of copying the effects of Dark Monsters in the graveyard...it was that part that disqualified it as something Zeth would use. Creating negative Level 8 would be easy with the large numbers of Level 2 monsters in his deck, but he wouldn't be able to reap the benefits of its effect. He was better off using his other Synchro monsters.

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Through her eyelids, Deryn noticed that the light had changed somehow. Her eyelids flicked open. The purple light had gone.

So that turbo duel is over? she mused as she stood up. She decided to go to the library, to see if she could find anything out about the purple lights, however a couple of minutes later she found she was heading back towards the duel lanes where the purple light was, in the direction the turbo duelists had zoomed off to.

Why am I going this way? The library is the other way, and I'm sure I set off that way. Oh well, I guess there's another one down here somewhere, and I might even meet that woman again. She has to know something about the purple light, if she sticks around long enough to talk this time.

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Izumi also noticed the sudden absence of the glowing figure in the sky.

Well, let's wait and get a message from Damian and see whether he's still alive...


((Two Hours Later...))


Izumi was furious! She couldn't find Damian anywhere!

I swear to whatever deities are out there, if I ever get my hands on Damian Atlas VII, I will make him hurt!

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Guest TheFinalFan

Damian, now back on the road, turned to the other Signer.

"So, could you tell me where we're going?" He asked. "We've been traveling down these highways for 2 hours! And you haven't said a dang thing this whole time! Just letting you know, this is the seventeenth time I've asked you this!"

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((Dark Prince not accepted. Bringerofcake, if YOU were a Psychic Duelist, wouldn't you have a small stack of cards with no other purpose than to bring them to life with your powers? I would.))


"Sorry, I was trying to place where I know you." Kenshin said, pulling up next to Damian so a semi could pass them, "Anyway, I have no idea where the Hell I'm going, I'm just looking for an exit. I'm Kenshin, by the way. Kenshin Fudo, great-grandson of the runner-up of the First Fortune Cup, though if you ask me he could have easily beaten that one kid...Dammit...what was his name again?" He asked "Anyway, who are you, Wingman? You look really familiar..."

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"Promethea, if you're not going to use that card, I could easily put it to good use."

He still needed time to figure out what the hell they were. Promethea and the other...

"My entire Deck is DARK, and I've needed a good Dark Synchro for awhile."

The plot seems to get odder and odder as time goes on...

"And Victor, I'll join you. Jack Atlas was a smug, arrogant bastard till the day he died. I wanna see the look on SOMEONE's face when I ram him in the dirt."

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"Okay dude, I can see us getting along well!" Victor said, slicing a small hole in space-time with his blade and putting his hand through it, pulling out the One Hundred Eye-Dragon card and handing it to his fellow Dark Signer. "So, whats your name brother" Victor said as he handed the demonic card into his companions hand.


"Anyways while I'm at it, this new deck of mine isn't working that well" Victor muttered as he stared at the old fisherman's deck. "Hey guys, you got something a little more icy for my taste? I'll keep the theme but it has to have ice...."

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Zeth raised an eyebrow at Victor. "Icy?" he repeated, flicking a strand of blonde hair from his face. After a few moments' pause he shook his head. "I don't know many ice themed cards, barring the Ice Barrier monsters, but those are fickle as hell to run well," he said finally. He flicked through the cards in his deck, rapidly converting his deck back into his usual ground-based deck instead of his Turbo version. He frowned slightly. He needed to tweak this Turbo version quite a bit to get it to work well, and faster. Most of the key cards in his main deck were spells.


"What type of theme are you running now?" he inquired.

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Sayla smiled and pulled a card out the standard female hiding spot "I've got an Ice card." She said, flicking it twice and showing Victor a Dark Synchro version of Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon "Would he work?" She had resumed her overtly peppy persona and the smile in her voice was unmissable. She even winked at Zeth, though how she managed to convey that as well as she did was unknown "I stole the white version off of this really pathetic Frog user, no offense... Hey wait a minute! She said, yanking the card out of Victor's hands and giving it to Zeth, "Here, you use cute little Froggys, right? You can have this guy!" She said, giggly profusely


Oh dear Lord, what the Hell is with her... a voice in Promethea's head asked

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"Oh, I honestly just stole old man Mako's cards and added my Dark Synchro support, as you can see its not working very well. So I suppose you could say I use a Legendary Ocean deck, which is quite unfortunate because I was hoping for something a little more, controlish or maybe a Beatdown strategy that would work with Turbo Duels. Anyways, mostly I got most of my cards from graverobbing, it makes a okay buisness but most of them aren't really that great." Suddenly Victor came to a conclusion. "Hey! When I was killing people for cards I had a whole bunch and I hid them all in a grave. Maybe if we can get to there we can make a bit of a upgrade!"

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Zeth stared at Sayla for literally a full minute in a numb silence before turning his gaze to the card she gave him. "Uh...thanks," he said, his tone a mixture of confused and alarmed. He studied the card thoughtfully, taking note of the five dark blue stars on the left hand corner. He saw no reason to refuse it, and simply placed it in his Extra Deck, counting the cards quickly. A sudden thought occurred to him and he flicked through his main deck, checking the levels of most of his monsters.


