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What the title say. This is my first 'proper' splice, as previously, I merely got a bunch of blurry pics or pokemon, and without recolouring, but stuck them together. ANyways, I've named it Nidolord, a pokemon made by trading A Nidoking and NidoQueen. You might just find a Nidolord egg ^.^ and maybe a way to transformer Nidoqueen/king into Nidolord. I might made some more for the Nidolord family.


Anyways, here it is!




^.^ I'm so happy right now.

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Metalflygon makes some good points. I'll probably be restating them, but that's just so I get to make my post look bigger by using one of my form critiques =P


Save as .PNG: This is an important step. Whenever you save, the first, the last, and all the times in between, you need to save as a ".PNG". It's an important thing to pay attention to. If ignored, things turn out like yours did. Details/quality is dropped in other formats, so .PNG is the way to go with anything spriting. Mess it up once ever, and the quality could be gone forever. Issues can arise when uploading, so make sure the uploader you are using doesn't covert the image to something else either.


It was mentioned the tail angle doesn't make sense. Beyond logically such a tail position not working, in general I think it looks bad/confusing where it is jutting out.


It is very shallow as mentioned also. The spike weren't a bad suggestion, although would have been hard to show with this angle maybe. Although a bit tougher, something along the lines of changing the chest to be more like Nidokings could have been a good touch.


I can't tell because of the .jpegness, but I could swear that some of the borders look blue. Be sure to recolor your borders.


It may have been better to use the HG/SS of Nidoqueen. Same goes with Nidoking, there may have been more you could have done or just been easier.

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