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qustion about black luster soldier

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ok i own black luster soldier envoy of the begging an i jsut recently started playing again a checked the bann list an saw he was on there i checked around an really couldnt find any reasons why he was banned can someone in lighten me on why he was banned?

(im such noob bacon)

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As with all overpowered cards, just because something can stop it doesn't mean it's less overpowered.


For the tiny price of one Light and one Dark monster from the GRAVE, you get a 3000 that can either remove ANY monster from your opponent's field and not attack, or attack twice, the first attack having to destroy a monster, which is not remotely difficult since it has 3000 ATK. That is overpowered, and with so many cards that can mill or discard your own cards (Lightsworn especially), the Envoy's are too powerful to ever bring back. People think Chaos Sorcerer is too much at this time and that's nowhere near as bad as the Envoys.

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It's a very easy to summon 3000 ATK beatstick that can either attack twice for massive damage or just remove a problem card.


If Chaos Sorcerer should be banned so should this since it's basicly him on steroids.


Also all cards can be played around however that doesn't mean you should have to play around them.


It's that simple


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