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come in- i'd like your oppinion (hand-drawn)


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Not bad. Dragon, Ike, and Samus all look like fanart, which isn't anything bad. Referencing is how bad artists become good, and how good artists become great. You definitely shrink Samus' legs too much as you get to the feet, and Ike's torso appears a little long. Remember to pay attention to proportions.


I like the first one best, because it looks like OC. I see a blending of different things you have learned to create something unique and original. I would suggest perhaps changing the expression on the face however. With it's claws reaching out toward the viewer, the stance seems very threatening, but the face does not match. If you were going for an "evil smile" kind of look, try heavier shading to create more shadow across the face.

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new pic up, worked hard on this ones anadomy, but you can clearly see that theres a kink in his armour.


yet again, thank you for the tips.


still working on darkening dragon fient and cleaning it up overall


as for soulbinder, shading is being added. i was going for the evil grin, so i am deciding to open the mouth more and add more teeth


thanks for thie tip, Dissonance!


will update soon

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Your anatomy is pretty good on the new one. The armor looks like crap though- use more geometric shapes instead of organic ones when making things like armor.


There are plenty of resources and tutorials to help you learn proper anatomy (just google something like "anatomy tutorial")...some basic things to keep in mind are:


-When the arm is extended fully down at the side, the fingertip should be at just about mid-thigh

-The figure's chest should be about 1 "head length", and the full figure should be around 5 "head lengths"


The majority of it is just practicing with anatomically correct references. You practice enough, you'll start to just instinctively know where things should go.

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