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KaiNine Industries - OPENING SALE - A CHANCE TO GET ITEMS FREE!!! [HIRING - Anyone!]


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KaiNine Industries




KaiNine Industries will (eventually) be a large market (hopefully) full of many different items, with several different shops, even more workers, and several times that much customers. So.. Let's make this work!


At the bottom of each shop, you will see a spoiler showing every who works in that shop, and the items they do. And as you veiw the items, you will see who does them as well.


Feel free to browse, but if you steal something, you will be forced to remove it and negged. This includes if its on another site.


See bottom of post for Hiring details



This is the section with all the Pokemon Items.


[spoiler=Splices - KaiNine Kaisu]The basic splice. I(KaiNine Kaisu) am new, but I'm doing my best! Order?

[spoiler=Examples][spoiler=KaiNine Kaisu]4lpx1w.jpg2h6yaa0.png


[spoiler=Order Form]Pokemon to be Fused-

Base Pokemon-

Recolor Pokemon - (Can be more than one)

Generation Splices -

Is there a deadline? - (If so, tell us when it is)


[spoiler=Price List]3 Pt for every splice under 5 pokemon, and an extra 1 point for every pokemon exeeding 5. 2 Pt extra for every pokemon exeeding 10, 3 for 20, and so on.




Thanks for shopping at the KaiNine Industries PokeMart!







[spoiler=Current Workers]KaiNine Kaisu -Store Owner | Pokemon Splicer



[spoiler=Worker Application]Username -

Working Days -

GFX Abilities -

Where do you get your images from? -




[spoiler=Factory Projects]KaiNine Kaisu - Pokemon D/P Battle Scenes, Pokemon D/P PokeCenter/Vally Windworks/Hero House scenes.



[spoiler=Credits(For Supplying Raw Materials)]KaiNine Kaisu - The Spriters Resource for their Pokemon Sprites





Thank you for Shopping at [KaiNine Industries]

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Guess what I got?


[spoiler=Guess!]You didn't, did you? :(


Anyways, here it is!




Onix is a pretty awkward pokemon to splice, so I made something new. I call it 'ONIX Armour Plating'. You like? It's all free.



Remember, the next ten people to come here GET ALL OF THEIR SHOPPING FREE!!

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