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Possible leaked banlist

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do we have any further proof of this bieng real? or is it still speculation?


It's apparently from the same person who leaked a previous list' date=' but it's still on speculation. Either way, this is a good ban list.



The list is Meh at best, it doesn't touch zombies or LS (aside from JD and Beckoning) but LS are still boss with 1 JD and Beckoning isn't really needed as much as it is a perk.

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Stratos (DHZ)






























BfaDD (maybe :S)








Twilight is pretty even and LS you are correct about, but Zombies were hurt. I left off staples and such as they help/hurt all decks.

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Stratos (DHZ)






























BfaDD (maybe :S)








Twilight is pretty even and LS you are correct about' date=' but Zombies were hurt.



So Twilight got pwned, and LS got pushed. Zombies got poked.

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So Twilight got pwned' date=' and LS got pushed. Zombies got poked.



Poked? Losing Stratos means less searching for D-Heros which means less draw which means less consistency. Brionac was suppose to be limited, but losing 1-2 will hurt it some. Sure they got back Allure, but without Stratos zombies are more back towards what they use to be before being combined with D-Heros.

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So Twilight got pwned' date=' and LS got pushed. Zombies got poked.



Poked? Losing Stratos means less searching for D-Heros which means less draw which means less consistency. Brionac was suppose to be limited, but losing 1-2 will hurt it some. Sure they got back Allure, but without Stratos zombies are more back towards what they use to be before being combined with D-Heros.


Loss of stratos doesn't hurt it too much. It lessens the draw minimally, but D-Hero Zombies can still operate fairly well. (I've been testing on YGN all day)

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Competetive decks:





Gladiator Beast



That's 6. And I am not even counting new decks.


Some current meta decks were stregthend (slightly) but the list overall gives a broader meta' date=' which means more competision, which means less domination with one deck type, which is better for the game. [/agrees']

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Competetive decks:





Gladiator Beast



That's 6. And I am not even counting new decks.


Some current meta decks were stregthend (slightly) but the list overall gives a broader meta' date=' which means more competision, which means less domination with one deck type, which is better for the game. [/agrees']


i also see Cydra coming to the meta with the possible Manual Macro showing up as a higher tier


the next meta is going to be fun!


and the list helps my timeater lock:)!

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This was reported for their being another ban list leak thread, but I can't find it.


Any help.


Since I fail to see it, my thoughts on the list is that some changes you would think to happen didn't and some changes were just out of left field.


Necroface From what I've seen of that OCG meta' date=' Necroface was not being used. As such for it to go from 2 to 0 is a really odd move.[/b']


Newly Unlimited

Allure of Darkness It is being used a lot from what I can tell of the OCg meta, as such I don't see it's number decreasing. In fact it would be understandable to see this at 1.


Chaos Sorcerer Their are only 2 cards in the game that have once been banned that are now at 3. Break and Injection Fairy Lily. Breaker would bounce around from 0 to 1 for some time and even then he was only at 0 for no more then 6 months. Lily was only banned for 6 months and it then took 2 and a half years for her to go from 1 back to 3. Sorcerer on the other hand was on the list for 2 and a half years. Not only that but it is one of the very few cards that went from 3 to 0, clearly showing that their was something wrong with the card. For these reasons I can't see it going to 3, since it is already rare for a once banned card to go there and it's simply never happened that a card that was banned for so long to even be put back at 3. If it were to go their I can not understand why it happened so fast, it would only have been a year since he was unbanned, and even why it would go their in the first place seeing as how it was clear at one point that somethig is wrong with the card.


Side from that I reall would have thought something to be done about BW and maybe Zombies.


Again the ban list comes from the OCG meta and from what I understand BW are commonly used, something all other cards have been when they got put on the list. Because of this one would easily think something from BW would go to 2, 1, or even 0.


While Zombies are common in TCG land I'm not sure about OCG. However it would be a shock to see something from them be moved a plae or two on the list.


Another card that I'm shocked didn't get hit was Honest. It is a very used card and is more key to LS victories then Beckoning Light as such it is a shock to see Beckoning hit over this.

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Brain Control


Not bad.


Elemental Hero Stratos


Meh. There were more obvious choices. Ain't really ban-worthy material.







Beckoning Light


Uncalled for.


Brionac' date=' Dragon of the Ice Barrier[/quote']


Should've been banned.


Burial from a Different Dimension




Judgment Dragon


Unlimited Sarcophagus saves LS decks.


Magician of Faith


Eeh' date=' I can smell abuses in the air.




Good, this card was annoying.



Cyber Dragon




Gladiator Beast Bestiari


Good call.


Solemn Judgment


As above.


Newly Unlimited

Allure of Darkness


Are you kidding me?


Bottomless Trap Hole


Meh. I wouldn't run it at 3 anyway.


Chaos Sorcerer


I can smell abuse.


Gold Sarcophagus


As above.


It's funny how the deck I'm currently running would receive a vast improvement with the changes in: Gold Sarcophagus, Magician of Faith, Chaos Sorcerer, and Allure of Darkness, while remaining largely unimpacted by the nerfs (well, except Brain Control, but that's a blanket nerf).


Now to see if they are real.

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So everybody knows that both Necroface and Stratos are banworthy' date=' but when Konami decides to ban them, this becomes a bad idea.




And @Flame: There is a speculation thread that turned into a "discuss the leaked banlist" thread.


Good point. But since I don't think Crab's should be locked, I'll have to do the same for this.


If Chaos disagrees he can lock it, I mean it is his section.

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Why Necroface?


Also' date=' don't mind about JD change, and disagree with Bestiari being semi-limited.



Remind me what's wrong with besiari at 2? It should never have been hit in the first place, as the Spell/Trap removal SHOULD become a useful part of the deck rather than having to over-protect one copy of an unbroken card. For example, if Konami thinks Elemental hero Flame Wingman is too broken for the game, do they ban E-Hero Avian or Flame Wingman.


If any glad needs to get hit, it's gyzarus, and even he really isn't too broken in today's meta. (well, maybe he is, but glads need it)

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Maybe Handles Fake is the reason why Necroface is going.


I think this is part of it as it allows Necroface to be abused each turn... though it is a bit slow.


maybe, but five cards every turn adds up pretty fast.

and if you have more than one in your hand, it can get stupid fast.


I mean an entire deck based around infernity, soul absorb, necroface, and handless fake can't be beat by sheer brute force, you would have to rely on killing off the back row, and in a deck like this, I would bet money they would pack it full with s/t kill stoppers. and it still leaves room for the gun quad synchro summon combo, which has otk levels of power and then we throw in some jars and all draws like card and hand destruction for good measure.

and system even has it's own failsafe where by summoning necroface, you re-fill your deck with cards, which could be used to re-use the gun combo if you run a macro effect.


that is far to much versitalitly from just one card if you ask me.

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