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The Everything Battle Game!


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[This Game's structure is based on Ashwee13's Kingdom Hearts Keyblade Brawl in the Games Forum.]


If you think I left anything out (although I don't think I did), please PM me.


In the city of Videl, you all have been selected to test the latest in interuniversal travel, the I.T.P. (Intersteallar Travel Pod). You start the pod, and lights start flashing. An alarm sounds, the scientists seem worried, then--


You all wake simultaneously on a strange world, among the shattered remains of the pod. There is a glowing mechanical orb on the floor. It seems a little damaged. You think it's important, so you pick it up.




You are teleported to what appears to be the ruins of the backside of a starship. You realize that the orb is the source of the pod's teleportation. You decide to search the destroyed vessel for clues of where you are. Although you didn't find out what planet your on, you did find out the ship's name...




Starting to get desparate to get home, you all start fighting each other for the orb, when Master Chief appears. After telling him what has happened, he snatches the orb, realizing that its probably the only chance for him to get back to Earth...


This game is set everywhere, based on every RPG (definitely)(that I can think of), movie/cartoon (maybe)(that I can think of), anime (maybe)(that I can think of), et cetera (that I can think of)!


What you must do is get the orb, manage to survive a crappy life of almost getting killed at every turn, and find a way to get back to Videl. (This isn't completely impossible. During the fighting, I'll drop little hints on how to get back.)


WARNING: Because the orb is damaged, it'll randomly warp everyone (except for NPC's) to another world. (Which means, you CAN'T control the orb. I will declare which world.) This is how you will travel to new locations in the game.


Everybody starts at level 10 and starts with either the Assault Rifle, the Plasma Rifle, or the Energy Sword (your choice). You will gain a level for every post (and don't try to lie, cause I will notice if you jump from level 10 to level 150). You can't post after yourself, which means, if you were the last to post, and no one's posted for a day, you can't post again. You get a new weapon for every 5 levels you go up, or if I happen to drop it.... You may only use weapons from the current or previous world(s). You may use magic as well, if the world permits it. Teams and alliances are allowed.


This goes without saying, but just in case, you CANNOT create NPCs to come to your aid. Also, NPCs aren't just for fighting; they might be able to help you get back.


[spoiler=Form (either Posting or PMing is acceptable)]Name:


Appearance: (description or pic. you can waer basic armor, as long as its not ridiculous or huge. remember, you just got out of an experimentation room. ;))

[spoiler=Personality (please choose one or two of the following)]

  • Adamant
  • Bashful
  • Bold
  • Brave
  • Calm
  • Careful
  • Docile
  • Gentle
  • Hardy
  • Hasty
  • Impish
  • Jolly
  • Lax
  • Lonely
  • Mild
  • Modest
  • Naive
  • Naughty
  • Quiet
  • Quirky
  • Rash
  • Relaxed
  • Sassy
  • Serious
  • Timid






[spoiler=Sample Form]Name: Atman

Gender: M



Personality: Docile/Timid




FYI: Some location are based on games, but do not exist yet. For example, the first location, FORWARD UNTO DAWN Ruins, do not exist yet in the Halo series. However, the last scene of Halo 3 depicts Master Cheif entering a chryogenic sleep chamber on the torn-off rear end of the ship FORWARD UNTO DAWN, as it drifts to an unknown planet. So logically, the ship-fragment will crash onto the planet, creating this location.


NPC's will be played by me (i.e. I'll be the Master Chief), although I will usually be the... "omniscient"... part of this game. The game is won by the first person to reach level 150, obtain the orb, and find a logical way to get back to Videl. (By "logical", I mean that you cant say "Ok I got the orb and I'm level 150, so the orb teleports me to Videl, I WIN!")(Obviously, I can't win.)


You may only fight in whatever area I place you in. You can't say that you go to the other side of the world, or anything like that.



No Spamming.

All posts must be vivid.

Must post level at all times.

There is NO double wielding weapons until you are level 45.

Most Important Rule: HAVE FUN!!!!!!!!


