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How Eury are you?


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Imma hop on Dark's bandwagon. ;D


Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican

B. Italian

C. Japanese

D. Germanic


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death, Black, Folk/Viking, etc.

B. Old School Rap

C. Jazz

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.

B. Sleep.

C. Go to the Homeless Shelter.

D. Commit Suicide.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


C. Spaghetti

D. Vegetables


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5

B. 6-10

C. 11-20

D. 20+


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.

B. Read the invitation, then not go.

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.

D. Go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

A. Music

B. General


D. Introductions


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)

B. Mythologies

C. Christianity

D. Islam


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.

B. Point out their flaws.

C. Ignore it.

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.

B. It's pretty cool.

C. Meh...

D. Dumbest. Demon. Evar.




A = 5 points.

B = 3 Points.

C = 0 Points.

D = -2 Points.


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Guest JoshIcy

[spoiler=Results]Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

C. Japanese


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

B. 6-10


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?



Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?



Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

C. Meh...




I got mostly C. What do I win?

EDIT: 9 Points.

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Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican

B. Italian

C. Japanese

D. Germanic


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death, Black, Folk/Viking, etc.

B. Old School Rap

C. Jazz

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.

B. Sleep.

C. Go to the Homeless Shelter.

D. Commit Suicide.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


C. Spaghetti

D. Vegetables


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5

B. 6-10

C. 11-20

D. 20+


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.

B. Read the invitation, then not go.

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.

D. Go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

A. Music

B. General


D. Introductions


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)

B. Mythologies

C. Christianity

D. Islam

what? all religions have mythologies lol? so yeah...


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.

B. Point out their flaws.

C. Ignore it.

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.

B. It's pretty cool.

C. Meh...

D. Dumbest. Demon. Evar.




I'm 30 pts Eury =]

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[spoiler=test]Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican

B. Italian

C. Japanese

D. Germanic


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death, Black, Folk/Viking, etc.

B. Old School Rap

C. Jazz

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.

B. Sleep.

C. Go to the Homeless Shelter.

D. Commit Suicide.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


C. Spaghetti

D. Vegetables


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5

B. 6-10

C. 11-20

D. 20+


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.

B. Read the invitation, then not go.

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.

D. Go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

A. Music

B. General


D. Introductions


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)

B. Mythologies

C. Christianity

D. Islam


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.

B. Point out their flaws.

C. Ignore it.

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.

B. It's pretty cool.

C. Meh...

D. Dumbest. Demon. Evar.



48/50 brudder

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Imma hop on Dark's bandwagon. ;D


Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican

B. Italian

C. Japanese

D. Germanic


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death' date=' Black, Folk/Viking, etc.[/b']

B. Old School Rap

C. Jazz

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.

B. Sleep.

C. Go to the Homeless Shelter.

D. Commit Suicide.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


C. Spaghetti

D. Vegetables


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5

B. 6-10

C. 11-20

D. 20+


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.

B. Read the invitation, then not go.

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.

D. Go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

A. Music

B. General


D. Introductions


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)

B. Mythologies

C. Christianity

D. Islam


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.

B. Point out their flaws.

C. Ignore it.

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.

B. It's pretty cool.

C. Meh...

D. Dumbest. Demon. Evar.




A = 5 points.

B = 3 Points.

C = 0 Points.

D = -2 Points.



19 D:

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Guest Zeonark

[spoiler=Test]Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican

B. Italian

C. Japanese

D. Germanic


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death, Black, Folk/Viking, etc.

B. Old School Rap

C. Jazz

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.

B. Sleep.

C. Go to the Homeless Shelter.

D. Commit Suicide.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


C. Spaghetti

D. Vegetables


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5

B. 6-10

C. 11-20

D. 20+


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.

B. Read the invitation, then not go.

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.

D. Go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

A. Music

B. General


D. Introductions


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)

B. Mythologies

C. Christianity

D. Islam


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.

B. Point out their flaws.

C. Ignore it.

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.

B. It's pretty cool.

C. Meh...

D. Dumbest. Demon. Evar.




What the hell. I got 20. ._.

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[spoiler=The Test!]

Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

B. Sleep.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?



Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

B. General


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

B. Mythologies


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

C. Meh...



My result is 30. But quite a bit of those options were only because I had no other choice.

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Imma hop on Dark's bandwagon. ;D


Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican

B. Italian

C. Japanese

D. Germanic


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death' date=' Black, Folk/Viking, etc.

[b']B. Old School Rap[/b]

C. Jazz

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.

B. Sleep.

C. Go to the Homeless Shelter.

D. Commit Suicide.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


C. Spaghetti

D. Vegetables


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5

B. 6-10

C. 11-20

D. 20+


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.

B. Read the invitation, then not go.

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.

D. Go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

A. Music

B. General


D. Introductions


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)

B. Mythologies

C. Christianity

D. Islam


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.

B. Point out their flaws.

C. Ignore it.

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.

B. It's pretty cool.

C. Meh...

D. Dumbest. Demon. Evar.




A = 5 points.

B = 3 Points.

C = 0 Points.

D = -2 Points.



Lawl. 31 Pts.

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[spoiler=test]Question 1: What is your favorite type of food?

A. Mexican

B. Italian

C. Japanese

D. Germanic


Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death' date=' Black, Folk/Viking, etc.

B. Old School Rap

C. Jazz

D. Country


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

[b']A[/b]. Play Video Games.

B. Sleep.

C. Go to the Homeless Shelter.

D. Commit Suicide.


Question 4: You have the choice between 4 foods. Which do you choose?

A. Breakfast Foods


C. Spaghetti

D. Vegetables


Question 5: On average, how many true friends do you have?

A. 0-5

B. 6-10

C. 11-20

D. 20+


Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.

B. Read the invitation, then not go.

C. Kindly tell them you don't want to go.

D. Go.


Question 7: What is your favorite section on YCM?

A. Music

B. General


D. Introductions


Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)

B. Mythologies

C. Christianity

D. Islam


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.

B. Point out their flaws.

C. Ignore it.

D. Be nice and kindly point out what is wrong with what they said.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.

B. It's pretty cool.

C. Meh...

D. Dumbest. Demon. Evar.



48/50 brudder


You got 46 ;D

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Question 2: What is your favorite Genre of Music?

A. Metal. Namely Death, Black, Folk/Viking, etc.


Question 3: You have the opportunity to either play Video Games all day, or help a homeless shelter. What do you do?

A. Play Video Games.



Question 6: You are invited to party. What do you do?

A. Ignore the invitation.



Question 8: What religion do find the most interesting out of these?

A. Left Hand Path Religions (Luciferian/Satanism/etc.)


Question 9: When someone says something stupid, what do you do?

A. Laugh and belittle them.


Question 10: Do you like Eurynome? Eurynome = Corpse eating superior Demon; Prince of Death.

A. Hell yes.



Some questions were left out because of the fact that most or all answers were right.

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