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The Millefiore Family of YCM


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o.O I need to read Vampire Knight again.

I stopped after the 4th volume...

I watched the first episode of CG... it was good. And he was voiced by the guy that voices Ichigo... o.o


Anyway, if you guys look closely, Mukuro basically has a geass...

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message from A20thcenturyboy:



there's the stupid cartoon that came along with the super mario brothers super show, but there was no anime.

There's like 5 manga, but NO anime.

Who in the hell told you there was an anime? o.O

Also, seriously, just read the reborn manga, so you can understand the flames, instead of being clueless

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? O.O


There was never a LoZ anime. Only a crappy american cartoon and alot of manga.


I never recall uttering those words...


BTW< we're not off-topic, as this is Vongola related.


And if you knew anything about vongola, I'd say you, sir, have faile.


But you have not read reorn.


Thus, your ignorance is excused.

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