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The Everything Battle Game!


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Master Chief pulls out a rocket launcher.


Master Chief: You put down your Energy sword, i put down my rocket launcher


Cortana: Chief try to keep him away. I think im almost done...


ps this is not part of the story, however, it may sound like im ending the game early, but trust me, this game will go on for a while...

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Natake: Nothing, just give me the orb.


Cat: Never!


Cortana: Somethings wrong...


Chief: What is it?!


the orb starts shaking and glowing




You are all (except Chief and Cortana) teleported to another location


New found location:


Orvus Chamber

(Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time)


Available Weapons: Omniwrench


Currently Known NPCs: [spoiler=Ratchet (P)]Ratchet1.jpg

[spoiler=Clank (P)]clank.jpg






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I look around the room, Hey you guys! What the farkz happened? i look on the floor in front of me and find a large wrench, a holographic projection comes up Please select your wrench design, i pick the most mage-matching one... a large wrench with small thorns and vines on it, the design's name is Tool Thorn. I pick it up and spin it, as much as i like to fight... I'd MUCH RATHER DANCE... i run at Natake at full speed, he jumps out the way and punches me with his Megaton Glove Where the funk did you get that???


Lvl 10

Wrench: Tool Thorn

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I lay on the floor' date=' unconscious for a moment. Then I wake up to see I'm in the Orvus Chamber. "How did I get here?" I asked.


What's Ratchet and Clank?


Level 10

Weapon: N/A(For now)



Yayz you posted


Click the link to find out what ratchet and clank is




I look around the room' date=' [b']Hey you guys! What the farkz happened?[/b] i look on the floor in front of me and find a large wrench, a holographic projection comes up Please select your wrench design, i pick the most mage-matching one... a large wrench with small thorns and vines on it, the design's name is Tool Thorn. I pick it up and spin it, as much as i like to fight... I'd MUCH RATHER DANCE... i run at Natake at full speed, he jumps out the way and punches me with his Megaton Glove Where the f*** did you get that???


Lvl 10

Wrench: Tool Thorn


yayz you posted too!


but one thing:

unlike KHKB, you cant make up your own weapons, sorry


no i meant like me and the cheif and others. Ok who do i communicate with?


oh i know what you meant


you cant talk to cheif or cortana' date=' only people you find in the current world.[hr']


anyways, you each get the most basic weapon in the ratchet and clank games, the omniwrench






Use it like you would a sword mixed with a hammer.


It's actually a very effective weapon, despite its looks...



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>.> oh olrite tehn !


Sean is in a corner quivering, confused... i grab my Omniwrench and run at him, just as i reach him i hop with a spring in my step and Air Crush him... he is thrown backward into a wall, i run to the other end of the arena and find a pile of small crates... What the? I grab my Omniwrench and smash the boxes, out of the boxes come shiny nuts and bolts. What the hell are these for?


Lvl 11 Omniwrench

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oh you dont know whats happening cause this is the first time youve played RPs (well, its a game now, but...)


what happened is that, you must automatically assume that whoever you meet was with you in the previous worlds (except for NPCs)


also, since this is no longer an RP, you may godmod other characters, which means, you can control what other characters do


I mean you cant make the other character kill themselves, but you can make them talk and stuff


oh but NPC will still be controlled by me!

oh ps @ shadow


gold bolts are worthless in this game, sorry


i forgot to mention it earlier

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