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come in- i'd like your oppinion (hand-drawn)


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my friend says i'm relly good at drawing, I don't think i'm that good, but i'd like your oppinion


this has been edited for size, and darkend so it's easyer to see


i call it soulbinder-founder of nightmares

[spoiler=pic1] soulbinder.jpg



ike and ather




dragon feint




samus (legs are a bit off)




on of those cyber troopers from metroid (i tried to get the anadomy as best as i can on this one!)




still working on human anatomy. if anything, drawing humans are my weak point.


please comment and rate, thnx!

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thanks for all the coments! I wasn't shure about putting ike up because i'm not-so-good at drawing people. I'm alot better at drawing dragons Thats why I put a dragon up this week I like to call dragon feint.


I'm thinkin of posting a new picture everyweek, i'd like your oppinion on that. Perhaps this should be more of an image arcive? (am i pushing it?)


ps. I'm not good at custom images or anything like that. but if anyone is, and you'd like to make my drawings into any (im not even shure that thats possable) feel free to. I'd love to see one of my drawings redone with some computr magic. I gust thought i'd throw that out there


And again, Thanks,

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I don't think i'm that good' date='





Dude, you're more than incredible at drawing.


i like them. There not bad. the dragon is bad though.


Are you on crack? The dragon is amazing.

If 'twas just a bit darker so you could see the features you'd be like, "Wow, I was wrong."



I love your drawings.

Ike is definitely my favourite. Almost everything is perfect.


You are a great artist.

Use your gift.


Also, this is alot coming from me. ;D

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i like them. There not bad. the dragon is bad though.

Are you on crack? The dragon is amazing.

If 'twas just a bit darker so you could see the features you'd be like' date=' "Wow, I was wrong."





I love your drawings.

Ike is definitely my favourite. Almost everything is perfect.


You are a great artist.

Use your gift.


Also, this is alot coming from me. ;D


Yes but thats not why i think there not that impressive.


After looking closer at the dragon i do see the deatils better. And i see it is actuly better then my first look. So sorry for that. But its to like swiggily, theres no straight lines. The one front leg is diffrent from the rest as well. But still that is still a realy good dragon.

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thank you alot! wow!


cmc1234, I definently see what your getting at, so i plan on inking it

: ) (that'll give it that WoW factor) but till then, I'll give you an example of my inking with a picture of samus i drew (admitably a metroid fan!)

is this what your looking for?

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thank you alot! wow!


cmc1234' date=' I definently see what your getting at, so i plan on inking it

: ) (that'll give it that WoW factor) but till then, I'll give you an example of my inking with a picture of samus i drew (admitably a metroid fan!)

is this what your looking for?



Yes the metroird one is verey good. And whatever you used really brings out the detail. And i like the fact you used the term "WoW factor" That is kinda what i meant. And im glad you see what i meant. Dont get me wrong all your pics are great but the dragon i just wasnt feeling. This new one is verey good!

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Samus looks like it's right on target' date=' memory?

[/quote'] y yes it iz how did you know:)


Second drawings head is way off size. Apart from that their pretty good.

true dat! I'm still getting the human figure down pat' date=' it's mostly trial and error. I never seme to be able to get the head size right. Anyone got any tips?: D


Yes the metroird one is verey good. And whatever you used really brings out the detail. And i like the fact you used the term "WoW factor" That is kinda what i meant. And im glad you see what i meant. Dont get me wrong all your pics are great but the dragon i just wasnt feeling. This new one is verey good!


gottcha there! I'll work on inking it soon, but right now, I'm focusing on a littel somthing extra. You'll find out soon enough.

P.s don't worry about critisizing me! I'm not one of those gimpy b***tches that freaks out when someone didn't say somthing good about my work. I know were I need to improve and will work on that ( of course, if you got any tips on anadomy, especialy head- body ratio please add. Nomatter how many times I do it, my head is either to small or too big)


And as I continuously say, thank you!

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