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Possible leaked banlist

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Why is Stratos banworthy? I know that he's a no cost +1' date=' but by himself he's harmless. His only use at the moment is Malicious who should be banned anyway.



Lolwat. All Malicious is, is a Level 6 800 ATK monster that can Special Summon multiple copies of itself. Stratos is more banworthy than Malicious

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Malicious is a Level 6 tuning-magnet that can Special Summon multiple copies of itself as well as fuel both Allure of Darkness and Destiny Draw. Way more versatile than Stratos who is just an 1800 beater that calls a wide array of loser cards (aside from certain D-Heroes) to the hand.

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Why is Stratos banworthy? I know that he's a no cost +1' date=' but by himself he's harmless. His only use at the moment is Malicious who should be banned anyway.



Lolwat. All Malicious is, is a Level 6 800 ATK monster that can Special Summon multiple copies of itself. Stratos is more banworthy than Malicious


So I'm assuming that you agree that rota should remain at 1? Malicious can be tuned into anything, and it is still fine at 2. The only reason that stratos is conceived as a problem is because of D-Draw. Ban D-Draw and Stratos isn't even close to broken. Not that D-Draw should be banned, but why punish stratos for konami's mistakes?

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It was on the previous version. :D


Even with 3x Charge the lack of 1 JD and 2 Beckonings will make the deck too inconsistent.



I have to agree with this. I play around with LS and 1 JD will force you to run all the grave-to-hand cards you can think of. I usually mill at least 1 JD while i'm playing.


My highlights of the list:


Allure = Yay! It'll be fun

Necroface = WTF!?! But i guess with allure and Sarc. @ 3 it's a fair deal

Bottomless = Meh. I could care less' date=' but brio @ 1 and Bottomless hittin' 3 makes zombies shake in their tattered boots.

Brain Control = We've been needing it, but in a sense, none of us truly want it

Chaos Sorc = So, they limit a boss and put a card that's been everywhere on the list, in good reason, at 3; god help us all. Next thing you know: They'll let us run the Envoys in fours.

CyDra = Ehhh, should i laugh, cry, scream in joy, or do all three at once? I'm unsure

Beastiari = You see, Glads are fun, i think they may have gotten a bit more competitive, dunno if they can make tier 3 tho.

Solemn = See the above 2.

MoF = I don't see this being much of anything in anything other than trolls.

Tragoedia = This surprises me as much as the saints' super bowl win [/sacasm']

BfaDD = Colonel: Use the Diazepam, Snake!

Sarc = Well, JD's @ one and Sarc's @ 3, i think i know what'll be in LS builds

Beckoning Light = So, konami thought ahead and limited a resource that LS was gonna abuse as soon as they saw JD @ 1?! Jesus Christ, hell hath froze over!

Crap, i just jinxed us so bad right there.

*thinks of next format*DSF @ 3 and Rescue Cat @ 3



Well, this is all in speculation, but a good format may actually come out of this.

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Beastiari = You see' date=' Glads are fun, i think they may have gotten a bit more competitive, dunno if they can make tier 3 tho.



Glads are easily tier 3 even with bestiari at 1, actually they're tier 2 now. They topped at shonen LA and they are constantly topping at regionals across the country. With LS and Zombies getting hit, they'll be tier 1 in the new format.

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