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Guest Tainted Black

Tempest Dahlia, ThatPhantomGuy, and Kira Kills are Co-owners


Guess a card, get a rep.


You can only guess Twice per day, and you must wait for someone else to get a card right, after you get one right, before guessing again. You can only guess 2 at a time. If you post more, your post will be ignored.


One hint will be added, per riddle, per day. Riddles will be added in sets of 5.


[spoiler=[size=x-large]Warned/Banned Members[/size]]

AquaMaster - 1/3


Warning 1 - A Warning

2 - Neg

3 - ban and neg.







[spoiler=[b]SET 1 (COMPLETE)[/b]]

[spoiler=Riddle 1 -[b] Kira Kills[/b]]

During your turn, I am the strongest of all,

But during your opponent's I am powerless.

I am inmmortal, and cannot be slain,

By mortal means.


Answer=Armityle the Chaos Phantom



[spoiler=Riddle 2 - [b]Andx[/b]]

Ancient am I,

And last of my species.

I may not be alive,

But you should recognize me.


HINT: I am a Vanilla that Yugi used early on.

HINT: I was used to cheat against Kaiba in a special duel, even though....

HINT: Brr... it's so cold! I'm used to having layers of fur....


Answer= Mammoth Graveyard



[spoiler=Riddle 3 - [b]Final Fantasy Revolution[/b]]

Mechanical am I,

The servant of the king.

I am older than most,

and plain to most, as well.





[spoiler=Riddle 4 - [b]Bringerofcake[/b]]

A Dragon am I,

and cousin to a Beast.

I am used in Crystals,

and I am royalty to my kin.


HINT: Why is Beast capitalized?

HINT: I am not a Sacred Beast or God. Even if I am related to one, effect-wise.


HINT: I am a DARK Dragon, not related to Rainbow Dragon. I also have strength like blood and defense like eggshell dragons.

Answer= Dragon Queen of Tragic Endings. (Commonly known as Bad End Queen Dragon)



[spoiler=Riddle 5 - [b]Bringerofcake[/b]]

I cost you each turn,

but the weak cannot fight near me,

Unless they are kin,

and they are also Double-edged, as I.


HINT: His "Kin" is a type, not an archetype.

HINT: One of the strongest "Weak" monsters is Gene Warped Warwolf , but Timeater is weaker than the Warwolf.

HINT: My hands are so big and heavy, good thing I am so intelligent.

HINT: ih syas snoberk

Answer= Mind Prtoector.




[spoiler= [b]SET 2 (Finished, not COMPLETE)[/b]]

[spoiler=Riddle 6 - [b]Unanswered[/b]]

Whilst I stand on my two feet,

You and your brother cannot meet.

And should you try, I will say,

"Both of you shall stay away."


HINT: Who marked my body with this ancient text?

HINT: I scream constantly, as if I am in pain.

HINT: I am Topless. I might've lost my shirt, for I'm a member of the raiders.

HINT: I came in the Magic Rulers pack.

HINT: I wear a skirt-like-thing.


Answer= Kotodama



[spoiler=Riddle 7 - [b]Unanswered[/b]]

I force thy servants to only see

Anyone who isn't me.

And though it looks like I should fly,

In the ground is where I lie.


HINT: Many monsters can slay me, if they hit me. I compete with a weak fiend for power.

HINT: I was used in only one duel in the anime, which Kaiba was in. He did not play me.

HINT: I look like an Avatar... sorta.

HINT: I have orange hair, and wings similar to a butterfly.

HINT: I'm a Fairy Plant


Answer= Dreamsprite



[spoiler=Riddle 8 - [b]Andx[/b]]

At first I only protect you,

But once my wings spread

The rest are destroyed

And the mighty shall pay their price.


Answer= Winged Kuriboh Lv. 10



[spoiler=Riddle 9 - [b]Sephiran1[/b]]

My heart is made of metal,

Whereas my body is delicate in nature.

Light and Dark can't stand near me,

But they must bow, though I am small.


