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The Everything Battle Game!


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hey guys im just checking up on you


im not officially bak ill officially regain control tomorow


anyways, you guys seem to be doin fine without me


oh just one thing, @shadow try in future posts to make clank an actual character, not like some random omniscient dude dropping weapons and stopping attacks...



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ok im bak! anyone miss me


i see u are all almost dead!


hold on, ill fix it


ratchet comes up from behind me


a strange device pops up from the center of the room


ratchet sticks his omniwrench into it and pulls bak slightly


suddenly, you are all a few minutes into the past, feeling better, and less wounded


me: oh and i believe ur all looking for this


i pull out the orb, buzzing


the device sinks bak to where it was


i place the orb in the exact center of the room


me: good luk


i disappear



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Alldin stands up runs up to Cat. He shoves the Scatter Gun into his chest and fires, Cats chest bones lay on the wall, bloody, gory bones, strangely enough Cat isn't dead, he is just in severe pain and bleeding excessively. Natake drops a NanoPack right next to him and runs to the center of the room, Alldin shoots at the orb, there is no more barrier, Natake and Alldin run to the orb and Alldin Grabs it.


Lv 16 Scatter Gun.

Orb in Possession

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Ok doesnt matter im continuing.


Cat gets up and limps to Allidin. He shoots him but misses sincve he is so injured. Alldin turns around and tries to faire his scatter gun. Cat shoots before he does and he hits him in the arm. Alldin tried to run but cat shoots alldins head. He admeditly falls down. Cat runs to alldin. He is bleeding. He takes his scatter gun. He then shoots him again in the head. He is stil breathing but cat is unsure what will happen. he takes the ord. He sees Natake and uses the scatter gun and shoots natake. He then shoots his arm for revenge.



Ord in possesion.

Took alldins gun

Still have my rifle

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you dont limp with a burnt arm!

Level 26

Wait cat... you... you... got something on your arm... maybe its the bomb I slipped up your sleeve when I first grabbed it with my bomb glove!

The bomb blows breaking the window as the vaccum of space sucks the orb closer to the broken window... closer to being lost in space for ever...

Natake Harishino

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Fine i will kill all. Cat Still has Alldins Scatter Gun and his Assult Rifle. "i will kill you with lead" He breaks the scatter gun and throws it, it explodes into a million pices and is now destroyed forever. Natake, you bastard, you sliced my leg, you burnt my arm. I never trusted you. And once i kill you ill use your body as food for demons. As much as i hate you i am ready to battle. Hope your ready, im not easy to kill(with a smile) He points his gun.



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