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The Everything Battle Game!


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level 18... the barrier around it that i broke... I think... is magic... without it its just a regular old ball...

Other Ideas include... the orb has a mind and feelings and doesnt like you... the orb is injured and is trying to recover or... the most plausible one... flip it over if you value your life.

Alldin Sees that its a fake for my red tetsusaiga dented it. Its apparent someone is trying to stop us... but if we team up.. whaddya say...

Natake Harishino

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Natake, yeah, but we have to beat the competition first! I pull out my Assault Rifle and aim at Cat, he grabs his Assault Rifle too. I shoot at the roof and hit a light bulb, it falls and hits a water puddle that Cat was standing in. He is electrocuted and knocked out. Natake if we're gonna do this, we gotta do something about that orb, it's gotta be somewhere in here.


Lv. 15 Assault Rifle


Alldin Noremal

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Cat wakes up after he was knocked out, he remians on the floor unable to move but then regains strenght. He stands up and stands. He has blurred vision. Natake and alldin still think's cat is knocked out. He points his assult rifle at alldin and shoots at his ankle. alldin is on the ground. "Why the hell did you do that?!?!?!?" cat yells as he points his rifle at aldin.



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yay, who doesnt love gore!


anyways, since it looks like u guys wont have any trouble, im gonna trust i guys with this thread till i come bak monday or tuesday




oh and ps


Clank (new NPC) has been over there watching u guys wondering wat the f@ck your doing...


pss i transfer control over NPCs to Shadow until i come bak


psss, the orb will not activate until i return


pssss..... actually thats pretty much it



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"No... not a sign of it... hey! Where'd you get that glove... clank? Anyway the orb seems to be inactive or else there would be a large magnetic disturbance with the energy of a cosmic string... but since there none of that around... someone Looks up at the sky must have taken it with them" Cat tries to run at us, Natake uses his Energy Sword to slice at Cat's knees, he falls to the ground in pain.


Lvl 15 Energy Sword

Alldin Noremal

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As cat lies in pain he sees an assault rifle/ He drags himself to the rifle. He fires at Natake and alldin. He hits Alldin the ankle then as he falls he hits him the back. Alldin falls. Natake runs at cat with his sword and strikes. Cat ducks and turns around fires and hits Natake in the arm then in the chest. Natake is lying in pain and cat kicks him. Cat is bleeding from the knees and sits down and watches Natake and Alldin lie in pain



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[align=center]Update While Atman is gone:

Guys try not to kill, just horribly maul each other in any possible way... otherwise the game boring, so CMC he is just attacking you with an "attack called high speed" so no need to be confused.


NPC Update:

Clank runs up to Natake and stops his attack. Clank also stops the other's fighting and put's down a Scatter Gun (Plasma Shotgun) and runs off back to shelter.


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"Yeah, but theres not much to scale, we're in a spaceship, lets go look for some weapons. Alldin cocks his Scatter Gun. "Lets Go!" Natake kicks through the door while Alldin Shoots at it with his Scatter Gun. The door finally bursts open and we come to a hallway, with only one door, and the hallway was only windows. "Natake, be careful, this is all windows, we're in space, if these things break, we're screwed. Alldin says as he carefully creeps over to the door. Natake grabs the door handle and twists it. He says, "funk! Its locked! What do we do now? Take your Energy Sword and cut the hinges, ima go control the fighting back at the arena, i'll come back soon... Alldin replies, and then takes off...


Lv. 16 Scatter Gun

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I am launched and to tired to move. Evreyone is in pain, Natake is bleeding and so is allding. Cat has to be shoot but his kneee is bleeding even worse and now he is sick. He looks to his left and sees a room. In the room he sees a small object. He drags himself to it and grabs it. He knows its the orb. He cheers "Yea" Natake heres him and runs. Cat heard natake running. He gets up and stands with his rifle ready



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Cat is is bleeding,sick, and pi$$ed. He runs behind alldin with his assult rifle and shoots and hits alldin in the back. He falls. He then kickcs him in the head. Teeth fly out. Cat is on a rampage he finda Natake and runs at him and shoots. He hits Natake in the Chest. Then With revenge he picks up natakes energy sword and slices his legs open. He then sticks it in the wall. Cat has the orb and is now taking off.

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