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How to Holo [Rusty Shovel]

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[align=center]Hey, though I do a thread on how to holo.


1. Download Gimp (http://www.gimp.org/)


2. Save these to your desktop.






3. Open Gimp, and select a card you want to holo. Then open both of them in Gimp. I've chosen a card I made and "Foil Holo".




4. Select the "Rectangle Select Tool" (Top left of the tools palette) Click on the Top Left of the holo sheet. Drag to the bottom left until the numbers on the bottom read: "250,250" The holo sheet should look like this:



5. Click EDIT on the toolbar on the top of the window with the holo sheet, and select COPY. Then Click EDIT on the toolbar on top of the window with the card and select PASTE. It should look like this then:



6. Click on the "pasted" holo sheet and move it until it covers the picture completely.



7. On the second window (The one to the right of the first), You see 4 tabs, The first one being 4 sheets the same color, the second one being multicolored sheets, the third being a structural thing, the 4th being an arrow. Click the FIRST one. You will then see a small slider-thing labeled "Opacity". Slide it down somewhere between 20-50. :::



8. Click on the Red Circle (with an "X" in it) on the top left of the card's window. Hit save.


9. Open your internet browser, and go to Photobucket or some other uploading site. Upload the card, and you will get an code. Copy and paste the code.


The Finished Card:






To place in that bracket thing, just type

Put Code Here[DELETETHISTEXT/code][/align]
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