P.S. I will usually post a picture of the area you are currently fighting in for your conveinience. (Unless the world was made up. In which case, just search up the game to get an idea of what it might look like.)


[spoiler=Visited Worlds]

  • Orvus Chamber (Ratchet & Clank: A Crack in Time)
  • Old Chaos Shrine (Final Fantasy I)





[spoiler=Player list]

  • Natake Harishino (InuYasha boy707)
  • Sean Kozac (double_c4)
  • Alldin Noremal (ShadowBox)
  • Cat (cmc1234)




I'll let the first few posts be a little spammish-stuff like "oh kai eye cent de phorm ahm eye ihn?". But don't go overboard, or post complete nonsense.




EDIT: Now, you can control NPCs, but ONLY if they join your team!

EDIT: All players must post their characters name at the end of their post.

EDIT: You can't kill each other. Only seriously impale.

EDIT: NPCs can be either Active (marked with an A) or Passive (marked with a P). Active means they are part of the fight. Passive means they were but not anymore, OR they are here, but not to fight; they are here to [insert reason here].


New found location:





Available Weapons: Assault Rifle/Plasma Rifle/Energy Sword


Currently Known NPCs:[spoiler=Master Cheif]masterchief.jpg





No Picture Available

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ill join. But iv never played kindom hearts. And im unsure how this works.


But ill play along. Seems fun


Name: Cat

Gender: Male

Appearance: Big dude. Maybe 6-5, and a little fat about 250 LBS, but is still extremly stong. He wears some Light Armor that is black and sorta lose. And has mysterious Designs on it. (like an extremly hard form of Under armor XD) He has a Bow and poision tipped arrows. The bow transforms into a sword.


Serious, Bold


so where do i begin?

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no armor!!


if there is to be armor, then is has to be very light and very basic


i mean a breastplate is acceptable, but not superhuge, super strong armor with shield and helm




Cortana: I'm not sure, oh and we've got company.


Master Chief turns to Cat.


Cortana: Chief, wait!


Master Chief: Sorry, Cortana. Shoot first and ask questions later.


Master Chief pulls out an assault rifle and a plasma rifle.

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clever, ur character is resourceful




Master chief: I'll ask the questions here. First off, what are you doing here?


Cat explains what has happened.


Master Chief: ...okay, how about this. We'll see if Cortana can fix the orb. If she can, you'll drop me off on my world, then you can go to yours.



ps ive decided to add a new rule


normally u cant control npc's


from now on, u may control an npc ONLY if they join forces with you


for example, now Cat (cmc1234) can control Master Chief

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good job cmc your starting to get the hang of RPing


but try to make your posts a little longer


Master Chief starts to explain everything, who/what he is, Cortana, Halo, the Prophet of Truth, the Arbiter,... EVERYTHING.


Cat stares in amazement.


Master Chief: Wait here, I'm going to go get some ammo.


On the way there, Master Chief bumps into someone...who quickly pulls out an energy sword.

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Um is that memeber with the swrod inline lol, ok back to rp


Cat talks to cortana after the cheif leaves.


Cat-Is it true, what he said, about the rings, the covenant


Cortana- Yes, The master chief is the ultimate warrior. Evreything he said was true.


Cat- Sounds like he could kill me real soon


cortana- That is one of his first instincts. But dont worry if you stay on his good side you....


cat- Hey, im sorry for calling you blue-lady. I know its cortanta


Cortana- Go find cheif im almost done with the ord

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name:altair draco the 3rd


Appearance: http://media.photobucket.com/image/anime%20male%20vampire/KoeiMaster/anime-3.jpg

personality:quiet' date='lonely




you do look like shadow lol but its ok your accepted


(((Moved to Games' date=' because I don't see this progressing seriously as an RP in any form.)))



yea i really wanted this to be in games but i wasnt sure, so i posted it in RP


also, that explains why i couldnt find it in the RP thread!




Theres barley any members and no one is online besides me. Thats why its not progressing. Duh


And why games. What the F@ck does this have to do with games?


well, its a game. literally. duh

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