Answer= Koa'ki Meiru Beetle



[spoiler= Riddle 10 - [b]Bringerofcake[/b]]

Nearly useless in life,

You want me dead.

But in death, and disownment, you live,

and Lightsworn/Destiny Hero users love me for it.


Answer= Necro Gardna





[spoiler=[b]SET 3 (Spells and Traps set COMPLETE)[/b]]

[spoiler= Riddle 11 - [b]Andrew Baker[/b]]

A happy casket am I,

and I hold your dead.

With me you can discard,

but for what?


Answer= The Cheerful Coffin



[spoiler= Riddle 12 - [b]Kira Kills[/b]]

When you use me,

You grow weaker.

But it is not your strength,

Nor your defense.


HINT: It has a Level 3 monster on it.


Answer= Level Returner



[spoiler= Riddle 13 - [b]Andx[/b]]

I bet you wish

That this was a show,

For when you use me,

Your reserves and field shall go.


HINT: You draw cards with this. Its anime effect is better.


Answer= Card of Sanctity



[spoiler= Riddle 14 - [b]Ayasoto-chan[/b]]

"Draw, draw!" You call to your enemy,

"Until you have 6,

Then I will heal,

and avoid Styx!"


HINT: Anime only. Which one though?

HINT: I was in 1 episode of GX. That is all.


Answer= Contingency Fee



[spoiler= Riddle 15 - [b]Andrew Baker[/b]]

ONe color for each deity,

I am from the same age.

I cost 1/8 of your life span,

but I make you hold more.


Answer= Hieroglyph Lithograph





[spoiler=[b]SET 4[/b]]

[spoiler=Riddle 16 - [b]Mr. WHAM[/b]]

Lord of something am I,

Do my wings apply?

Prince of Darkness I sound,

But there is water around.


HINT: I can gain strength from certain fallen.

HINT: Think the devil.

HINT: "Lord of" is half of a literal translation. the other sounds like it has wings. Think books.

HINT: My Name means: "Lord of the-" and one more word, put together in a compound word. I love water, did I say that yet? But not the ocean.


Answer= Beelze Frog



[spoiler=Riddle 17]

An Irish Medical Assassin,

And his teacher.

Was I his Mentor?

I can't recall.


HINT: The first line means Dr. McNinja

HINT: Hessian Soldier looking for something.

HINT: Think Folk Lore

HINT: Why can't I remember? Something must be wrong with my head.





[spoiler=Riddle 18 - [b]Willpower_9[/b]]

As the legendary Ziz,

I protect the weak.

When they are harmed,

My might is shown


HINT: Think mythical creatures, such as in pirate tales, or knights' tales.

HINT: Hisss..... I live in the sea

HINT: I am level 5, and I grow strong at the expense of the weak.


Answer= Sea Dragon Lord Gishilnodon



[spoiler=Riddle 19 - [b]e.x.l.t.[/b]]

When I am exposed you see my true nature,

And nothing stands a chance.

Though I can be beaten by most anything,

I am a devastating force if you play casually.


HINT: I'm used to stor stuff in? Forget that!

HINT: Beep, boop, bop, I share part of my name with a "Dragon"

HINT: That "Dragon" has a few fusions.


Answer= Cyber Jar



[spoiler=Riddle 20 - [b]Ayasoto-chan[/b]]

One tribute for me?

But I am weak.

Protagonists want me in their grave,

But only when they have super powers.


HINT: Pyrokinesis, and flying are potential examples of powers.

HINT: My name implies death.

HINT: Superman is a reject, whereas the Human Torch is not. Batman is not a reject, for he is dark.


Answer= Elemental Hero Necroshade







Note: After a Riddle gets 5 hints on it, its answer will be revealed. It will say Unanswered.


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Guest Tainted Black

None are correct.


I will put hints up tommorow, and then every day, and I'll add this to the first post. But I'll give one for now


HINT: I capitalized Beast in #4 for a reason.

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