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Awesome band.


Frost (the drummer), although I don't think he's done it with Saty, can drum at 320 bpm. That's how fast he drummed on the Hellfire album with 1349.


Anyways, early Saty is awesome. New is....eh. I hate what the singer did with his hair. And the music isn't as great.


Discuss Satyricon.

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The new stuff IS bad. It doesn't have to do with his hair or whatever, for me he could run around naked, I wouldn't mind.:/


I like the band, yup one of the really important BM acts in my books. There's so much I like from them, however everything since The Pentagram Burns was horrible.


It doesn't have anything to do with being less extreme and more "mass-friendly" even though it's a stupid word. But everything after Now, Diabolical sucks. And yeah from a generic title like that you can expect that it's totally not going to be totally original and OMG!


Dark Medieval Times and Nemesis Divina must be their best albums, Rebel Extravaganza (even though it sounds quite dumb) and Volcano were a bit different but still good.

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