He gave Victor an odd look. "If memory serves, Mako was overhyped and simply adding Dark Synchro support won't make his deck good." He chose not to even comment about the off-handed way Victor mentioned killing for cards.

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((You can Dark Synchro the effect if you want, just PM it to me first so I can OK it. Also, if anyone want's to make new Speed Worlds, PM me with your creations. I've decided that this far in the future, Speed World Z may be the factory setting, but Pegasus's successor's successor's successor's successor started making non-standard ones to make more money))


"Would you stop staring?" Sayla asked, "These things don't have pockets so I really can't hide my extra cards anywhere else now can I?" The blue Dark Signer asked, adjusting her mask "Besides, it helps distract men when I do that." She said, holding up Uru "You checked your Deck and you STILL missed the fact that he wasn't in it?" She shrugged "Wow, I've had him since before our playful little Duel earlier, I was sure you would have noticed by now."


((People, no short posting! 3.5ish lines MINIMUM))

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Guest TheFinalFan

((Dresden, didn't you have another character whose response to yet another character was crucial to the actions of two other characters in the near-future?!?))


Promethea turned to Sayla, a bit shocked at her sudden appearance.

"How did you get here?!?" She then regained her composure.

"You know what? I'm not even going to ask. Let's just go back to base."

She pulled up her hood and headed for her Duel Runner.

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Zeth decided it was better not to point out that that wasn't the reason he had stared at her. Then his attention shifted to the spider Earthbound Immortal in her hand. He frowned. He remembered REMOVING it from his deck, but as it wasn't marked on his conversion lists, it didn't shock him too much that he had overlooked it. Even so, losing his Immortal was...awkward to say the least. He'd think that the Spider Mark, bound to the Immortal, would have tipped him off to that.


"Yes...my mistake," he muttered, reaching to take the card back.

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"I'm heading back to my garage, I've got two Duel Runners to fix and I gotta check the Duel Disk synchronization in a third, and I've gotta do it all before my customers come back tomorrow morning, or before I get a fourth Duel Runner to add to my list." He fiddled with a few buttons on his dashboard and Summoned Junk Forward and the robot rushed off in another direction "He'll find the two people you were with earlier and lead them back to the garage." He told Damian, offering his hand "Nice to meet ya, Wingman Atlas" He said as the two Signers got off the highway and headed into the city proper.


"I'm Psychic, I teleported." Sayla said, her smile becoming more evident in her voice when she spoke to Promethea and held up the Future Visions Field Spell Card "I'm thinking about giving this to whats-her-face with the Hummingbird, but it's just too fun to use." She said "Have you ever just been blinked out of the universe for a few minutes? It's actually pretty fun." She said, holding Uru just out of Zeth's reach "It's even more fun to make boys beg though."

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Guest TheFinalFan

"Well, wait for me!"

Damian sped up to catch up with Kenshin.


Promethea then remembered something, and came back over to the group.

"I have a plan, but it involves me leaving Zeth here as the leader. What he says, goes. I will give him some instructions on what to do, but, until I return, you are to treat him as your leader and leave no inclination that there ae 7 Dark Signers."

"If there are any objections, speak now or forever hold your peace."

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"Dang kid......." Victor muttered staring at the Giant wielder of the Dark Signer, he had always found something unappealing about that girl and he knew what to do about it. He then looked at his assembled cards, yes, a bit of the Blizzard Dragons here and the Mobius the Frost Monarch there.....


He looked at the new assemble of cards that was now his deck and stared at Marcos, grinning his usual grin. This guy was his style, straight to the point and ready to kill anything that moved. "Hold it a bit cowboy! we gotta listen to Boss-girl over there or else we're gonna do something out of line!"

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"I know when to stay calm. What shall you have us do?" Marcos turned to Zeth. He could tell that this one was somewhat level-headed, and less likely to do something insane like teleport him to someplace completely different. Let's see what he can do...

"Might I ask what you will be doing while you're gone?" Most likely an abduction, or otherwise another method of bait to lure the Signers to them.

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"Wait, last time around there were only five of us, so maybe someone else should go with you!" Sayla said, bouncing up and down and raising her hand "Ooh, pick me, pick me! Please pick me?" She said "It'll give us a chance to get some female bonding done."


"So, when did you get your Mark, Wingman Atlas, or did you just get inked up to match great grandcestor Jack's Mark?" Kenshin asked "This thing popped up a couple weeks ago, followed by Stardust suddenly appearing in my Extra Deck." He told Damian, raising his arm and showing him the Head Mark on it. "And what about your two friends, do either of them have a Mark?"

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Zeth jumped up slightly to grab Uru from Sayla's hand, doing so when she was on the ground from her own slight bouncing. "Yoink," he said simply, examining the card for marks or damage. The Spider Mark glowed softly, as if approving the card's condition. The blonde Dark Signer replaced the Immortal in his deck and glanced over at the other Dark Signers, feeling slightly perplexed as to why Promethea would put him in charge on such short notice. Even so, the corners of his mouth twitched. It could be interesting, nonetheless.

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